nightruimares 032

672 11 62

i tried my best on the title guys don't bully me

rui remembers he brought boba for them (omg rui adhd?!?! js like me fr) they have boba n play minecraft then go to bed and tsukasa has a bad nightmare and a panic attack and is overstimulated (wxs all has autism argue with the wall <3) but anyways rui tries to comfort him but doesn't know what to do bcs tsukasa doesnt want to be touched n yeahhhhh

GUYS have any of u guys seen zaebish_egor's ruikqsa art because OMFG i love their art sm (that's their tt user and i think twitter user too) anyways off to the sssssstttttttooooorrrrrrryyyyyyyyy

3rd person:

<they finished their ginger fired pork>

"Wanna play minecraft?"

"Sure!" Rui and Tsukasa got off the couch and Rui realized he had fully forgotten about the boba he got for Tsukasa.

"Oh hey Tsukasa I got you some boba from the shop downtown on my way here, i totally forgot about that haha," Rui got the two drinks out of the bag and handed Tsukasa a straw and drink.

"Thank you Rui!" Tsukasa happily took the boba and poked a hole for his straw. He gave Rui a kiss on the cheek before he took a sip and went up to his room. Rui followed close behind and the two got their controllers and sat on the floor with their back against the bed.

"I hope you like mango milk tea, I didn't know what to get you because all I knew was you didn't like the jelly,"

"YUCK Don't even mention that VILE thing in my household ever again!"

"The texture does gross me out too if i'm honest, I just don't think as much as you."

"That jelly is just so nastily to me. The slimy texture is enhanced with the tea and its hard to even swallow... ick"

"Don't worry TsuTsu I wouldn't put you through that~" Rui rested his head on Tsukasas shoulder and got minecraft running.

<skipping minecraft bcs while i love minecraft a lot i love angst more :333>

"Ah Ru I'm getting pretty tired," Tsukasa leaned on Rui and yawned.

"Ru~?" Rui saved the game and turned off the console.

"Yeahh do you like it?"

"Any name from you is one i'll cherish forever." Rui kissed Tsukasas head and picked him up to lay him on the bed. "I think I have my own change of clothes somewhere here..."

"Can you pass me my purple star pajama pants and any random shirt?"

"Oh yeah that's the ones I have! I have my matching yellow pants with purple stars :3" Rui tossed Tsukasas pajamas to him and got his own.

"Geez you have horrible memory."

"No, I just have selective memory, I remember useless random things and forget actually important things!"

"That's not a good thing *yawn* Ru" Tsukasa looked at the pajamas in his hands, "Hey you forgot a shir-" Rui took off his own shirt and handed it to Tsukasa.

"Will this one do~"

Tsukasa quickly turned away and covered his eyes, "AH RUI?!"

"Fufu~ Sorry bout that that wasn't me, it was my demons."

"Rui what the actual fu-"

"I'll be changing in the bathroom~" Rui left into the bathroom so change and Tsukasa was just left baffled but eventually he changed too and Rui came out. "So you did wear my shirt hm?"

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