Episode: One, part 3.

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Who is she by I monster♪Oh, who is she?A misty memory A haunting faceIs she a lost embrace?♪

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Who is she by I monster

Oh, who is she?
A misty memory
A haunting face
Is she a lost embrace?

The rain tapped as thunder struck quietly. my hoodie hopefully hiding my face as we walked through the street, reaching a building the other 3 walked in first leaving me behind Ellie. We reached what was obviously their apartment and Joel nodded Ellie to walk inside, stopping me before i could "Whats the consequence?" he asked having peaked interest in Marlene's words "You'll probably be shot on site if I'm not there with you." I said plainly. "And if you get infected?" he asked another question "You underestimate me Smuggler" i say the words slipping into my accent, he moved his hand from my chest and let me inside. after i walked inside the lady went to leave "Give us a minute, alright?" she spoke, "What the fuck?!" Ellie exclaimed me and the door closing interrupting her "no, be quiet" accidentally slipping into my first language, Ellie caught the first half of what i said and glared at me.
"So, whats the plan?" we could hear Joel from outside, "Hm. there's not a lot of options. there's the short way or the long way." the female spoke "The short way is-" Ellie stomped leaving the rest of that sentence inaudible, "That leaves the long way. Things look bad, we come up with something. make the drop, head to Bill and Frank's. stock up on anything we need-" Joel spoke as Ellie snooped around a bit, i walked away from the door. they know Bill and Frank? that's exactly where i need to go. Frank said i was always welcome to stay in a spare house if i needed to. I'll ask them bout it later. Ellie found a book and quickly found interest in it, flipping the pages and finding a note.
"Whats that kid?" i asked, "a book of old song lyrics. and a note" She answered, "lemme see the note" i said, she obliged and passed me the note. "ah yeah radio code, uhhh bill and frank. we used to use these to communicate to each-other" i smiled and the memories, "you know bill and frank?" she asked "well yes but it's not your place to tell them. i'll do that in my time ok." i ask, "your secret is safe with me!" ellie smiled, if i'm being honest Ellie is kinda rubbing off on me. my breath quickened slightly, memories of the outbreak spun through my mind. quickly stopped my the door opening, i let out a relieved sigh. That hadn't happened in a while, a long while. Joel walked in slightly slamming the door behind him and chucking his backpack by the sofa. "So who's Bill and Frank?" Ellie asked, i was more than thankful that she asked him and not me. "The radio's a smuggling code, right?" she added, "60's song, they don't have anything new. 70's, they got new stuff. what's 80's?" She finished, Joel up on his feet shutting the book and throwing it aside, he laid on the sofa. "What are you doing?" Ellie asked, "Killin' time" he responded "Well what am i supposed to do?" Ellie asked raising her voice a bit "im sure you'll figure that out." Joel answered. Ellie sighed and picked up the book again.

i grabbed my notebook reading back on my research on the infection. adding a few notes here and there. and sketching different fungi variants, stump mushrooms, matrix-bearing mushrooms, pantherine mushrooms, yellow clavaria mushrooms, truffle mushrooms and spine bearing mushrooms. i'd drawn these millions of times before, they seem to look better every time. "What are you drawing?" Ellie asked me peeling her eyes off the song book, "Mushrooms, per usual" i answered starting on a morel mushroom now. "Fungi?" Ellie questioned again "mhm" i answered, "How do you know their appearance so well?" She asked another question, honestly i didn't mind, i loved answering questions on Fungi. "I've studied them for years, i know Fungi like the back of my hand." i replied smiling at her "i was a Fungi researcher back in the day. A darn good job it was" I added, "do you know how the infection works?" she asked, "to an extent" i replied truthfully. "Cool! you'll have to teach me "the way of the mushrooms" sometime" she said mocking my notebook's cover, "If i had my shroom books i'd be more than glad to, but those are at Bill and Franks" i said happy to finally have someone else interested in Fungi.
Joel woke up a few hours after the mushroom questionnaire, i had drawn multiple different fungi variants and went over my notes again crossing things out and making it better. "You mumble in your sleep." Ellie said to Joel, it was true, Joel had been quietly mumbling during his sleep not loud enough to be distracting though. That i would've woke him up for.
Joel sat up staying silent, "I've never been on the other side of the wall" Ellie spoke "Look how dark it is", Joel shifted and looked around as if he was grounding himself. maybe a nightmare. I flipped to the back of my sketchbook and jotted down the information on him

Probably has ptsd (seemed to be grounding himself after walking up)
major trust issues (me too)
dislikes displaying emotions (Might be a response to trauma / side affect of trust issues)

"what are you writing?" Joel asked, "Just jotting down some stuff" i said flipping back to my sketches, i had started on sketching a runner. "Woah, is that an infected!?" Ellie beamed with a smile, "Yup. it's a Runner, the first form of infection which then turns into a Stalker." i said casually, "Awesome! how the hell do you draw like that?" she asked "Practice, a whole bunch of practice" i replied.
"Let me see it." Joel said, intrigued by the conversation, I showed my sketchbook to him, one side of the page had a bunch of shrooms some done sloppily and some done with great detail, on the other page was a half drawn Runner. "needs some work" he spoke stating the obvious, "Well yeah dimwit, i've only just started i ain't finished it yet." i said annoyed with his lack of emotion.

Ellie changed the subject thankfully, "You guys go out there a lot?"
"I guess." Joel answered "When was the last time?" Ellie continued, trying to make conversation, Joel sighed "Maybe a year. what's it matter?" he obviously didn't want to have a conversation. "But you know where to go." Ellie said "So we're gonna be OK?" she added "Yeah." Joel replied
"Ellie, we'll be fine. Joel and his partner know what they're doing, and i have the job of protecting you. We will be a-ok" i reassured her. "Thanks" she mumbled. "So whats the deal with you anyway? You some kinda bigwig's daughter or somethin?" Joel questioned "Something like that" Ellie answered.

"oh the radio came on when you were sleeping." Ellie started, knowing what she was doing i hid my smile behind my sketchbook. "What? what was the song?" Joel sat forward. "He kept sayin', like, "wake me up before you go-go"?" Ellie said, i had to bite back a chuckle. Joel sighed "Shit"
"Gotcha. 80's means trouble. Code broken." Ellie finished, this time i couldn't hold back a scoff. "Listen-" Joel started, being cut off by the door opening before he could get to the point. "The spot under Lancaster looks good. You two got a jacket in your pack?" She asked "Yeah" Me and Ellie said at the same time. "Ok, get it it's time to go." she finished, walking away.

finished- 11:55am 14/02/2023

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