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i lub him.


"TsuTsu!!!!" Tsukasa shot up in bed when his beauty sleep was interrupted by some weirdo with purple hair.

Tsukasa looked left and right scared from being so abruptly awakened. "AH WHAT?! Oh, good morning Rui!" Tsukasa's posture softened when he realized it was just his crazy boyfriend jumping on his bed.

Rui smiled and laid on Tsukasa's lap. "Guess what today is~" Rui said as he reached his hands up to play with Tsukasa's hair.


"Tsukasa Tenma. You're joking. 17th of May??? Ring any bells?" Rui took his hands off Tsukasa's hair to stand himself slightly up with his arms.

"It's my birthday!"

Rui let out a slight chuckle, "Mhm~ And you know what that means right?" Rui sat himself up to be basically straddling Tsukasa with his legs wrapped around Tsukasa's waist (not like that u pervs.) and arms wrapped around Tsukasa's neck.

"Uhhh cake?" Tsukasa said trying his best to focus without his stupid brain being annoying.

"It means I get to spoil my handsome star all I want~" Rui booped Tsukasa on the nose and smiled before leaning in for a kiss. "Now let's get ready hm? I have some plans I think you'll like set up for today~"

"Are you shooting me out of a cannon?"

"Awe Tsutsu do you not trust me fufu~" Rui giggled a bit before he got off Tsukasa so let Tsukasa get ready.

"Hey random question but how did you get in my house?"

Rui stood up and stretched, "I have my ways darling don't question it ok?"

"No no i'm questioning..."

"Don't worry about it~" Rui said with a sly smile.

"Alright then..?," Tsukasa was about to stand when Rui picked him up to carry him.

"A prince doesn't do anything himself when it's his special day hm? I would be a horrible boyfriend if I allowed you to do such a hard task like walking on the one day a year I get to pamper you and treat you like the royalty you are wouldn't I~?"

Tsukasa looked away in embarrassment as blush formed on his cheeks. "I suppose ehe..." Rui smiled and kissed Tsukasa's forehead before he brought Tsukasa into the bathroom and set him down on the counter.

"Wait here, Mizuki made you a special birthday outfit lemme go grab it."

"Birthday outfit they really didn't have t- RUI?!" Rui had already dashed out when Tsukasa tried to speak.

After a very short while Rui came back with an outfit just for the star himself, Tsukasa Tenma. (insert a really awesome and cool description of Tsukasa's bday fit from this year's card that i definitely have the patience and motivation to write)

"Tadaaa!" Rui showcased the outfit to Tsukasa, showing him the front and back and small little details he requested himself. "And here there's an emerald because it's May's birthstone! And on the bottoms there are little suns because you're the brightest star in the solar system! And here-"

"Ok ok enough just come here and kiss me already!" Tsukasa put his arms out and closed his eyes trying to ignore the bold move he'd just done.

"Eh?" Rui set down Tsukasa's clothes next to Tsukasa and smiled at his usually easily flustered and shy (about romantic stuff) boyfriend's statement.

"Tsk you heard me shut up," Tsukasa closed his eyes again and pulled Rui closer to him by his collar. Rui almost didn't have time to react to the kiss but settled quickly. With his eyes still open he admires Tsukasa and his flustered expression he tried to hide but failed horribly.

The two lips parted and it left them both smiling like idiots in love. Rui wrapped his arms around Tsukasa's waist and Tsukasa rested his arms around Rui's neck. "What was that for~?" Rui let out a soft chuckle as he spoke.

"Do I need a reason to kiss such a pretty face? Can I not kiss my boyfriend now that i'm 18?" Tsukasa giggled thinking of how stupid that would be.

"Ah Tsukasa-kun you pedo! How dare you kiss a minor~" Rui teased, still with his stupid starstruck face.

"I am NOT! You're a month younger than me." Tsukasa rolled his eyes.

"Hmm fine. I'll allow it. But only cause you said it so cutely~"

"I did not!"

"Yes you did, you went," Rui let go of Tsukasa and Tsukasa took his arms off Rui. "I am NOT!" Rui made his best Tsukasa impression and was over dramatically doing facial expressions.

"I don't sound like that!"

"Fufu~ Just then you sounded just like what I said, Don't act like I don't know you Tsu~"


Rui chuckled a bit and booped Tsukasa in the nose. "Well I think it's time for the star to get his clothes on hm?"

"Yes!" Tsukasa hopped off the counter and grabbed his clothes then looked at Rui who appeared to have no intent of leaving anytime soon. "Uhm... Rui?"

A few seconds passed of Rui just being zoned out before he finally came back to reality. "Ah yes that's me hi there Tsu."

"Are you gonna..?"

"Hm? Help you change? Sure!" Rui stepped closer to Tsukasa but Tsukasa put his hand out.

"NO when have I ever in the history of the world let you help me change?!"

"Well I figured-"

"If you're not gonna leave at least turn around..."

"Ah yes mr troupe leader!" Rui turned around and stared at the wall. "So does it fit nice? There's a zipper on the back of the shirt so if you need help i'm always-"

"IM FINE! Uhm.. i mean, I'm fine!" Tsukasa said he was fine but he hated to admit that he actually needed help on the zipper. "Actually..."

Rui smiled and turned to face Tsukasa, "Oh you're so handsome already~ "

"Shut up and just zip it!"

Rui couldn't help but laugh at his boyfriend's stubbornness and went to zip up the shirt. "Oh can I tie the bow too? Mizuki taught me how to last night."

"Alright, just let me get it," Tsukasa got the bow from the counter and gave it to Rui.

"Thank you my darling~" Rui tied the bow around Tsukasa's neck and clipped in the emerald. "There! A bow fitting for my lovely star." Rui stood back, proud of his work, and smiled.

"Have I ever told you that you make this stupid beautiful smile when you're proud of something?"

"What? No I don't!"

"Hehe sure, I'll let you believe that," Tsukasa smiled and added some finishing touches and final pieces to his outfit. "How do I look?" Tsukasa did a little spin for Rui.


"Ehe, thanks Rui," Tsukasa hugged Rui tightly. "This has already been the best birthday ever."

"Best? But it hasn't even started yet! Rui hugged him tight again and kissed his forehead (again, like a gayass)

"Ah well I don't have many to compare it to I guess..."

"Nonsense you're 18 after a- ohh. Tsu did you celebrate your birthdays when Saki was in the hospital?"

"Ah asl for the first few I did but after that it didn't really matter that much to me... It was more like a burning reminder it had been another year."

Rui hugged Tsukasa righted and rubbed his back. "We'll starting today your birthdays will be the most fantastic days!"

"I can't wait to spend them all with you." Tsukasa rested his head on Rui's shoulder.

"Me too my star."


ok where i am it's still technically his birthday also tell me if u guys want a part two to this bcs i was originally planning on having this be the whole day but it didn't end up that way-

(1288 words)

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