Goodmorning my Love 002

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Rui pov:

I sat there with an adorable sleeping Tsukasa on my lap. I was still baffled that he liked me back after all this time of liking him I could've told him sooner and we'd be dating but whatever 😒. I'm snapped out of my trance when I realized we are still in school. I didn't want to wake Tsukasa but I can't keep us here because they close the doors and as much as I'd like to stay like this forever I don't want to stay the night at school.

I gently get the sleeping star off me and stand up. Once I grab my phone I bend down and grab Tsukasa. He was surprisingly light so I could carry him with ease. I grabbed Tsukasas bag and my bag and head home. I knew Tsukasas house was closer to the school than mine so I decided to take him home. It was only a five minute walk and I knocked on the door.

Saki opened the door and looked right at me with an evil smirk

(i got the pic from another ruikasa fic but i don't remember which one)

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(i got the pic from another ruikasa fic but i don't remember which one)

"Hi Rui, I see you have my brother in your arms bridal style hehe" Saki giggled and let me in. "You know where Tsukasas room is and you're welcome to stay as long as you want you want!" She was back to her normal expressions but I still wondered why her smile was so sinister when she let me in. Oh well I guess I'll never know. I have a sleeping Tsukasa to take care of after all!

"Fufu~" Remembering that my crush... wait would he be my... boyfriend? We did kiss, twice. Hmm I guess I'll ask Tsu when he awakes. I set the tired star down on his bed and put his blanket over him. Soon after I got Tsukasa settled I went under the blanket in bed next to him. I checked my phone and looked through talk the messages I had from the gc. When i went far enough up I saw the pictures Mizuki took of Kasa and I.

"Fufu~ so cute..." I mumble as I save them and turn off my phone. I go down next to Tsukasa and hug him from behind. "Goodnight my star," I give Tsukasa a kiss on the back of his head. (they r spooning <33) I then close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Saki pov:

Hmm i'll go check on Tsukasa and his hehe "friend". I look up from the living room and see purple and orange hair together. Hehehe i'm getting a pic for the gc. I go up and crack open Tsukasas door and see Rui cuddled up on Tsukasa. I snap a few pictures and close the door. Running off and sending all the pics to the gc.

Tsukasa pov:

I open my eyes and see my room, my window and the night sky. I try to sit up but quickly realized there was a weight on my waist. When I tried to move the grip just got tighter.

"Mmh~, Kasa?" A familiar voice speaks from behind me. I turn to see Rui. WAIT RUI? HOW DID HE GET IN MY BED!?!? Right then I remembered how I fell asleep. And the kisses. I quickly shoot up. Rui's death grip didn't stop me as I looked down at him. He just stared back at me confused. "What's up Tsu-Tsu?"
'Tsu-Tsu' that's a new one.

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