Episode: Seven, Part 1.

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Drift away omnichord by Trillian

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Drift away omnichord by Trillian

Here in the garden,
Let's play a game
I'll show you how it's done.
Here in the garden,
Stand very still
This will be so much fun.
And then she smiled
That's what I'm after
A smile in her eyes
The sound of her laughter.
Happy to listen
Happy to play
Happily watching her drift away.

We had managed to find a town, the inside of the house was dim. Rotten and a complete mess, I was checking up on the horse, trusting Ellie with Joel. Not too long after I could hear him screaming "I'll be back, Hades." I rushed out the garage to get to the duo downstairs. I swung the door open to see Ellie pressuring his wound, I rushed to sit beside Joel pulling his arm to my bicep. Joel hand squeezed my arm, trying his best not to hurt me. "Ah, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." Ellie muttered to herself as Joel groaned in pain. "Come on, you gotta help me. Come on." She said sternly to Joel, "Leave. Leave." He repeated,
"Shut up, Joel." Ellie brushed him off.
"Take the gun."
"Joel, shut the fuck up!" She snapped, Joel grabbed her coat, pulling her to face him "You go... You go. You go north." Joel demanded "You go to Tommy. You go." He pushed Ellie away from him trying to do the same to me but failing, his breaths were shallow. Ellie got up, placing the coat over Joel, turning to him with a frown. He looked to her, then to me, I shook my head no. "Go... please." He begged me, "I'm not leaving you, Joel." I told him. Ellie left, stopping at the top of the stairs, before opening the door and walking outside of it.
"Darlin' please..." Joel continued, "Stop. Joel. You're getting through this." I opened my bag, taking the med kit to see what little stuff I had left, anti-bac wound wipes, bandage, plasters, numbing cream. I sighed grabbing the wipes and the cream, lifting the coat and wiping down the skin around his wound before applying the cream, he hissed a bit, squeezing my arm again. "Please." He whispered, I held his face and looked him in the eyes. "You shut up. Right now. I'm staying. I love you, Joel. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I said sternly, tears welled in his eyes as I kissed his cheek. "Im here. You're stronger than this, I know you are."
I sat by the wall, "Okay." Joel rasped out. I gave him some water before telling him to rest, "I'll wake you up. But you promise you'll listen?" I asked he nodded "Promise.".
And with that I let him get some rest, I hung my rested my head between my knees.

1:17am, Boston QZ 2006.

"Are you packed?" Taylor asked me, "Yeah, all ready to go." I reassured her. She nodded and opened our window, "ok, we go right, through the mall, 'round the outskirts and out the walls. Slow, steady and knifes at the ready. We get out, we walk for a few hours, rest and pick up again, ok?" She repeated the plan to me, i nodded and we left the window, walking along the line of bricks sticking out from the building.

We jumped onto the roof of a building, jumping from roof-to-roof. We got to a ladder and went down it, we were by the mall already, the larger building came into view. We went through the side-door, ending up in a control room. We walked past all the switches, "lights will attract people. Light out." She said, pulling her flashlight out as I did the same. "Let's go." I said, following her through the double doors into the pitch black mall. We switched the lights on and went down the escalator, quickly but quietly walking through the mall. We managed to get through to the other end before we heard a deep echoed groan, we looked to each-other and I pulled out my dagger, slowly walking first before a stalker bolted straight for us, we ran behind a bar. My breaths quick."Y/n." Taylor whispered, "Y/n, look at me. I'm here, you're safe with me." Taylor grounded me, I looked at her i could see the sternness in her eyes. she put a hand on my shoulder "We got this. You're stronger than it, Y/n, Don't be scared." Taylor smiled and i nodded "Im ok, we got this. yeah, we got this." i comforted myself. Her repeated words of comfort reassured me every time we encountered the bastards. I slowly got up, bolting at the stumbling creature, shoving my dagger in it's neck from behind it, pulling it harshly to the other side of the flesh. I get go, pulling the dagger out and it thudded to the floor. "Come on Tay. Let's go." I ushered her, she rushed to me and we ran out the exit. Slowly edging the wall until we saw a hole, big enough for us to get through. We had gotten to the other side, a large group of FEDRA guards stood on the other side, guns facing us. "Drop your weapons and go back through the hole you two." One of them demanded, we stood still. "You heard him. Get back in the border." Another said sternly. When we didn't do what they asked, they moved forward and raised their guns. "Hold fire! Do not shoot!" A soldier walked up to the Guards, "Hold fire, don't shoot the guy. He's valuable. If you shoot him, not anywhere critical." He warned them. They all nodded and asked us to get back in the wall again. "Just let us pass." I said softly, "No can do. BEHIND THE BORDER. NOW." One shouted, "OPEN FIRE." The soldier demanded, the others shot at the walls on purpose. Me and Taylor crouched down, she pulled me below her to protect me. The bullets stopped. We rose back up, Taylor standing behind me. "JUST FUCKING LET US PAST." I snapped, the soldier raised him gun, a blast rushing through the air. I felt a tug in my skin as my waist bled, a gasp behind me got my attention. Taylor stood there, bullet in her side. Another one ringing through her heart, she dropped to the floor with a whimper. My eyes were wide, I froze before falling to her. "Tay?" I chocked out, there was no reply, no steady breaths. Just silence. "Get the man." I heard someone say. A guy walked over to me, grabbing my arm and tugging me away from Tay, i drew my blade up and into his chest with a scream. His grip faltered and he fell to the floor. I looked at the others with their guns up. "Hold fire." The soldier whispered. I picked up the dead guards gun, mine was empty. I immediately shot a random guard, "Stop him! No bullets." The guard demanded, the other eight men tried to swarm me. I calmly shot as many as I could, ammo quickly running out. I switched back to my dagger, shoving it into a man's neck and dropping him to the floor. I had got the last three guards dead on the floor, crosses dug into their faces. The Soldier ran off, i threw my dagger at him, missing as it fell into the grass. He was too far away. I huffed out a few breaths, looking at my bloodied hands and clothes. My eyes traveled to Taylor. I rushed to her and picked her heavily body up. Grabbing my blade and striding off, carrying her for days and days before finding a suitable forest and laying her to rest. I had gotten a days walk from the grave before a group of Infected swarmed me, I barely got them away, waking up as one bit me.
I gasped for air, Ellie's rummaging filled my ears before she rushed downs the stairs.

Finished: 12:44am 02/04/2023
Happy early Pedro day, more sad stuff to celebrate?
Sorry it's a short one 😬
Anyway, thank you for the support, you guys are absolutely wonderful.
I love writing this book and I'm so glad you guys love it as much as I do!
Goodnight, I have to be up early-ish cause I'm popping into Waterstones to get a GrishaVerse book tomorrow!

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