Woof 021

732 7 112


3rd person/ no one:

<September 9th, 2023>


"Hey my lovely beautiful handsome stunning gorgeous dashing pretty star could you do me a little tiny favor?????" Rui leaned into Tsukasas shoulder.


"Yesss?" Rui looked up at Tsukasa and batted his eyelashes.

Tsukasas face went bright red "God damn it fine take it." Tsukasa squeezed his eyelids shut and shoved his lunch over to Rui.

"Yay! Thank you Tsuki!!" Rui got off Tsukasa and gave him a few kisses on his cheek.

"Oh just eat it i don't care!!"

"Alrighty thank you again love~" Rui handed Tsukasa his lunch and grabbed his pair of chopsticks. "Mind if I??" Rui got some of the vegetables from his old lunch and neared his chopsticks to Tsukasa. Tsukasa jolted up a bit and opened his mouth.

Tsukasa finished chewing his food before speaking "Hey what was that for?"

"What I can't feed my boyfriend?"

"Not out of no where like that!!!"

"Aw ok, well you can feed me back to get revenge then right?"

"Pfft you're trying to make me do it! I'm not gonna feed you as revenge ha!!"

"Aw man you saw right through me huh?"

"Of course!! This future star is amazing at seeing through people!!!"

(Tsukasa, Rui, Nene)


"What?!! I'm not a lier!!"

"Yeah be nice to the little star he's trying his best!"


"Mhm what about when Rui was literally head over heels for you for like two years and yo were surprised he liked you? You're literally the densest person i know. And that says a lot because I've met Akito."

"I- I obviously knew Rui liked me haha!! I just hid it because i'm such an amazing actor!!"

"Mmm you're such a great actor Tsuki~" Rui laid on Tsukasas shoulder and started playing with his strawberry and blonde hair, fiddling around with the purple cat clip a bit.

"Bleh I think I just turned homophobic." Nene shuddered a bit. She had a face of absolute disgust.

"What are you jealous your girlfriend isn't here for you to do this?" Rui gave Tsukasa a kiss on the lips and went back to laying on his shoulder.

"I think i'm gonna fucking hurl. I'm leaving wonderland x showtime fuck you." Nene stood up and started walking away.


"Oh well," Rui hugged Tsukasa, "More Tsukasa Rui alone time for mee~~"

"Rui! Have you lost your mind?!? Nene just left Wonderland x Showtime!!!"

"Tsuki, love, it was a joke." Rui looked over to Tsukasa and he blushed in embarrassment.


"It's alright! Hey want me to feed you to make you feel better?" Rui got off Tsukasa as he spoke and got some of his food on his chopsticks. Tsukasa just opened his mouth and Rui fed him.

<a bit of feeding each other and gayness later>


"Awe we have to leave :(((" Tsukasa said as he packed his lunch up.

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