Episode: Two, Part 2

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 First love/Late Spring by Mitski

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First love/Late Spring by Mitski

The black hole
Of the
Where you sleep
The night breeze
Something sweet
A peach tree
Wild women don't get the blues
But I find that
Lately I've been crying like a
Tall child

Joel moved the shelf away from the door "It's clear." he said walking out. The smugglers left the building, i was behind a very fascinated Ellie. Birds chirping to each other "Wow" Ellie spoke walking towards Tess "Yeah, looks different in the daylight, huh?" Tess said. Ellie continued to look around completely shocked at the beauty of the world, I was taking it all in too, a small smile spread across my face as i breathed in the fresh air. Joel climbed up on a rock and looked around "We should get movin" he said turning around. Tess turned around and started walking the three of us followed, Joel last in line. We walked past a broken car and Ellie spotted something that peaked her interest, "It's like a fucked-up moon. Is this where they bombed?" Ellie asked "Yeah. they hit most of the big cities like this. They had to slow the spread somehow." Tess said, I walked over looking into the pit "Worked here, but it.. didn't in most places." Tess said walking away from the hole Ellie following her, i slowly walked away from the crater. The three stopped and stared at a wrecked building and i stood behind them "The State House is across there. It's about a ten minute walk if you could go straight." Tess informed us "So?" Ellie asked "Long way or short way?" Joel asked Tess "I mean, it's the long way or the "we're fuckin' dead" way." Tess answered "Well I vote long way, just based on that limited information." Ellie said "You and me both kid." I agreed. "We have to check it from the hotel first." Joel said "Ok." Tess agreed walking onwards, "This brings back pleasant memories." i said sarcastically making Ellie look back at me in confusion "Haven't been through here in seventeen years, kid. do the math." i said walking behind her as she followed Tess, "Oh! oh.." Ellie said she obviously had figured out what i meant.


Walking past a car, i spotted a Giraffe teddy, tempted to pick it up.

"Where the fuck are they already?" Ellie asked Tess "You'll know it when they're close" Tess responded "I didn't know last time." Ellie stated. "How DID you get bit?" Tess asked Ellie, i'd heard the whole story before. So i turned and walked towards Joel a bit "Joel?" I wanted to talk about Bill and Frank. "Yes." Joel replied, "We're going to Bill and Franks after we drop Ellie off right?" i asked, "No. Me and Tess are going to Bill and Frank's." He said plainly "Well i need to go there too ya know. Get my dog, live my life again" I said, the only way to get him to agree, is to open up. "So the couple was Bill and Frank?" he questioned I sighed "Yes." I confirmed, "We'll take ya but we won't take you anywhere else." Joel stated, "Thank you, i only need to go home" i smiled at him before walking onwards towards Ellie again. "so it was just you in there, alone?" i heard Tess ask when i caught up, Ellie was quiet for a second "Yeah." She lied, it was understandable the memory was heartbreaking. "How old are you?" Tess asked, "Fourteen" "Wow. Well, I mean, you got some balls on you, sister." Tess said slightly impressed making Ellie smile a bit before following Tess Over some rusty cars. Me and Joel silently followed behind them. "Nobody's gonna be comin' after you, right? Like, Mom, Dad.... Boyfriend?" Tess asked the last part made me smirk, knowing that Ellie did NOT swing that way at all "Im an orphan, and, uh.. nooo." Ellie answered. There was a pause of silence before Ellie spoke again "Everyone said the open city was crazy. Like, swarms of infected running around everywhere", Not exactly like that." Joel said, "Used to be though." I added, "You know, people like to tell stories." Tess replied
"So, there AREN'T Super-infected that explode fungus spores on you?" Ellie asked, "Shit, i hope not." Tess said, a huge grin spread across my face. i knew shit loads about this topic "Well actually there is, god awful things to kill. fuckin ugly too!" I beamed. "Wait seriously!?" Ellie asked, shocked "Yeah! i fought one once when i was with FEDRA. like taking down a house with golf sticks. ya need fire, and sometimes bombs." my answer fascinating Ellie even more "You have a WHOLE bunch to tell me about when we get the time." Ellie said "Promise" i replied "What about ones with split-open heads that can see in the dark like bats?" Ellie asked "ehhh, not exactly the sight part." i answered, a strained yell flew in the air after i finished, we all stopped "What was that?" Ellie asked. "Let's keep movin" Joel replied nodding to Tess. I knew that sound, well no shit i did it's was infected.


There was a faint sound of Ducks quacking and the patter of water, a piano played slowly lacking rhythm. Joel pushed the door open earning a squeak from it as it moved. "You gotta be kidding me!" Ellie said "You ever stay in a place like this?" Ellie asked "Uh, no, a little out of our league." Tess said, "I did once. not fond of the memory though." I said "How do you even know what this is?" Joel asked "Have you heard of books?" Ellie sassed back "Wait. Are we going in there?" Ellie asked, "Yeah, we gotta get to the stairwell on the other side." Tess said stating the obvious, "Well, i uh.. i don't know how to swim." Ellie admitted "Seriously?" Joel asked "You think we have swimming pools in the QZ?" Ellie tried to be smart with him "No, smart ass. i mean.." Joel said hopping into the knee high water, "I don't know how i was supposed to know that." Ellie grumbled, Slowly stepping into the water as i followed her, thanking Tess as i walked past her. i have manners for a reason. Ellie looked around "This is so gross" She said happily, "Oh, check it out!" she walked over to the check in desk. chuckling i followed her, she tapped the bell "Ding-Ding!", "Yes, Sir. i would like your finest suite, please." I watched her play around with a fond smile on my face, i was getting sorta attached to her. She'll just end up like Markus. ...
I hate when my mind does that. she wont. I reassured myself "Yes, ma'am. would you like me to take your luggage?" She said in a "man" voice "Yes, ma'am. Right away, ma'am." She said going to push the luggage trolley.
"You're a weird kid" Joel said "YOU'RE a weird kid." Ellie said back.

As Ellie moved the luggage trolley along a skeleton fell out of the gap, "Oh, fuck!" Ellie exclaimed "WHAT THE SHIT!?" I shouted with her, reaching for my gun, Joel rushed over and beat me to it rushing over to us. Ellie tried to catch her breath while i sat on the desk laughing a bit at our overreaction, mainly mine. "Oh. my god." Ellie said breathless. Joel turned the sculls face away with his boot, "Uh, sorry." Ellie apologised, i was still giggling over my reaction. Joel helped Ellie up, pulling his hand away from hers in what seemed to be disgust and he looked at me with a glare, i was stifling my laughter my chest still showing i was silently laughing. Joel fiddled his hand and walked away, i quickly composed myself and trudged past him.


We walked through a doorway Tess cursed as she went through, "Cmon it wasn't THAT bad" Ellie said "You try climbing ten fuckin floors with our knees. see how you feel." Tess sassed "I agree with you Ellie, that was nothing" I said ruffling her hair making her swat my hand away, we walked on through a hallway turning a corner "Well when the fuck did that happen?" Tess asked at the crumbled down wall, she tried opening a door it rattled telling her it was locked and "maybe that one?" Tess asked Joel. Joel tried the opposite door getting the same response "No." Joel said "All right, well, i mean, maybe i could climb up there, work my way around, and open it from the inside?" Tess reasoned aiming the question at Joel "No, well, I'm the smallest, so it'd be easier for me to get through." Ellie stated "Mhm. but you die, we get nothing. you stay" Tess said "Can you give me a hand?" she asked, Joel pulled Ellie out the way to help Tess "You good up there?" Joel asked "Yeah, uh.. it's a bit of a mess so i'm gonna need a few minutes." She said her voice strained from climbing up the rubble.

finished- 7:23pm 16/02/2023

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