Episode: One, part 1.

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Smells blood by Kensuke Ushio♪God can't stop me, we are comingYou are one of us, rememberGod can't stop me, we are comingYou are one of us, remember♪(key: Bold = chosen first language, excluding english)~

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Smells blood by Kensuke Ushio

God can't stop me, we are coming
You are one of us, remember
God can't stop me, we are coming
You are one of us, remember

(key: Bold = chosen first language, excluding english)

"how long do you think we'll be in here for?" Ellie asked me, "God knows. took me 3 years to escape last time." i replied "3 years!? same people?" she asked another question.
"no. FEDRA. took me in after outbreak" i growled, part of my accent coming through on my tone.

getting up when the door opened, chains rattling beside me. The same lady as usual walked in and Ellie as usual, kicked her tray towards the lady.
"count slowly and clearly from one to ten." the lady asked, Ellie proceeded to count quickly being cut off by being asked the same command. "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, fuck, you." she finished with her middle finger up making me scoff, earning a glare from the lady. "and hold out your-" the lady cut herself off by looking up at Ellie who already had her arm out, "State your name.", "Veronica. same as yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, and the-" Ellie was cut off by the lady "And you." she asked turning towards me. "X." i reply "X, the wanted killer with a high price on his head. happy?" i asked. she turned around and started walking out. "Hay people are gonna come looking for me. people from FEDRA do you hear me? LET ME OUT OR YOUR GONNA PAY MOTHER FUCKERS!" the door closed. "IM NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE." she finished. "Fucking child." i said "the fuck did you just say?" she asked, i shrugged in response.


Ellie tugged at her chains over and over again trying to break them, "Kid that ain't gonna work." i said calmly still in the same position as before. "ugh.." she said leaning her head back, a few drops of rain landed on her face "ARGH! you fucker!" she shouted. "be quiet will you?" i asked, "Yeah yeah whatever." she replied.
the door opened and Ellie out of habit started counting "X, here's your shit." Marlene said walking towards me and throwing my bag at me. "You are to wait outside. no funny business or you will be shot." she stated taking my cuff off, "Good luck to your men then." i said with a smirk, slinging putting my backpack on one arm and leaving. "Hello boys." i said with a smirk, with no response i roll my eyes "Robots." i say under my breath.

a few minutes later Marlene exits the room. "X, i have a task for you. if you don't comply then i will turn you in." she says plainly "Anything but FEDRA please." i say, "You will be protecting Ellie, Making sure that she stays safe." she states. "Fair. she obviously needs to get somewhere, where?" i ask, "that i will tell you in a minute, keep door guard from the inside. you two follow me." she says before walking away with the guards, i enter the room again and search my bag through emptying it and reorganising it

"Knife, check" i say putting it in my knife holder on my thigh "Dagger, check." , "Gun, check." i put the gun in my gun belt "notebook and pen, Check", "Water, double check. Ellie i have an extra water bottle for when you need one." i say earring a "cool" from Ellie, "Sandwich? Awesome" i say "ok.. water bottles to the right, coat to the left, sketchbook in the back, sandwich beside the water-bottle and Dagger in my gun belt." i say putting my stuff back in and zipping the bag up. The sound of gunshots started outside i immediately jumped up swinging my backpack round one arm and pulling out my gun just incase, i backed up a bit and held my gun towards the door.

"what's going on?" Ellie asked, "I don't know but you're safe with me." i reply. after a bit the shooting stopped both me and Ellie relaxing, "Should we check on Marlene?" Ellie asked, "No. we're staying here, we'll wait for her to come to us." i answered, "ok" she breathed out.


I could hear voices from outside, grunting and questioning. before i could think of what was happening, Ellie barged past me and out the door only to be thrown to the wall on the other side of the hall. the guy pointed his gun at her, i pointed mine at his.
"Gun away from the kid sir." i say harshly. His head whipping round to see me, "X, stand down." Marlene said, ignoring her i keep my eyes on the man who was now making sure Ellie couldn't get her flip knife. "X?" The woman behind the strange man said, i nodded "uh huh" my gun and attention still on the man. "Joel, point it towards me." Marlene said. "Tell the fucking killer to point his elsewhere." Joel said, i pointed my gun down towards his legs "happy?" i asked, "X, gun away." Marlene says, "Or i'll shoot the kid." He adds making me lower my gun immediately, i had a job to do. i was going to do it, whatever it takes. no more FEDRA. "thank you X" Marlene said, "Y/n." i blurted out "Y/n not X" i finished

Finished- 13/02/2023 1:20am

y/n's jacket & gun

y/n's jacket & gun

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