Kasa Kissies 022

772 8 79

a/n: i'm making it one bit fic :)

No pov/ 3rd person:

<December 5th, 2023>


Tsuki: Hey Ruru!!!

Me: Yes my star?

Tsuki: Can we meet up before school earlier tomorrow?

Me: Sure! How does 6:30 sound?

Tsuki: Perfect!! See you then!!

Me: See you then love, goodnight my star

Tsuki: Goodnight Ruru!!

<next morning>

"Rui!! Ruru!!! Hey!! Guess what today is?!?!" Tsukasa said when he got to their meetup spot on the way to school.

"Hm? What day is it today?" Rui said as the two started walking hand in hand.

"Guess guess!!"

"Uhm is it presidents' day or something?"

"Nopeee!! Try again,"

"I can't think of anything special about December fifth... What is it Tsuki?"

"We've been together for 6 months!!! Can you believe it!?!?"

"Why wouldn't I? How could I ever leave someone as precious as my star~ I just can't get enough of you!" Rui turned to Tsukasa and poked his cheek.


"Fufu~ Well do you want my gift now or later?"

"You have a gift? I thought you forgot!"

"How could I forget an important day like today?"

"Well you acted like it!"

"Mhm I did, so do you want it now or..?"

"Sure! I have mine ready too, wanna go over to that bench?" Tsukasa pointed over to a bench facing a small lake.

"Perfect~!" Tsukasa took Rui's hand and led him over to the bench where the two sat down.

"Can you give me mine first?" Tsukasa said as he got out a small bag and a card. Rui got out a medium sized bag.

"Sure! Here you go, I hope you like it~" Rui handed Tsukasa the light yellow bag and Tsukasa took is happily. He took off the tissue paper and took out the present inside.

"Oh my god Rui it's so cute!!" Tsukasa held out the mini robo-rui and looked at it.

"Thank you! And if you push down on his head it plays a message!" Rui pointed to robo-rui's head and Tsukasa pushed it.

"I love you Tsuki!!!" The robots voice box played.

"Aw, thanks robo-rui! I love you too!" Tsukasa went down and kissed the robots head.

"Hey wait I want one too!!!"

"But that one was for robo-rui. What are you jealous~?" Tsukasa teasingly said as he lifted his face away from robo-rui.

"Yeah!! I wanna Kasa kissies!! Maybe I shouldn't have made that robot..."

"What!? No!! I love it!!"

"Then why didn't I get any Kasa kissies!!!" Rui slumped down and wined.

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