Popipo 007

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-small skip of meiko and kaito fighting-(rin, len, and Luka appeared idk how dont ask)

imma start doing the thing where there are fonts for dif ppl so (Tsukasa, Rui, Emu, Nene, Miku, Rin, Len, luka, meiko, and kaito will just be said bcs im running out lol)

No pov:

"Okay so now that everyone's here shall we get started?"

Yes! What should we do for out next show?"

"Ooh what if we did Popipo???"

"Popipo? Ive never heard that song,"

"moments before disaster"

"Then Ill song it for you!"

-skip to song end-

Rui is laying on the ground in tears in fetal position with Tsukasa hugging him, petting his hair, and telling him its ok.


"Shhh, Its just a long love,"



"Yeah, len, aren't they the cutest?"

"NO FAIRR!!!" Len pulled out 1000 yen and handed it to Rin.

"So do all the vocaloids make bets on the band members being gay or...?"

Various nods, hums, and 'yeah's were heard from all the vocaloids.

"Damn okay,"

"I mean Its a good way to make money even if the moneys worthless to us,"

"Yeah its just fun to joke around!"

Rin and Miku started giggling a bit.

"Whats so funny?"


"Yep, hehe, dont worry about it!"

"Whats so funny!!!"

Kaito Meiko and Luka were giggling now too.


"Im quite curious now too,"

"Here come closer"

Rui leaned his ear to Rin and she whispered something. Immediately after Rui was clearly holding back laughing.

"I dont get it whats so funny!!!"

Rui whispered to Tsukasa who giggled and whispered to Nene and Emu. Everyone was covering their mouths to keep from laughing exept Len.

"Okay seriously whats going on?!?"

(I have no clue how the vs work in cannon but in this all the vocaloids know all the ppl in sekai and can travel between them and also go to spend time w/ other vocaloids)

"Pfft, Its just Len, my dear brother. We have made bets on everyone in sekai and you were right with one couple,"

"H-Hey!! In my defense you always bet first!!"

"Yes, but you are always so confident on your choice and you're always wrong,"

"Hey! I was right with my bet with Kaito on you and Miku!!"

"Well im MY defense I was always spending time with me HUSBAND and not Rin or Miku," Kaito says as he crosses his arms.

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