Episode: Four, Part. 3

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Let it happen by a Tame Impala

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Let it happen by a Tame Impala

It's always around me, all this noise, but
Not nearly as loud as the voice saying
"Let it happen, let it happen"
(It's gonna feel so good)
"Just let it happen, let it happen"
All this running around
Tryin' to cover my shadow
A notion growing inside
Now all the others seem shallow

We drove down an abandoned looking street, leaves dusted all over the roads. "Where the fuck is the highway?" Joel said, annoyed, "I can't tell from this. I'm all turned around." Ellie said calmly, "Well don't look at the state map. Look at the inset." Joel told her harshly. "I don't know where we are in that either! This is my second day in a fucking car, man." Ellie said loudly "I mean I think we're heading north.", "Ellie gimme the map." I told her, she passed it to me. "Jesus Christ." I mumbled looking at the labyrinth of roads, "It's gotta be the right... what the fuck?" Joel said to himself, "STOP!" Ellie shouted, Joel quickly stopped the car a looked at her. "is that the QZ?" She asked "Where the fuck is FEDRA?".

"HAY!" Someone shouted, "Please help!" The person limped heavily. Joel and I quickly put our seatbelts on,
"Put your seatbelt on." Joel told Ellie. "Aren't we gonna help him?" She asked, "No." Joel said at the same time as me. Joel turned to look at me, I nodded and he drove forward quickly. "Fuck!" The "hurt" guy shouted and jumped out the way. "JOEL!" Ellie shouted looking up at one of the buildings, Joel looked up too. A huge brick was thrown on the windshield, Joel continued to speed up. We ran over some nail's, popping the tires, a man in-front shot at the car. Joel swerved the car into a washing store, crashing into the machines. "Are you ok?" Joel asked Ellie, "Yeah..." Ellie said breathless. "Y/n?" Joel asked me, "Hmmm mhm" I couldn't speak as I was winded. "You're not hurt or nothin'?" He asked Us "I don't think so." Ellie answered and I hummed in response, wincing at the pain in my shoulder, there were more shots and we ducked. "Belts off! fast!" Joel instructed. I took off my seatbelt, struggling to open the car door. "Ellie!" She crawled out of her side of the car and opened my door, i quickly got myself out, holding Scruff tightly and shut the door. I sat beside Joel, Ellie on the other side of him. Joel opened the backseat door and took his gun out, making sure it was ready, i took out my gun and did the same. "Hay, you see that hole?" Joel asked Ellie "Can you squeeze through?" The shots continued, Ellie nodded, "When I say go, you crawl through that wall. Take Scruff with you." He said to Ellie and looked at me, I shook my head no. I wouldn't fit through, Joel sighed, "And their not gonna hit you. LOOK AT ME!" Joel shouted to Ellie, she turned her head to look at him. "They're not gonna hit you. You stay down, you stay low, you stay quiet." He instructed her. "Mhm" she hummed, "Ok." Joel said Ellie copied his words. Joel turned to me, i nodded and he gave his que for Ellie. Joel and I  aimed at shot at the people, taking turn ducking, reloading and shooting. I shot them perfectly, Joel did too with a few misses. Joel was almost out of bullets and I shot my last, "fuck.", "fuck." We both said. "You mother fucker!" A man shouted. Joel crouched off, I followed him quietly. A guy walked by the car Joel quickly shot him, lowering his gun and breathing heavily "God." He sighed, another shot rung through the air. Joel fighting against someone as I got pushed over by some guy, quickly punching him and picking him up by the neck. "You're gonna fucking die." The man growled to me, I tightened my grip on his neck and shoved him against the car, punching him again. He quickly brought his gun up towards my right shoulder, ready to shoot. I quickly took out my dagger, I lifted the blade and struck it across his face twice before stabbing him in the chest harshly. I breathed and dropped the guy on the floor, a deep X cut into his face. The sound of a gun shot made me whip my head around, Ellie stood there gun aimed forward. Joel coughed and gasped, trying to breathe, the younger man sat on the floor. Ellie moved towards him, "No! No, no, no, no! It's ok. It's ok. It's over. we're not fighting anymore. I'm gonna go home. I'll tell everyone you're good. I don't know what to do. My legs don't work." He cried. I couldn't move, my heart raced. Joel got up, the younger man gasped "We could trade with you guys." He reasoned, begging for his life. "We could be friends. I didn't know. I'm Bryan. I'm Bryan. What's your name?" He asked Ellie, Joel turned to Ellie. Bryan heaved struggling to fill his lungs with air, Joel put his hand out for the gun. Ellie handed him it, Joel turned around gun at his side. "Wait, wait, wait." Bryan begged, taking out his knife and dropping it on the floor, "You can have it. It's a good knife." Joel picked it up, holding the knife looking at me to take it. I clenched my jaw and walked around the car, leaning against it as a sigh left my mouth. This was always the hardest part. "Get back behind the wall." He told Ellie, Bryan begging them not to. "Im sorry! I'm sorry! Please, please. We could just talk." Ellie trudged towards the hole, Bryan continued begging. Ellie got in the hole and Bryan called for his mum. My hands felt warm, hugging my knees and staring at the broken glass. A thump was heard and Bryan's cries were silent. "Ellie, we gotta get in there. We cant fit through." Joel told her, "There's some stuff against the door." She replied,
"Well, can you move it?" Joel asked.

Joel pushed on the blocked door, it shifted as Ellie pulled on the object that blocked it, the door swung open a few seconds later. I walked inside and Joel slammed the door shut, "Let's go. fast." Joel told Ellie, "Right." They stood together to push the table back into place, i pushed the side and it slammed on the door. Joel turned to Ellie, "I'm ok... I'm good." She picked up her bag, Scruff standing by her fee, "I, uh, got some food in here still, and I got your light, still." She passed him the light, "What now?" She asked, "We go up" Joel replied. "To get a better look?" She asked, "Hopefully, we spot a clear route out." He told us, opening a door shining his light in and telling us to stay close.

We got outside the building, some big vehicles moving down the street. Someone called Bryan's name, my heart sunk, Joel sneaked over to a door. The man informed the others about Bryan's lifeless body and Joel opened a door, nodding at us to follow. Some time passed and we heard loud vehicles outside shouting and banging soon followed. Scruffs weight stopping me from getting up. "They're not FEDRA and they're not Fireflies, so who are they?" Ellie asked, "People." Joel answered. "Are we ok in here?" She asked,
"For a little bit, maybe. Looks like they're checking out apartment buildings first. But they'll be coming through these places soon enough." He explained, sitting back down. Ellie peeked through a few papers, "There's a really tall building, like, four blocks away." She told us, "Yeah. Saw it." Joel replied. "So that's the one?"
"As soon as we don't hear a truck. We move." Joel told us both "Fast as we can." He sat down again, Ellie sat down against the wall. "Are you ok?" She asked Joel, "I'm all right." He hesitated. Ellie looked to me, I shrugged. "Are you, all right?" He still hesitated, "Yeah." Ellie replied. There was a pause and Joel shook his head, "Thing is, I didn't hear that guy comin', and... you shouldn't have had to... you shouldn't have had to... you know?" He stumbled on his words, "But your glad I did right?" Ellie asked, "You're just a kid... you shouldn't know what it means to... it's not like you killed him. But... shoot in' or. I know what it's like... first time that you, uh, hurt... someone like that... if you, uh...uhm..." he sighed giving up. "Im not good that this.". "yeah, you really aren't." Ellie confirmed. "I mean. It was my fault. You shouldn't have had to. And I'm sorry. To both of you. I'm sorry." He finished. I sighed, Ellie sniffled quietly  "It wasn't my first time." She admitted. I quickly put the pieces together and realised.

Finished- 9:32pm 3/03/2023

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