fRUIty 024

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"Rui... You can put me down now." Rui and Tsukasa were now approaching Rui's house and Tsukasa was still in Rui's arms. Like a newly wed husband and husband on their way home after the ceremony.

"Not a chance~"


"Because I dont want to :3"

"Can't argue with that..."

"Fufu~" Rui smiled and opened the door. Tsukasa quickly covered his red face with his hands when he saw Rui's mom on the couch.

"Welcome home Rui, oh hey Tsukasa!" Rui's mom looked up from her book and waved.

"Hey mom, Tsukasa and I just have some math homework to work on and we'll probably do some practice for the next show but Tsu has to be home before he has family dinner so he won't be staying the night unfortunately," Rui started to take off his shoes with one hand, still holding Tsukasa in the other and somehow not dropping him. When Rui took a hand off Tsukasa Tsukasa quickly took both his hands off his face and wrapped his arms around Rui.

"Ah! Rui if you're gonna keep carrying me like some kind of cat don't drop me!!" Tsukasa clung to Rui as if he was about to fall off some kind of cliff or tall building. (a hospital maybe?!? omori?!?!)

"Fufu~ Sorry about that Tsuki~" Rui kissed Tsukasas head and took off his other shoe. "Want me to take yours off too?"

"Rui. You have to let go of me eventually."

"Oh you're so mean to me Kasa, my poor heart~"

"Rui, I just stated a fact. You can't just keep holding me until the world ends, how would we even do the homework?"

"Easy, you do all of it and i keep hugging you!"

"I am not doing the whole thing just because you missed the instructions while zoning out!!"

"I didn't raise a quitter did I?" Rui's mom added in with a smile and a small giggle, she laughs just like her son. I guess they are related, but who the fuck naturally 'fufu' s?

"Oh fine I'll do the work. But i'm not letting go!" Rui started to take off Tsukasas shoes.

"I can take off shoes myself!" Tsukasa swatted Rui's hand and started taking off his shoes.

"Awe :("

"Tsk, you two have fun. Don't be too loud alright? Oh and Tsukasa your freckles look nice, Rui mentioned something about you covering them. Just know you shouldn't cover anything about yourself just because other people don't like it. It's not good for you to alter yourself for the sake of others and not yourself."

"Aha uh thanks," Tsukasa dropped his shoes and Rui started walking them to his room.

"Love you mom, see you later!"

"Love you sweetie." With that Rui took Tsukasa and him to his room and Rui's mom went back to reading.

Rui closed his door and dropped his beg. Then went to get Tsukasas bad which had been resting of Tsukasas lap the whole time, and set it down on the floor.

"Rui we can't do the homework without the actual work."

"Oh what I can't get a few minutes of kasa cuddles?" Rui leaned into Tsukasa to kiss him and Tsukasa just covered Rui's lips with his hand.

"Nope. I need to get the homework done before I have to go."

"Soooo Kasa cuddles after?"

"Oh fine, but only if we have time! I don't want to me late, a star is never late!"

"Yay!!" Much to Rui's dismay he set Tsukasa down for a few seconds to get their paper but once he went to sit at just desk he took Tsukasa back to sit on his lap.

"Geez you act like we haven't seen each other in forever!"

"I had to spend near a full minute away from my beautiful prince! How am I supposed to do that without wanting more Kasa cuddles hm?" Rui snaked his arms around Tsukasas waist and rested his head on Tsukasas shoulder. "So how do we do this anyways?"

<some hw and Rui having adhd later>

"And that's the last one!" Tsukasa said as he set down his pen.

"Perfect! You're so smart my star~" Rui kissed Tsukasas dark pink cheeks. "Soo Kasa cuddles?"

"Uh... yeah! It's still 3:45 so I can still stay for about an hour or two."

"Yippie!" Rui scooped Tsukasa up and tackled him to the bed.

"GAH-! Rui I need to breathe!!"

"Awe do you really HAVE to? Oh what if I made a machine that made it so you didn't have to breathe so I could cuddle you as aggressively as I want!"

"No! I like breathing!!"

"Oh fine... Hey you don't mind if I pause cuddle time to start on a new robot do you~?"

"Rui! I need to actually breathe!!!"

"No its completely unrelated,"

"Fine then, I'll work on rehearsing." Rui crossed his fingers behind his back, but Tsukasa had no clue. So Rui got up and went to his work station, Tsukasa sat on the bed and got his script out of his bag.

After about fifteen minutes Tsukasa had started to get bored. Really bored. So he just sat there on the bed and stared at his boyfriends tinkering. But eventually that got boring. So he looked around for somethign to do...

Hmm what to do... Oh is that..? I bet Rui wouldn't mind if I tried on his cardigan right..? (yes i'm stealing this from like all those ruikasa art comics where Tsukasa tries on Rui's cardigan while Rui's looking away. I'm not adhered it's fucking adorable. Theyre so skrunkle.)

Tsukasa got up from the bed and went to where Rui's cardigan was hanging from his couch. Rui was too interested in his work that he didn't realize Tsukasa has moved at all, but when Rui turned to go get a part from the other side of his room and was delighted by the sight he was met with.

"Hey Tsuki?" Tsukasa was looking in the mirror, his arm up to his nose smelling Rui's cardigan. When Rui talked he quickly snapped over to look at Rui. "Is that my cardigan~?"

"Oh... uh is it? Haha I had no clue!! Here I'll take it off haha!"

"What? No!! Keep it on you look adorable!"

"Uh, sure..." Tsukasa tried to cover his red face in embarrassment and Rui swore he fell in love with him again. Seeing Tsukasa not only in his cardigan but also with his uncovered freckles made him so happy and fall head over heels.

"Hey hey don't cover your pretty face! It's 10x prettier red anyways~" Rui tried to lift Tsukasas hands from his face put Tsukasa kept them stuck as if they were superglued to his face. "Hmm... How to get those hands off your face... Oh I know! Hey Tsuki what's red, squishy and is a fruit?"

Tsukasa was able to lower his hands a bit so show his face, as it had turned from red to pink. "Uh I don't know? A tomato?"

"Nope! You!"

"What?! I'm not a fruit!"

"I am :3"


"Fufu :3"

How the fuck did i not know Rui cannonically lives in the garage. I thought it was just smth ppl did. in fics to be silly. Oh well let's pretend he has a normal room bcs i don't wanna go back

(1226 words)

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