Episode: Six, Part 3.

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The Exit by Conan Gray

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The Exit by Conan Gray

February, and the flowers haven't even wilted
It's crazy how fast you tilted
The world that we were busy buildin'
Mid-November, and I'm sippin' on a half-cold coffee
Starin' at a girl who's not me
On your arm, a carbon copy
Feels like we had matching wounds
But mine's still black and bruised
And yours is perfectly fine now
Feels like we buried alive
Something that never died
So, God, it hurt when I found out


The bar was nice and welcoming, the sound of Tommy breaking apart some ice was filling the air. I ran my hand over the polished wood "Been a long time." I said with a smirk, Tommy smiled and poured me a drink. "Doesn't seem like you aged much." I told him, "You, on the other hand..." Tommy jested. We lifted our drinks "Thanks for still givin' a shit about me" Tommy said we clinked our drinks together before drinking them. "Workin' on raisin' some hogs, too." He told me, "one we get bacon, I mean, what's even left?" He smiled again. "Pwhoo" I breathed out a laugh "Christmas trees and bacon? Pretty decent set up." I got up looking at the wall of things, "So, how's Tess?" Tommy asked me, I stopped for a second "she's fine. All right."
"Good, then." He said "The kid? And uhh you're guy?"
"Oh, yeah. Kid's the daughter of some firefly muckety-muck. Tryna find her family somewhere out here. I was headin' in this direction, so..." I told him, "Really? Goodness of your heart?"
"There's a payment." I said
"And the guy? You two seem close." He stopped me from avoiding the question, "Y/n. He uh, They're a package deal I guess... ended up, together not too long ago." I told him, "well I'm happy for ya." He said truthfully "He seems like a great guy." I nodded "He is... so you know where they might be? These fireflies?" I asked, "Well, they got a base down at University of Eastern Colorado. It's uhh, a week's ride south. But it is severely fucked up between here and there." Tommy said placing his glass beside mine and sitting next to me. "Infected, raiders. It's not exactly an easy trip."
"It'll be easy for us, seeing as how you can headshot infected from half a mile away, which is a bunch of bullishit, by the way." I told him.
"Yeah, i can't go." He said
"Oh, come on. I made it across the country. The two of us can make it from here to Colorado."
Tommy sighed, "What, cause you're wife wont let you?" I asked him.
"She the one who kept you off the radio. That why you stopped messaging me back?" I continued
"After I ditched the Fireflies Maria and her Crew found me. They're good people. They didn't have to take me in, but they did. And all they ask is o follow their rules." He told me,
"Im your brother." I said harshly.
"Yeah, I'm aware." He scoffed "They're very protective of this place, and for a good fuckin' reason. I mean, folks find out we're up here-" I cut him off "No, I heard. Wrong people might show up. So is that what I am? Am I the wrong people?"
"Joel-" Tommy sighed
"Those things i did, those things that you judge me for, I did those to keep us alive."
"We did those things. And they weren't "things". We murdered people. And I don't judge you for it. We survived the only way we knew how. But there were other ways. We just weren't any good at 'em." He said calmly.
"If you knew the shit I've been through Tommy, tryin' to find you these last few months-" He cut me off,
"I'm gonna be a father." My heart stopped, "Maria's a few months along now. So I just gotta be more careful. To be honest, I'm scared to death." He said, my chest burned with a sort of... jealousy? "But I don't know. Uh... I feel like I'd be a good dad." He smiled slightly, I dragged the bottle towards me and popped the lid off, "Guess we'll find out." I said, pouring myself a drink. ""I guess we'll find out?" That's all you got?" He asked,
"What else am I supposed to say?"
"Just because life stopped for you... doesn't mean it has to stop for me." He said to me, standing up, his eyebrows furrowed. "We'll grab some supplies and be outta your hair in the mornin'." I said before walking away, grabbing my stuff and leaving. I put my coat on and walked into the street, sounds of children singing filled my ears and my chest felt like it was caving in, my breathing getting laboured. I looked up, my eyes playing tricks on me as I saw a lady with her kid.


I sat on the double bed, I'd thrown up earlier and had a shower bed taking a nap. It was probably the foal and the anxiety, I had woken up about twenty minutes ago. Maria had set some clothes out for me while I was in the shower, a blink-182 shirt, green flannel and some thick trousers with a note saying

Saw you liked blink-182,
im across the street by the way.
"I prefer Linkin Park, but cool."
Was my reply to the piece of paper before putting the clothes on.

Ellie knocked on my door "Come in!" I said, she opened the door and peeked her head in "Im going to Maria and Tommy's if you wanna come?" I nodded and followed her out the house. We soon got there and she knocked on the door, no answer. Ellie opened the door and let herself in, "Hello?" She called out, I closed the door behind me. "Maria?" Ellie called out again, she stopped at the living room looking at a sign and walking towards it. I followed her, looking at the sign as-well. We stopped infront of it,

Kevin Sarah
4/3/00 - 9/29/03 7/20/89 - 9/29/03

The door opened, "Oh, good." Ellie said turning to the door, "Just traded for this. Go ahead, try it on." Maria told Ellie, handing her the coat. Ellie took it and put it on "It's, uh, super fucking purple." She said, "Eggplant, it fits?" Maria asked
"Yeah." Ellie said,
"Shoes aren't too big?"
"Uh, no. Where's my other stuff?"Ellie asked. "Rag pile. Did you get the thing I left you?"
"Yeahh. Weirdest gift ever."
"But useful." Maria looked to me. "Gotcha some gloves, Joel said you might need some." She smiled to me, my eyes widened at the fact he remembered the small detail I told him about my 'problem'. "Great." I smiled slightly at took the gloves, slipping them on my hands. They were made of black leather and fit perfectly, "they're perfect." I told her, "Good!" She beamed and looked back to Ellie "Who's been cutting your hair?" She asked her,
"Uhh, World-class salons." Ellie said sarcastically, Maria chuckled "Let me get my scissors."
"Oh, woah, no. I'm-"
"A trim. That's all. Just the ends, I promise." Maria cut her off, Ellie sighed and turned to me. I shrugged "Your hair is terribly uneven." I told her, "says you." She sassed back, i opened my mouth wide in "shock"
"My hair is wonderful thank you!" I jested, "Yeah, yeah, you have the scruffiest mullet known to man." Ellie continued.

Soon Ellie was sat on a chair, getting her hair trimmed. "So, this was, like, your job back then or something?" Ellie asked Maria, "No, I was an Assistant District Attorney out of Omaha, Nebraska. I put bad guys in jail." She said, "oh... cool, I guess."
"I always liked doing hair, though. Maybe it was a mom thing." Maria admitted "You two were looking at the little memorial Tommy made?"
"Uh, yeah. I'm- I'm sorry about your kids." She said, "It's ok. And kid. Just Kevin. Sarah was Joel's daughter." She told us, my head tilted. "Oh, maybe I shouldn't have said anything." Maria spoke to herself.
"No. It's ok. I guess that explains him a little." Ellie reassured her, I nodded.
"Look, I'm not gonna ask you lot what you're doing with him."
"Good" Ellie said.
"But there are clearly things you don't know about Joel."
"Oh, like how he used to kill people? We know about that." Ellie said, I stayed silent for this conversation. "So you understand my concern." Maria said, "he doesn't do that anymore." Ellie argued
"He stopped killing people?"
"Innocent ones. And Tommy did it, too. Are you worried about him?" Ellie said, I was thankful that she left me out of it. "Tommy was following Joel. They way you are now." Maria said, "Well, maybe we're smarter than Tommy. No offence." She said with an annoyed tone.
"You are definitely smart. Would've made a hell of a lawyer. And you, you're good with your weapons. What were you doing pre-outbreak?" She asked me, moving behind me to cut my mullet.
"I was a mycologist." I replied shortly, "Hmm, didn't take you as the type." She nodded "But there's a whole lot you two aren't telling me. Good. Therein lies the point. Be careful who you put your faith in. The only people who can betray us... are the ones we trust. You understand?"
"Mhmm." Ellie hummed, Maria tapped my bad shoulder, i closed my eyes and shrugged "Caught me too late, Maria."
"Red qa may love him, but you can't trust him to stay with you forever." She said, finishing my hair and brushing the rest off me before taking the towel off. i shrugged again "What is love without trust Maria? It's a lie." I replied, "Don't say I didn't warn you. Now, come on. Ellie, grab your super fuckin' eggplant coat." She told her, "Where are we going?" Ellie asked, "The movies." Maria said, Ellie looked to me. "I think I'll pass on that one tonight, you'll be fine with Maria." I told her, "What!?" Ellie said in shock "So much for not trusting." She muttered. "I don't, Tommy trusts her and Joel trusts Tommy. So no. I trust Joel." I told her, grabbing my coat and going to leave the house.

Finished- 9:37pm 22/03/2023
Get ready for sad, sad, gay and gay
In that order.
I have a banging headache from all this writing but I'm delayed so yeah, I'm probably on Episode 7 when this publishes but I should be on 8 😬

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