Episode: Nine, Part 2.

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(Ok but the esquire photoshoot!? HELLO!?)

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(Ok but the esquire photoshoot!? HELLO!?)

Silver soul by Beach House

Gather matters of the heart
So we can act a fool
It's incomplete without you
The silver soul is running through
It's a vision, complete illusion, yeah


We walked through the building, it was orange from the sun shining through the tarp-covered gaps.
"Look at this place. Talk about bad luck. Military drops bombs... not one of them hits the building you're trying to demolish. No way up." Joel said, walking around to try and find some way to get up the building. He opened a fenced-off area, walking inside to check it out as me and Ellie followed. "I get you up there, Ellie. You can drop that ladder down." Joel spoke up, "Maybe we can go through that way. C'mon, I'll give you a boost." I sighed and watched Ellie zone out, mindlessly flicking through some pages. Joel walked up to us, "You ok?" He asked Ellie, "Yeah, fine." Ellie answered, "It's just you kinda seem extra-quiet today, so..."
"Oh... I'm sorry." She apologised,
"No, it's fine. Did you hear what I-"
"Yeah, boost. Got it." Ellie said, walking over to the pallets. "You ok?" He asked me, I took a deep breath.
"I can't tell..."
"Alright, I'll be here when you're ready to tell me, ok? I love you."
"I love you too, Cowboy."
Joel smiled at the nickname, my heart lifted at the grin on his face.
"Cmon, Joel. You want this ladder or not?" Ellie asked, getting tired of waiting. Joel nodded, walking over to her and climbing up the pallets to give her a leg up. "One... two... up!" He counted for her, Ellie grunted as she clambered onto the second floor "you got it?" Joel asked, "Yeah." Ellie said, grabbing the ladder. She paused for a moment, "Woah..." the ladder clattered to the floor, Joel guiding it so it wouldn't hit me. "God damn it, Ellie! Shit." He sighed, "You alright?"
"Yeah, probably woulda hit me if you didn't guide it." I smiled, he visibly relaxed at the turn of my lips. I passed him the ladder, "You stay there!" Joel shouted to Ellie. He quickly set up the ladder, climbing up to the second floor. I did the same, "You gotta see this!" Ellie shouted, "Ellie?!" Joel shouted back.
"Up here!!" She continued running off, "Ellie." Joel growled sternly, "C'mon!" She ushered us, we rushed up the wooden steps to see Ellie rush through the building, "Ellie." I called out this time, "C'mon, Y/n!"
"Just wait. God damn it." Joel muttered, jogging after her. We had mad it up the stairs, seeing Ellie stand by a Giraffe, silently watching it eat.
Joel slowly walked up to her, placing his gun down. "Don't scare it." Ellie said, I continued to watch them from afar. The thoughts of leaving them running haywire through my mind again. "I wont." Joel reassured her, grabbing a branch of leaves.
"What are you doing?" Ellie asked him, "It's all right. Come here, hurry up. Come on." He passed her the branch. The Giraffe turned it's head to her, eating the branch from her hand. Joel watched her with a smile, "Hay there." Ellie chuckled at the Giraffe, her giggles sounding in the air as the animal ate from her hand. "Sooo fucking cool." Ellie marvelled, Joel turned to me, eyes saddening when he saw my expression, I shook my head, no, he sighed and turned back to Ellie. The Giraffe now walking away, "aww, where's she going?" Ellie ran off to follow the animal. "Cmon!
Come on! Come on! Come on!" She ushered us again, rushing up the stairs, "Ok..." Joel sighed, picking up his gun. "You're getting a work out today huh, old man?" I teased,
"What day is it today? Be mean to your boyfriend day?" Joel huffed walking by me and up the stairs, I chuckled at his annoyance and followed behind him.
"No, you're bones are just... old, it's easier to make fun of you."
"So it is be mean to me day? And my bones aren't that old."
"They kinda are, but its ok, I find it cute."
He grumbled at the compliment with an "Im not cute", though I saw his ears turn a light pink. he opened the door to outside, closing it behind me once I had come out. Ellie stood leaning against the wall, watching the animals do their things. Joel and I walked down the steps, he stood between Ellie and I, "so... is it everything ya hoped for?" He asked her, "It's got its ups and downs... but you cant deny that view." She chuckled, "Look, I don't know exactly where this hospital is-"
"Yeah, we'll find it." Ellie interrupted him, "Sure. It's just... maybe there's nothin' bad out there, but so far there's always been somethin' bad out there."
"We're still here, though."
"I know... I'm only saying there's a risk. We don't have to do this. I just... I want you to know that."
"What do you mean? What else are we supposed to do?" Ellie asked,
"Nothin'. We just go back to Tommy's. We forget about the whole damn thing." Joel said, the one thing my heart yearned for, I wish it could happen. But I know it wouldn't.
"After all we've been through... everything I've done... it-it cant be for nothing." He told her, I think both mine and Joel's chests caved in.
"I know you mean well. I know you wanna protect me. You have. And when we're done, we'll go wherever you guys want. Tommy's, sheep ranch, horse barn, the moon." She chuckled, "I'll follow you guys anywhere you go." She said, my heart sank at those words. "But there's no half way with this. We finish what we started." She said, Joel nodded as I failed to suppress a shaky sigh. It hurt. So much. "Y/n?" Joel turned to me, I closed my eyes and gulped, turning to him and wrapping my arms around his waist. "You're not ok, are you?" Joel mumbled to me, I shook my head to tell him no. "What's wrong?"
"I can't tell you. Im not ready. This is so fucking difficult." I mumbled the last part to myself, "This doesn't have to be, Y/n... c'mere." He pulled me closer, my arms clung to him as I hugged him, my head hiding in his neck. "I promise you. I'll tell you when I'm ready, I'm still figuring it out." I whispered, he nodded.
"Take your time, I'm ready when you are."
"I love you. Joel. So much."
"I love you too. Y/n. I always will."

Finished: 11/04/2023
Apparently I didn't put the time either 🤦
This is gonna be a double post again cause they are shorrrtt
Getting closer to the end now...

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