Happy one year ✨

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It's been a while...

Haiiiii :333 (this isn't me picking this fic back up just so no one gets false hope this is a special event and a little treat for you so ENJOY IT. or don't love u mwahhh)

I wrote like half of a completely different idea then scrapped it before writing this so enjoy and feel bad for me (i literally do this as a hobby for fun don't feel bad)


"Tsu~~" Rui opened the door to Tsukasa's house with an up to no good look on his face. Tsukasa looked over the balcony to see his boyfriend and beamed.

"Rui! I didn't know you were coming over today!" Tsukasa went down the stairs so fast he nearly fell down, he continued his speed walking until he made it to Rui and hugged him as if they hadn't seen eachother in ages. (it had been less than 12 hours) The two shared a 'welcome back' kiss and Tsukasa went back on his heels since he had lifted them to kiss the other. Tsukasa's attention was drawn to the bag Rui had come in with. "Why'd you bring a bag? You have your own clothes and such here."

"Fufu~ inside the bag is a surprise~" (dear god i forgot what it felt like writing this bastard's dialogue) Rui smirked and winked at Tsukasa before heading up to the ladder's room. Tsukasa rolled his eyes and followed, all too used to his boyfriend's strange antics.

Tsukasa couldn't help but giggle at the number of times something like this had happened, smiling fondly at Rui, "What is it this time hm? Another time machine maybe? Or perhaps a new robot for our shows?" The two made it up the stairs and Tsukasa leaned against the railing as he watched Rui set up his invention.

"Hmm you were closer with the first guess~" Rui put together a few pieces of what looked like nonsense robot parts to Tsukasa and within a few moments he stepped back and made a big show of revealing it. "Voila~"

"Woahh it's bigger than your last invention!" Tsukasa looked at the machine in awe, he got used to seeing machines he could never even dream of making but this one stuck out. "What is it?" Tsukasa knew this question would lead to some nonsense rambling about how it works and how Rui had made it but in all honesty it was his favorite part of having Rui showcase inventions.

Rui had a stupidly excited smile on his face when he was about to start his presentation on that this device does and how it works and what not. Nothing Tsukasa even tried to comprehend but it was fun to just thoughtlessly stare at Rui. "So I was thinking one day about how strange Sekai is, you see we just get taken there when we play that song on one of our phones and that's what made me think, what if I made a full time running portal to Sekai! That's what lead me to make this see I took..." Details on how the machine was made followed his captivating introduction. Tsukasa just stared at him with what could probably be considered the most loving eyes ever made. "And that's basically it, pretty neat yeah?"

Tsukasa was taken back to reality with the ending of Rui's presentation, finally having more than one brain cell operating. "It's so cool my love, I'm assuming you came here for me to test it?"

"Spot on, you're so clever Tsu~" Rui said with a wink and lead Tsukasa over to the entrance to the machine. "This is where you get in, to go to sekai you just flip this switch it's as simple as that."

"And no dangers?"

"None~ you know I would never put my dearest star in any danger~"

"You... you shot me out of a cannon." Tsukasa was in absolute disbelief Rui could say something like that knowing all the things Tsukasa had tested, especially back in the day before Rui really got big on safety.

"That was so~oo long ago Tsu~" (i forgot how untrustable this guy is with his dialogue)

"Oh whatever alright alright I'll get in the thing," Tsukasa gave up on the whole resisting thing and started walking towards the machine.

Rui smiled largely, "Yay! I knew you'd come around, it should only take the normal amount of time to get in sekai and there still will be that signature blinding light when you start going. When you get in Sekai though I will be already in there to greet you when you come,"

Tsukasa climbed into it and looked at the switch that takes him to Sekai, "Alright. Then I'll, uh, see you soon?"

"Yep, ta taa~" Rui blew him a kiss as Tsukasa flipped the switch, he was blinded by the familiar light in a matter of moments and a few seconds after that he was in Sekai. Just like he had promised, Rui was right there when he came in, behind him was... decorations?

"Surprise!! Happy one year anniversary Tsu," Rui grinned and pulled a party popper, streamers came out of the small toy and Tsukasa smiled. How could he have forgotten such an important day for the two? Tsukasa quickly went up to Rui and squeezed him tightly.

"I can't even believe it forgot I'm so sorry I should've gotten you a present!" Tsukasa mentally punched himself for forgetting.

Rui just held him tight and smiled, "Your presence is all I need my lovely star~" The purple punctuated his sentence with a small giggle, his heart flying thinking of all the time they've spent together already. "Not let's have some cake yeah?"



And doneeeee

writing this felt so weird like it feels like it's been so long but also not long at all since i first wrote this series it's pretty bonkers anyways toodles probably for realizes this time <3

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