Episode: Four, Part 2.

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(Sneaky game Joel pic)

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(Sneaky game Joel pic)

I was all over her by salvia palth

Don't know what I wanted, I have a memory
Back at that party, I was all over her
We didn't make out or do anything
I just remember
I was lonely


I woke up and groaned a from the bright sky in my eyes, sitting up I realised no one else was awake; Scruff laying by my feet. I looked over to Y/n's Sleeping bag to find it empty and Joel's one bigger than it was before. A smile formed on my face as I realised what was going on. "Lovebirds." I whispered and wished I had a camera so I could tease them with a picture. I slowly got up to go look at them, I can't deny they are cute together.

I stood by their feet watching them like a small child. I smiled as Y/n stirred, hugging Joel tighter which made the older man hum and shift to get more comfortable. They looked so peaceful, Y/n most likely hasn't slept that well in... probably twenty years. I sighed and walked back over to my sleeping bag, taking out my book and flipping to the back of it to sketch them. In the QZ I spent a lot of time sketching, I had quite a few of Riley, and some of random objects. Unfortunately that book was left behind, most likely thrown away.
I started on Joel, making a simple sketch before moving onto Y/n and then the sleeping bag. I managed to get in the very last details before Joel woke up. He stirred and I looked over to him, he seemed stuck and sighed. "Y/n, i gotta get up." He whispered to the other man. "No." Y/n mumbled plainly making me hold back a laugh. "Cmon Agent, let me up. I'll make you some coffee." Joel reasoned. "Hmm, fine. Can you get me my spare shirt? I reek." I heard Y/n mumble in reply. Joel scoffed "Yes, your majesty." He jested and I giggled making him look to me over Y/N's shoulder. "How long have you been awake?" He asked, "Long enough." I said waving the sketch in the air. Joel sighed and slipped out of Y/n's hands and tucked him back in. "You guys look cute." I teased, "Shut up." Joel said, his face going red. Joel got Y/n his spare shirt and went to wake him up properly. "Y/n, get up." He shook the other male, who groaned and sat up with sleepy eyes. "Gotcha shirt." Joel told him, Y/n gave him a sleepy nod. Joel passed Y/n the shirt who had taken off his flannel. Y/n took his shirt from Joel placing it on his lap and took off his dirty shirt.

-(J) (I love shy Joel)-

Y/n had took his shirt off and my face felt hot, really hot. I swallowed and took in the sight, tattoos scattered around, defined muscles, scars and bruises. One tattoo caught my eye. On the side of his ribcage, a huge fox tattoo. "That's pretty." I said to him and pointed to the tattoo. He smiled nervously and nodded, "My favourite one.". He put on his shirt and to be honest it looked better than the tank top. It was a tight long sleeve shirt with a v neck. I cleared my throat, turning around to make some coffee, Ellie's knowing giggles filled the air. Why do I feel like this? Why on earth am I letting myself feel like this? Why wouldn't I though? I've never liked a guy like this. Ever. I sighed and poured some in a mug for Y/n, walking over to him and handing it over to him. "Thank you sweetbread." He smiled at me, I involuntarily smiled back slightly. Luckily Ellie missed it, and I poured the rest into a flask. "Y/n what's this?" Ellie said, I turned to look at her. She held a small paper in her hand, "Give that back El." Y/n said sternly, "Who is it?" Ellie pushed. "Markus, now give it back." Y/n said agitated. "Who's the horse." Ellie continued. "Ellie. Give Y/n the fuckin picture, stop pushing." I told her sternly, she passed the picture back to Y/n and he sighed, looking at it before putting it in the front pocket of his bag. Ellie apologised and Y/n reassured her it was ok.


Joel had started up some more coffee for us, and Ellie had taken a quick nap. She shuffled awake and scooted over to the boiling coffee, lifting the lid and smelling it. "Ugh, what is that!?" She said disgusted, "You don't like coffee?" Joel asked. Ellie grimaced at the liquid bubbling infront of her, closing the lid and flopping back over.

We got in the car after we packed all our stuff back up, Joel started it up and drove off. Ellie sat in the front as I sat behind her with Scruff , Joel driving.

Joel was drinking his coffee, "Is that seriously what those Starbucks in the QZ used to sell?" Ellie asked "Well, theirs was a lot fresher than what Bill saved up, but, yeah, this is what they sold" he answered. Ellie grimaced again "Smells like... burnt shit." Joel slurped the coffee loudly, "Eyes on the map." He told her.
"Seventy six west and then 70 west for, like, ever. Where in Wyoming did you say your brother was?" Ellie asked, "Last contact came through a radio tower close to Cody." He told her.
"Cody." Ellie said to herself, "Cody...", "Cody. Ah, man. That is deep up in there." She said, surprised. "Yeah." Joel agreed, "And if he's not there?" She asked. "Then odds are he'll be near a settlement. Probably close to another city. Ain't too many of 'em in Wyoming." He explained.
"Chee-Yen." Ellie said, "Cheyenne." Joel corrected her. "Che... really?" Joel nodded in response. "Cheyenne, Laramie, Casper?" Ellie listed, "What's his name?" She continued questioning. "Whose name?" Joel asked, "your brother."
"Tommy." He told her.
"Younger or older?"
"Why isn't he with you?"
"Long story."
"Is it longer than 25 hours? Cause I think that's what we got."
Joel turned to her, "Tommy's what we used to call a "joiner"." He started, looking back at the road "Dreams of becoming' a hero... so he enlists in the Army right outta high school. A few months later, they ship him off to Desert Storm. It's what they called that war. Doesn't matter. Point is, bein' in the Army didn't make him feel much like a hero. 12 years later, outbreak happens. He convinced me to join a group makin' their way up Boston, which I did... mostly to keep an eye on him, keep him alive. It's where we met Tess." Joel took a sip of his Coffee, "And that whole crew, we, uh... well, for what it was, it worked. And then Tommy meets Marlene. She talks him into joinin' the Fireflies. Same mistake he made when he was eighteen. Wants to save the world. Pipe dream. Him, Fireflies, all of 'em... delusional. Course, last i heard, he quit the Fireflies, too. So now he's on his own out there, and... i gotta go get him." Joel took another sip of coffee. "If you don't think there's hope for the world, why bother going on?" Ellie asked "I mean, you gotta try, right?"
"You haven't seen the world, so you don't know... you keep goin' for family. That's about it." Joel told her,
"I'm not family." Ellie told him.
"No... you're cargo." Joel said "I made a promise to Tess. And she was like family."
"What about Y/n?" Ellie asked, Joel paused. "He's just your guard." He said plainly. Ellie looked at him shocked before frowning and looking out the window, i just focused on my sketches as if I heard nothing. In reality his words made my heart sink, I felt stupid for even thinking we had something, anything. I sighed and slammed my book shut, shoving it in my bag, taking out the recorder and headphones, plugging the earbuds in and playing the first recording before looking out the window.


"What if you don't find him?" Ellie questioned, "I will." I replied, looking at Y/n through the rearview mirror, he was playing the recording, ignoring the rest of the world. I felt horrible for what I said, i didn't mean any of it... i just didn't know what to say. "How do you know?" Ellie continued, "I'm persistent." I said sternly, looking at the road again "You got up pretty early. If you wanna grab more sleep..."
"I'm not even tired." Ellie said.

A little while later, Ellie was knocked out and Y/n was sketching. Slowing the car as I saw the build up of other vehicles, parking at the blocked tunnel. "Stay put." I told Ellie, who had woken up, getting out of the car and opening the back seat to grab my gun, Y/n looked up at me. "Im just gonna check it out." I told him. Closing the door and walking away towards the blockage, I ducked down and looked through the gap, before looking up and getting up. I put my gun in the backseat of the car again and got in the front. "Where are we?" Ellie asked, "Kansas City." I replied taking the map off her, we both looked at the map. "How far do we have to go to get around this?" She asked, my finger trailed on the roads, sighing and passing the map back to Ellie. "Screw it." I said closing my door and staring the car, "What are you doing?" Ellie asked, "We can jog right around this tunnel... take the next ramp... and we're back on the road. A minute tops." I told her.

Finished- 12:47am 3/03/2023
Hope this is alright, it's gay and sad so... that's the main objective!

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