Icecreamkasa 029

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sooo i was about to name this 'creamykasa' but uh i think you can see what's wrong with that... anyways...

Ruikasa gets icecream bcs yes also tw theres a mention of tsucaca starving himself also tsukasas dad is a little transphobic bitch ahhh soo if you get triggered by things like that skip this chap

<March 25th 2024>
(After WxS practice)

"Bye Tsukasa! Bye Rui! Bye Nene!" Emu waved with both her arms before kissing Nene on the forehead and leaving.

"Bye emu!"

"See you tomorrow,"


Rui turned back to Nene, "Ah I can't walk home today, I'm going on a date with my star~!"

"I know. I was there when you asked him. You don't need to be gay rn."

"Well I'm sorry for having a boyfriend that I love dearly," Rui leaned on Tsukasa and wrapped his arms around the blond's neck and started planting a few kisses on Tsukasa's flushed cheeks.

"You guys are single handedly making me homophobic. Bye."

"Awe Nene are we too much for you~?" Rui picked up Tsukasa like he was his bride and kissed him again.

"Fuck you."

"I think we've established that I would rather have this-"

"Yeah yeah your horny ass wants to be fucked by Tsukasa i'm out of here literally kys."

"That's not very nice~" Nene just walked away and Rui shrugged and went back to kissing a stunned Tsukasa's bright red face. "Wanna go get icecream Tsu?" Rui set Tsukasa down.

"Sure!" Tsukasa smiled bright and took Rui's hand, trying his best to ignore Rui and Nenes words before. "I'm pretty surprised you actually set me down this time."

"Oh do you want me to pick you bac-"

"Nope! I'm good!"

"Awe alright," Tsukasa and Rui went up to the icecream stand. "I'll get a vanilla cake cone with chocolate drizzle and a chocolate cake cone."

"Alright here are your cones," The worker gave the two their cones and went to the register, "That'll be ¥400"

"Oh I can-" Tsukasa dive into his pocket to get money but Rui stopped him.

"No, no I'm paying," Rui got out the money and gave it to the worker.

"Thank you, have a nice day!"

"Thank you!" Rui and Tsukasa waved and went under a cherry tree to have their ice cream.

"Hey Rui how did you know what my favorite ice cream flavor is? I don't remember ever telling you."

"Ah! A year or two ago we went to that ice cream shop with Nene and Emu too. I just remembered I guess haha,"

"A year ago... away that's before we were even dating!"


"How long have you had a crush on me? Do you write things down about me?"

"To answer the first question, since basically forever. And the other, no, I just like to remember things about you."

"Now I feel bad for not remembering yours..."

"No don't! You shouldn't have to remember everything, I know your memory isn't the best too,"


"Fufu~ I don't mind, really."

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