Sleepy thoughts 009

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yall i can't think of anything to name these chapters help

3rd person again:

Rui went over to his closet to search for pants that wouldn't fall off Tsukasa. And Tsukasa was just sitting on the edge of Rui's bed and swinging his legs.

"Aha! Here you go dear," Rui handed a pair of purple and black plaid pants to Tsukasa.

"Thank you! Ill be right back," Tsukasa went into the bathroom attached to Rui's room and Rui went to pet Tsuki but realized she wasnt on the bed. Rui searched all around his room and Tsukasa was soon out of the bathroom.

"Was Tsuki in there by chance?"

"Hm? No why do you ask?"

"I dont see her around, im gonna go check if shes with my mom," With that Rui left to go to the living room. "Hey mom have you seen Tsuki?"

"Hm? Oh yeah shes here with me dont worry." Rui saw Tsuki laying on the blanket next to his mom.

"Oh good I was worried she was hiding somewhere in my room and I wanted to make sure she didnt find any small parts to choke on."

"Dont worry shes fine, but you should really clean your room you know."

"Yeah yeah I know, oh and one more thing. About Tsukasa and I, can you make sure you don't tell his mom. She is very hmm how do I put it, old fashioned I guess. If she found out well, things wouldn't be great for Tsukasa."

"I understand, it's a shame there are people like that still these days."

"Seriously it's descusting, anyways I'm glad Tsuki is okay. Love you mom goodnight."

"Love you too."

With that Rui's mom went back to reading her book and Rui went back to his room. He was greeted by Tsukasa laying face down on his bed inspecting the stitches on the Tsukasa plush.

"Whatcha doin' hun?"

"Hun? You make it sound like we're an old married couple," Tsukasa lifted his head to look at Rui.

"Is there a problem with that?" Rui smiled and ruffled Tsukasas hair a bit, "What if we never are able to become an old married couple. Then we will have missed out on acting like one now." Rui came next to Tsukasa and layed next to him.

"I guess you're right. But I like the idea that we will be able to go through every stage you know? The awkward phase where we are embarrassed to even hold hands, the stage where you get more comfortable being in public, and when we grow up and get married, growing old and bickering constantly but still loving eachother. I don't know it's just a dream of mine i guess haha." Tsukasa leaned into Rui and fidgeted with the plush.

"I would love to grow old with you Tsu, I just never know who is going to stay and who will leave. I don't want to rely on staying with someone forever and for them to just... leave." Rui leaned into Tsukasa.

"Rui, I won't leave you. I promise. You mean the world to me and I wouldn't trade you for anything." Rui smiled and pinched Tsukasas cheeks and smiled.

"Fufu~ You're so cute TsuTsu. I won't leave you either." Rui gave Tsukasa a kiss on the cheek and rested his head on his.

"Off topic but do you mind if I teach you some about sewing sometime?" Tsukasa pointed out a loose thread on the plush, "I can teach you how to keep the thread from ending it hidden. It'll look store bought by the time we're done!"

"I didn't know you knew how to sew Tsukasa, I only know a bit from what Mizuki taught me a few years back."

"Oh haha I just sew a bit in my free time. I'll show you some things I've made next time we go to my place!" Tsukasa was visibly happier when talking about sewing.

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