Episode: Nine, Part 1.

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No Surprises by Radiohead

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No Surprises by Radiohead

A heart that's full up like a landfill
A job that slowly kills you
Bruises that won't heal
You look so tired, unhappy
Bring down the government
They don't, they don't speak for us
I'll take a quiet life
A handshake of carbon monoxide

-no pov-

The woman ran through the sky-lit woods, infected not far behind her, she stopped for a moment, leaning on a tree as she groaned and cursed in pain. She was pregnant, her child mere moments away from being born. The shrieks of infected forcing her onwards, tripping over her feet. She rushed up, continuing forward as fast as she could. The house in the field not too far away now, she ran in the open, harshly opening the door once she arrived. Slamming it behind her, locking it, "Its me!" She announced, searching the downstairs rooms, "anyone!?" Her groan of pain bringing her attention back to the child inside her. The shrieks growing closer, she clambered up the stairs, holding the rail tightly. Her water breaking as she reached the second floor, she checked to see if she was correct, the substance on her fingers confirmed her thoughts. She reached for a door, hand slipping on the metal handle, bringing her dress to help her open it. She blocked the door with a chair after she entered, lowering herself against the wall opposite, groaning in pain. Beginning to push, until the shatter of glass filled the air, the lady fumbled to get her switch-knife out her coat pocket. The infected quickly scampering towards the door, thudding against it as the woman desperately trying to deliver her baby, knife dropping from her hand. The infected breaking through the door as her hand tried to find the knife, the creature climbing onto her. She pushed against the fungi-consumed-host, falling to the side slightly, hand patting the wooden floor for her knife.
The handle of the blade was under her hand, she picked it up, striking it into the infected multiple times, shoving the creature to the side as she pulled the weapon out. The sudden cries of a child erupted below her, she panted as the baby writhed around, going to pick the child up before noticing the bite on her thigh, she hurriedly cut the umbilical cord. Picking up the crying infant with a pained smile, the baby's whining had stopped in her mother's embrace, "Hi. Hey." She spoke to the younger girl, the baby erupting into cries again. "Yeah, you tell 'em. You fuckin' tell 'em, Ellie." Her mother bounced her, Ellie's cries quieting once more. She took the child and cradled her, talking sweetly to the infant.

(Later that night)

The sky was dark, a group of people walking towards the house with flashlights. A man attempted to open the door, failing at the lock that held it closed. The lady beside them silently motioned them to follow, walking around to the back door. Carefully entering first, the lady slowly walked through the house, the sight of broken glass on the floor caught her attention along with the man behind her.
The three slowly made their way up the steps, gentle singing filled the lady's ears, "Anna?" The lady questioned quietly as the singing continued, the familiar voice growing louder as the door creaked open. The woman sighed at the sight in-front of her, the baby in Anna's arms babbling happily, the knife held to her neck clattering to the floor as the lady saw the bite on her friend's thigh. "Oh, God." She whispered,
"It's not your fault." Anna reassured.
"We were delayed getting out of the zone. I-"
"She's hungry." Anna interrupted her friend, "she needs to be fed, and I... I didn't wanna nurse her." The other woman didn't respond, "I cut it before I was bit." Anna lied, she couldn't let her child just die. The darker haired lady tilted her head,
"Before." Anna said sternly.
"I want you to... take her with you to Boston..." she said, laying the child who was wrapped up in her coat on the floor, "find someone to bring her up, and make sure she's safe."
"I can't do that." The woman argued,
"And I want you to give her this." Anna laid her folded knife on Ellie's chest. "Anna..."
"Her name is Ellie." Anna's voice was shaky,
"I can't." Her friend shook her head,
"How long have we known each-other?"
"Our whole lives."
Anna nodded, "So you pick her up right now... and then you kill me."
Anna groaned as the infection was taking affect. Her friend picked Ellie up, walking back slightly "I cant kill you."
"Please, please, please. Please!" Anna groaned, "Marlene!" She cried out.
Marlene walked up to one of the men, passing the baby to him. "Hold her head. There you go. Take this." She placed the flip-knife on the child again, Ellie cried in the man's arms.
"Cover her ears." She told her men, striding into the room. Raising her gun at Anna and immediately pulling the trigger. The noise making Ellie cry loudly. Marlene turned around with a heavy sigh, taking the baby back into her arms, shushing her.


"Ellie!" I called her, sighing at the lack of answer. I stood a bit further away from to the two sitting on the truck, "Ellie!" I called her again, her head turned around to me this time. "Did ya hear me?"
"No. What?" She asked, Y/n's head still locked on the road in-front of him. "Well, I found this in there. Beefaroni. Chef Boyardee." I smiled to her, "Oh, cool." She breathed out, my smile fading as I looked to my occupied hands. "Have you ever played this?" I walked up to her, "Boggle? It's a word game."
"Mm-mm" Ellie said gently, shaking her head. "If you wanna beat me at somethin', it would be this." She smiled slightly and nodded, for a moment I felt accomplished at making her "cheer up" the feeling soon vanished when she zoned out again. "Well, all right, then. We're gettin' close."
"Hospital that way. May be the one we're looking for."
"Got it."
I looked to Y/n, my face immediately falling at his state. His eyes strung with tears, completely shut off. I walked towards him "Y/n?" I asked, crouching in-front of him. He seemed to blink himself back to reality, a few tears falling on his cheeks. I sighed and wiped the tears away, "What's goin' on?" I asked him gently. He shrugged, "I..." he seemed to be caught on his words. I pulled him into a hug, "You don't have to tell me, Sugar. Take your time."
"I love you." He sighed into my hair, hugging me tightly, "I love you too." I mumbled back to him.
"C'mon I think we're almost there, ok?" I pulled away from the hug.
"Ok." He smiled slightly, I pecked his lips and got up with a groan. "Floor board knees." Y/n jested, Ellie scoffed at his words, jumping off the truck. Y/n and I walking ahead, I shoved the things I picked up into my bag. Getting up, "Take this for me?" I asked Ellie, she took the gun from my shoulder to let me put the backpack on. "Thanks." I said, taking the gun back and swinging on my shoulder. As we walked forward my eye caught the RV again, "They had a guitar in that RV." I spoke up, Ellie and Y/n's head's turning to the vehicle, "It was all smashed up but, got me thinkin' maybe I should find one. I haven't played in forever. In fact, I was thinkin' maybe I could teach you.
I bet you'd be great at it." I told Ellie, she forced a chuckle, "Do you wanna learn how to play guitar?" The sad silence filled the air again, "Ellie?"
"Hmm? Oh, yeah... that'd be great." She said, her silence was concerning, I just wanted her happy again.

We had got to an alleyway, bird's chirps dancing in the air. "Ok, so this is what I'm thinking-"
"Cut through that building to get around that stuff, find the skyscraper, go up and look around." Ellie interrupted me, "Uhhh... actually, this time I was thinkin' we blast our way through that rubble. I found some dynamite in that RV back there."
"Really?" Ellie asked, confused.
"No, so we're gonna cut through that building, find a skyscraper, go up and look around. But I had you goin', didn't I?" I asked her, she looked to me, leaving me with no answer.

Finished: 11/04/2023
Apparently I didn't write the time I finished so oh well. Double post cause Ep3,P1 was shorrtt.
Sad shit yk

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