Episode: Three, Part. 3

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 I bet on loosing dogs by Mitski

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I bet on loosing dogs by Mitski

My baby, my baby
You're my baby, say it to me
Baby, my baby
Tell your baby that I'm your baby
I bet on losing dogs
I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place
By the ring
Where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down
I'll be there on their side
I'm losing by their side

26th September 2003, 10:17 am.

I walked into Mark's room, he lay asleep in his "big boy" bed. I sat beside him and smiled before tickling him awake. His eyes flew open and he laughed giggling at me to stop, i did as he asked and he caught his breath. "Happy birthday Markus!" I beamed at him, today was his second birthday. And most importantly, his last. "Im a big boy now dada!" He smiled crawling into my arms, I hugged him "That you are Markie!" I picked him up and held him like he was flying. I ran downstairs into the kitchen and popped him in his high chair, he was laughing the whole time. I had made him a cake a week before, work was busy so i made sure to do it sooner rather than later. I cut him a slice and let him have it for breakfast. Auntie Taylor walking into the kitchen as i cut myself a slice to eat, "Hay old man, can i have a slice?" She asked, she has been calling me that ever since I adopted Markus, even though she is older than me. "Coming right up ma'am!" I said getting her a slice and handing the plate to her. She thanked me and sat down at the table, i sat down too.

By the time Mark was finished, he had cake all over his face and clothes. "Jeez kid, how to you do this to yourself?" I asked him, he innocently smiled and put his hands over his head in a heart, he was too adorable. I have him a heart back and took him upstairs to clean his face and get him dressed. He kindly let me wipe his face and hands before he not-so-kindly let me brush his hair. I got him some clothes out and got him dressed, we were going to ride his pony and then have a picnic in the big field.

Once we arrived at the Stables, Mark couldn't hold in his excitement to see his pony, "ZEZE!!" He shouted as he saw the mare in her stable, she whinnied at him and stuck her head over her door, puffing in his face. Me and Taylor laughed at the two, their bond was adorable. I got Zeze out of her stable and tacked her up, putting Marks special saddle on so he could ride solo. I got out my horse, Zeus. Tacking him up as Taylor got her horse, Poseidon ready. The two horses were brothers, beautiful Hanoverians. Zeus was chestnut and Poseidon was bay, Zeze was a very cute buckskin, Welsh section c pony.


After we were all tacked up I helped Mark get himself on Zeze and strapped him in his saddle, clipping a leadrope to her bit and tying it to Zeus's saddle and getting on. Taylor was ready to go too, so we set off onto the long trail ride. When we got to the big field, i hopped off Zeus and tied him up to the fence post, untying Zeze from him and putting her on a fence further away. Taylor had tied Poseidon up already and we walked a but further into the field, I set down the picnic blanket and opened the basket of food.

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