Sleepover 008

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3rd person (again):

"So do you have anything you want to do Rui?" Tsukasa asked as he pet Tsuki.

"Yeah actually I just remembered yesterday when you were crying in class, I never found out why you were crying because you fell asleep. So if you wouldn't mind, I just want to be able to make sure you never have to feel like that again. I never want you to cry Tsu." Rui layed his head on Tsukasas that was still on his shoulder.

Tsukasa was quiet for a second before he spoke. "Yeah thats fine, uh sorry if I stutter or cry at all uh I just haven't really told anyone yet so..."

Rui held Tsukasas hand with his. "You dont have to worry about it right now if you dont want to. I'll wait until you are comfortable for you to tell me. Dont feel pressured to say anything you dont want to love."

"No, I'll tell you now just, promise to say something about yourself after? I dont want to just take up your time without you sharing something too you know?"

"Of course, I'll tell you anything you want to know. All you have to do is ask." Rui gave Tsukasa a kiss on the forehead and Tsukasa calmed down a bit.

"Okay, here goes nothing I guess haha. Well I guess that day when those kids were making fun of me it just hit a soft spot in me because that day I already had some things on my mind and I just got uh a bit hurt and it was hard to keep it in. And its just when you came in and saw me I didnt want to be a burden on you and make you have to take care of me when you could be having fun with your friend you know. I dont want anyone to have to feel worse or bad about themself not being able help me when I wouldn't have even let them know I was hurt in the first place if that makes sense. I dont know why but Im never really able to show myself to anyone and when my walls are broken down and someone sees how I really feel after they left me especially I feel bad that they might feel any pity for me that I dont deserve. When you came in and saw me crying I felt especially horrible that someone I care about so much has to be burdened by my dumbass making a scene and being overdramatic over some random bullies words." Rui gave Tsukasa a huge hug and kissed his cheek.

"Darling, never feel bad for getting help. You don't need to have a good reason to want comfort. Im always here for you if your feelings are ever hurt and if you ever need a shoulder to cry on. I would much rather see you cry than see you hold your feelings back. You dont have to keep your feelings bottled up to yourself. If you do you will never be able to heal." Tsuki moved over to the side of Tsukasa so she wouldn't be squished by Rui's hug. Tsukasa has started crying quite a bit by now.

"Thank you Rui. You have no idea how much those words mean to me. I really am the luckiest boy in the world to have you as my boyfriend." Tsukasa hugged Rui back and tucked his face into his shoulder a bit.

"Tsukasa never forget that you aren't a burden to me. You are just the opposite, your presence makes me a better person. And I truly believe that." Tsukasa just hugged Rui tighter in response. The two stayed like that for a few minutes before Tsukasa stopped crying and pulled away.

"Thank you Rui, I dont know what I did to deserve such an amazing boyfriend but I truly love you and feel so much better around you." Tsukasa smiled and kissed Rui, Rui obviously kissed back and they parted when they ran out of breath.

"Sooooo I was promised cuddles earlier after I was harassed by vegetables"

"Oh I guess so," Tsukasa smiled and Rui basically tackled him into a hug which got them both laying down on the bed. "Gh- Rui your crushing me!"

"Awww but its comfyyyyy," Rui tightened his grip on Tsukasa. Tsukasa just sighed and wrapped his arms around Rui.

"Fine.. But only because I promised cuddles!! Its not like i like you crushing me or anything... Got it!?"

"Awe TsuTsu likes when I lay on him?"


"Fufu~ alright then, whatever you say~" They heard a knock on Rui's door. "Who is it?"

"Its just me! I made you some cook-" Rui's mom says as she opens the door. "Oh am I interrupting something?"

Tsukasas head shot back and forth between Rui and his mom and his hands were quickly taken off Rui.

"No you're fine mom! Just set the on my desk please. Thank you for the cookies!"

"Of course sweetie, dont stay up too late, alright?" Rui's mom said as she set down the plate of cookies.

"We wont dont worry mom, see you tomorrow, love you!" Tsukasa was still just laying there with his mouth wide open.

"Love you too honey! And I know how teens are so dont do anything dumb especially without protection. I am literally in the other room and i do NOT want to hear that." Rui smiled and nodded.

"WHAF EW NO NEVER GROSS NOT HERE OR ANYWHERE HAHAHD DJSHSISGIS..." More Tsukasa freak out noises were heard and Rui just giggled.

"Dont worry mom im not that dumb,"

"Alright night hun," With that Rui's mom left and closed the door. Tsukasa was still freaking out quite a bit.

"Love," Rui took one of his hands and held Tsukasas face. Tsukasa stopped and just stared at Rui with gay panick. "Tsu dont worry my mom is one of the most laid back parents you will ever meet. She doesnt care what I do as long as its not illegal or hurts me."

"Yeah but what if she tells my mom and if my mom found out I was dating a man she would freak out and what if my mom doesnt let me talk to you anymore I dont want to loose you I cant loose you you mean the world to me I-" Tsukasa felt tears stream down his face which Rui wiped away with his thumbs and sat up next to Tsukasa. He pulled Tsukasa on his lap and hugged him. "I just dont want to loose you Rui."

"Its ok Tsu, I promise I wont let anyone or anything tale you away from me. My mom wouldn't out you like that. Its just not who she is. I can tell my mom not to tell yours if it makes you feel any better too," Rui rubbed Tsukasas back as Tsukasa slowly stopped crying.

"I would like that, thank you." Tsukasa pulled away from Rui's shoulder and Rui wiped away any remaining tears from Tsukasas face then gave Tsukasa a small kiss on the lips.

"That ones for being adorable," Rui planted another kiss on Tsukasas cheek. "That one is for being beutiful," Rui gave Tsukasa another kiss on his other cheek. "That ones for being handsome," Rui kept giving Tsukasa kisses all over his face with random reasons for each of them. "Aaaanddd, this one is for being alive," Rui gave Tsukasa a big fat kiss on the lips.

Tsukasa sat there for a second practically with hearts in his eyes at that point, blushing deep red all over his face, ears, and the back of his neck. "Rui! Did you really just spend the last half an hour giving me 53 kisses?!?!?"

"You counted? Im flattered that you appreciated them so much~" Rui smiled and wrapped his arms around Tsukasas neck.

Tsukasa covered his face with his hands and tried to calm himself down from all the butterflies that felt like they were doing a marathon in Tsukasas stomach. Rui just pulled Tsukasas hands off his face and smiled.

"Fufu~ I can do more if you want, thats not even half of the reasons I love you,"

"N-nope thats enough for now hahahah,"

"Hehe alright, are you tired?"

"Not very hmm lets play a game!!"

"Thats a great Idea, do you have any game in mind?"

"Uh not really, oh also do you have any pajama pants I can borrow? These ones are a little uncomfortable."

"Of course lemme go check my closet,"


I didnt know where to stop this also its kinda boring but oh well. Can yall guess what the upcoming angst is ;)

(1461 words)

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