Episode: Six, Part 2.

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Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls

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Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls

And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now
And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
And sooner or later, it's over
I just don't wanna miss you tonight


The sky was light and the air cold, "The River of Death. Still no people." Ellie pointed out, "Fine." Joel grumbled, getting up and walking off, me and Ellie followed, scruff plodding beside her. We came up to the bridge, slowly walking over it.
We had gotten a bit further before Ellie started making a weird sound, Joel turned around confused. "Im learning how to whistle." She told him, "You don't know how to whistle?" He asked,
"Does it sound like I know how to whistle?" She sassed, "No." Joel replied blatantly, Ellie continued blowing through her fingers. "Seriously, though, how the fuck do you do that?" She asked,
"Talent." Joel answered,
"Whatever." She gave up, "You should teach me how to hunt."
"Huh." Joel said sarcastically
"Huh? Like, "She's a girl. She can't handle it."..." she mocked, "You can handle the shootin'. Not so sure about the dressin'." Joel told her,
"What's the dressin'?" Ellie asked
"The part where you take the guts out." He said,
"Oh, yeah... why do they call it dressing? It's like, you should call it un-dressing... Cause it is. It's like... un-dressing from the inside." Her words making a half awkward silence "Still interested, though." She added.

We had come across a hydropower dam, "Dam." Ellie said,
"You're no Will Livingston." Joel jested, "Yeah, yeah, but who is?" Ellie said "So that made electricity?"
"Yeah." Joel answered, Ellie opened her mouth to ask how Joel beating her to it "Don't ask me i don't have a clue." He told her. She looked to me, "It converts kinetic energy into electricity." I told her. "Cool... you could have just made something up. I would've believed you." She told Joel.



"Look at that river. It's crazy blue." Ellie said, I looked to the river and nodded. "Hey, guys... what if this is the River of Death?" She asked us, I stopped and turned around, looking at the river. "If it is... then we just have to be prepared to face it." Y/n told us, I took out my map and unfolded it. Looking at it then back at the river before walking away with my eyes on the paper. A herd of horses and riders came galloping down the hill towards us, I pulled Ellie to try and get out but it was no use... we were surrounded. "Get behind me." I quietly told Ellie, Y/n looked to me. "Cmere." I mumbled, he walked forward and stopped beside my right shoulder. We put our hands up, many guns were pointed at us. "We ain't lookin' for any trouble. We're just passing' through." I spoke up, "Drop the gun." The man infront of us said. I slowly put the gun on the floor. "Other guy. Guns out." He told Y/n, he hesitated before taking his guns out and placing them in the snow. "You... take five steps back." He said to Ellie, "How 'bout we just talk this through?" I reasoned,
"How 'bout you shut the fuck up?" The man said harshly, "Ok, easy." I said nervously. I looked to Ellie "It'll be ok." I told her, I could hear Y/n's quick breaths beside me, I could tell he was trying not to lash out, it was all he knew. Ellie stepped back. "You been near infected?" The man asked us, "theres no infected out here." I answered, "The hell there ain't." He replied, "Buddy boy, three steps away from him." He told Y/n who nodded and side stepped away from me, his fists clenching. The man whistled, a man came past the horses witha barking dog, Scruff growled from behind Y/n, "Silence." He scolded the dog. "If you've been infected, he will smell it. And he will rip you up." The man on the horse said, the leash was un-clipped and the dog came to sniff my legs, jumping up at my stomach and getting down to go to Y/n. My heart quickened, my throat tightening, please, please no. god no. I could audibly hear his heavy breaths, he hated aggressive dogs, he'd dedicated year's training Scruff to not be aggressive. The dog was growing at him, Scruff was whining; trying to tell Y/n to calm down. The dog sniffed his feet and jumped on his stomach, he flinched and closed his eyes. The dog jumped down as Scruff growled at it, "SILENCE." Y/n told the dog sternly making sure his voice wasn't too loud. The other dog had walked back to the man, "Like I said... we'll just move on." I spoke up, my heart beating calmly, "Now her." The man in the saddle said, so much for a calm heart, the dog was growing again. I turned to look at Ellie, her eyes were full of fear, i turned away. I couldn't bare the look. My breaths got quicker, my throat closing up again as i froze like the grass beneath me, my ears ringing. The dog barked making my eyes flinch, Ellie's giggles filled my ears, "Hi." She cooed to the dog, falling to the floor with a smile on her face. The man whistled and the dog ran back, "You just bought yourself ten more seconds. What are you doin' out here?" The male on the horse asked, "I'm just lookin' for my brother. That's all, nothin' more." I told them, "Hay!" The lady beside him shouted, steering her horse forward. "What's your name?" She asked, "Joel." I answered. The lady's eyes moved from me to Ellie and then to Y/n.

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