Brightest star in the sky 003

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World Future Star ⭐️ pov:

"We're here Kasa~" Rui snapped me out of thought and let go of my hand. He pulled out the blanket and layed it on the sand then he sat down on it. He looked at me and pat his lap.

"Y-YOU WANT ME TO SIT ON YOUR LAP!!!" I yelled out of shock. I was definitely bright red right now.

"Yes? If you are uncomfortable with that it's okay though." Rui seemed unfazed by my reaction, he was probably used to it by now.

"I uhh," I thought for a second and came to the conclusion that we are alone and no one is watching us so who cares right? (wrong hehe) I sat down on his lap and felt his arms wrap around my waist and his head on my shoulder.

"Fufu~ You're so cute Tsu~" Rui said as he kissed my cheek.

"I- I'm not!!!" I tried to hide my face with my hands but Rui pulled them off and held them.

"Yes you are, you are the cutest most adorable person i've met. Tsukasa Temma I im so deeply in love with you that I would do anything for yo-" Rui was suddenly cut off by a voice in the distance.

"Jesus christ just kiss already gay asses"


"They wouldn't have heard me but they definitely heard you."

"Actually, we can hear both of you." Rui turned to the side of him and saw Saki holding a camera with Ena and Mizuki next to her.

"Shit we've been caught" An says as she grabs Kohone's hand and starts to run off with her. I didn't even see An and Kohone wtf?

"WHY ARE THERE SO MANY PEOPLE HERE!!!" I say as I quickly stand up. "SAKI!? TOYA YOU TOO!?!? EVEN KANADE DAMN HOW LONG HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN HERE!!!" I yell in shock and embarrassment.

"Wait kohones here?" Ichika appeared from behind Saki along with Honami and Shiho.

"Mhm Mafuyu too, we were just a bit bored." Kanade responds and mafuyu just waves.

"Hehe we got a bunch of pics mwuhahahah now I have all the ruikasa blackmail i need," Saki smiled her demolish smile again.

"Aw looks like we have to end our date here :(" Rui looked disappointed as he stoop up. "Unless you all wouldn't mind leaving us be for a few moments until we can go meet you all at i'm assuming Ichika's place right?" I was shocked Rui wasn't surprised, well if he was he didn't show it.

"Ughhh fine but once you guys are done come to Ichi's I wanna play party games!!" Saki turned away and started the short walk back to Ichika's.

"Yeah fine, you better be quick though!" Mizuki took Enas hand and they headed back too. Not long after everyone went back to Ichika's house and the two gays were left alone.

"That was uhm embarrassing," I looked over at Rui who was already looking at me.

"Oh well, let's finish our date shall we?" Rui layed down on the blanket and I layed down next to him.

"The stars are gorgeous" Rui and I were holding hands and laying close to each other. I was so happy to be with him.

"None of them are as pretty as the one next to me~ boy am I lucky to have the worlds prettiest star as a boyfriend," Rui looked over at my pink face and I turned to him.

"God do you have a line for everything I swear you never fail to flirt with me," Honestly I wish I was that good at flirting. Maybe I should try sometime? I'm sure it can't end up that bad. (it will be that bad)

"Of course I do, i've been fantasizing dating you for years now and i've imagined thousands of pick up lines," I couldn't tell if he was joking or not I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't. He's told me crazier things than that. "Hey Kasa can you lay on my lap while I braid your hair?" Rui sat up as he said this.

"Uh sure I guess?" I moved my head to be on his lap and he started combing through it with his fingers. I felt him play with it a bit more before making a small braid on the front side of my hair. (kinda like ena's yk)

"Check it out!!" Rui pulled out his phone camera and handed it to me very proud of his work. I went to touch the braid in my hair as I looked at it.

"It's so pretty Rui!!" I say as I sit up still admiring Rui's work.

"Fufu~ thank you Tsu. Do you mind if I take a few pictures?" Rui smiled and took his phone back from me.

"Go ahead!" I strike a few poses for him. He just smiles and takes the pictures. "Can we get a selfie?" I take out my phone because I want to have more pictures of Rui and I. What can I say I'm a simp for this gay ass dude.

"Of course love," I move my face right next to Rui's and take some pictures. "Can you send those to me Kasa?"

"Yep! I'll send them to you right now" I go to send the pictures and accidentally missclick.
"Oh shit."

"What is it darling?" Rui looks over at my phone and sees what I did. "Oh well as if they don't already have a thousand pictures of us" He shrugs and puts his arm on me.

"I guess there's no use in deleting them. Looks like Mizuki, Ena, Saki, and An already saved it." I was still a bit embarrassed but oh well. "Shall we head over to Ichika's?" I ask.

"Sure just one thing before we leave," Rui pulls me close and kisses me. Just a peck on the lips the the unexpected aspect got me a really flustered. "Let's go~" Rui gets up and helps me up. I get the blanket and Rui and I walk off holding hands.


Sorry this one's a bit shorter than usual but I wanted to end it here so I could write the gc's reactions heheh. Until next time byee!

(1045 words)

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