Episode: Five, Part 4.

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Ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine♪Ceilings, plasterCan't you just make it move faster?Lovely to be sitting here with youYou're kinda cute but it's raining harderMy shoes are now full of waterLovely to be rained on with youIt's kinda cute but it's so shor...

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Ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine

Ceilings, plaster
Can't you just make it move faster?
Lovely to be sitting here with you
You're kinda cute but it's raining harder
My shoes are now full of water
Lovely to be rained on with you
It's kinda cute but it's so short
Then you're drivin' me home
And I don't wanna leave
But I have to go
You kiss me in your car
And it feels like the start of a movie I've seen before

Henry had walked off to tell the two to sleep. "Im gonna take a breather outside, cowboy." I said getting up and putting Scruff down on the coat-bed beside me. Joel nodded "I'll come too." He said, I held my hand out making him chuckle. He took my hand and got up, following me outside.

His hand was still attached to mine as we walked out the door. It only left mine to sit at the two foldable chairs on the balcony.  I sighed, "It's never gonna get easier is it?" I asked him, he sighed "no. Not for now." He said, i nodded. "It'll be easier when we get to Wyoming." He added, i shook my head as a "no". "I didn't mean the infected or the people, Joel" I told him, he turned to face me, he tilted his head in question. "The flashbacks, the nightmares. How almost every sound warps into something I don't want to hear. It's not gonna get better is it?" I asked again, there was a pause... Joel sighed. "Maybe not, but, you just have to try, even if it still haunts you." He said, i nodded again, looking to the floor. "Ellie asked me why I wipe my hands on my clothes. I'd showed her the recording of Mark." I told him, he hummed, "I thought about not telling her, but, she deserved to know, she'd told me about her past and if she wants to know mine then why shouldn't I?" I continued, he nodded, "I told her I'd been doing it since the outbreak, that his blood was forever on my hands." His eyebrows furrowed. "I tried washing my hands at FEDRA, they were clean but they didn't feel clean, they still felt warm, I could still see the blood. I had to wear gloves everyday. I know you said to keep our histories to ourselves, but I can't help but tell people... people who deserve to know." I told him, "Y/n..." I looked to him, his eyes were full of regret. "I didn't mean a word I said about you in that car." He admitted, "I- I just didn't know what to say...". I nodded and sighed, taking his hand in mine. "Please forgive me, I can't bare having you ignore me like that again." He mumbled. "I don't need to forgive you, I couldn't bring myself to be mad at you." I admitted too, his eyes widened, hand squeezing mine. My heart was beating faster, I could feel his pulse quickening too.
We were just look at each-other for a moment before he changed the subject. "Handsome huh?" He jested, "Beauty huh?" I jested back. He chuckled, a smile grew on my face. "Heh, yeah... you are... you know..." he said, stumbling on his words slightly, my face felt hot. "I meant it when I called you handsome." I admitted, his face flushed and a toothy smile adorned his face. "And I didn't miss your little jaw clench when I said the guy in the magazine was my type." I teased him, his face got redder his smile turning downwards, too happy to be a frown. "I... uhh." He stumbled, "but I think both you and Ellie missed the fact that I wasn't looking at the magazine." I said "I was looking at you. Joel." His smile went up again and mine did too. I stood up, not taring my eyes from his, full of confusion. I quickly grouped my confidence, taking a breath and sitting on his lap. My arms on his biceps, his eyes wide as his confusion switched to shock. I moved my hands up to his neck, his heart beat quicker, his breaths startled. I kissed his cheek, he smiled and let out a breath. "Can I?" I asked him, he nodded gently, I leaned in, quickly smiling at him before connecting his lips to mine. His lips worked with mine slowly, pure with admiration and passion. His hands met my hips and we continued, i smiled into the kiss and pulled apart for a moment, Joel's quick panting breaths made me thankful that I did pull away. "Outta breath already?" I jested, he rolled his eyes. "I wasn't expecting you to kiss me out here." He admitted, "I couldn't hold back any longer." I smirked to him. He took my lips to his again, hugging my waist. I brought my hands through his hair making him deepen the kiss with a hum, biting my lip. I allowed him to take over, his tongue rubbing on mine, harshly kissing my soft lips. I pushed my tongue against his, he immediately relaxed, letting me take over, one hand on his neck and the other in his hair. His hums filled the silence, his hands squeezing my waist again. I moved my lips off his, a quiet whimper leaving his throat at the action. My lips moved to his jawline, pecking the rough skin down his neck. His soft sighs fuelled my confidence, nipping up his neck, his breaths turned to hums, I got to the corner of his jaw, sucking on the skin gently, a quiet moan escaped his lips. I continued, leaving a trail of hickeys down his neck before moving to the front of his neck, his head fell back with quiet sounds of pleasure. I could feel him grow underneath me. I smirked and sat closer to his hips, his breath hitched and whined. I pulled away from his neck, his head slowly coming down to look at me. His face was pink and sweaty; to be fair, he was still in his thick coat. I smiled earning one from him as he kissed me again, tongues slowly moulding together. The kiss was soft as if he never wanted to let go, it continued like that until the motel door opened. Joel and I quickly pulled away to look towards the noise. Henry stood there with a smug grin on his face "I knew it! I'll leave you guys to it,  i just wanted to tell you to not catch a cold.", I smiled and nodded "we'll come inside in a minute." I reassured him, he nodded back and walked into the motel room. "Do we have to?" Joel frowned, my heart ached at the disappointment in his eyes. "Not yet, cowboy." I reassured him, the disappointment left his eyes and he smiled, pulling me into a hug. I laid my head on his shoulder, his head resting on mine, "Y/n?" He spoke up, "hmm?" I replied. He took a deep breath "I... I really like you. A lot." He admitted, i smiled at his attempt "I do too, Joel." I replied. "Would you... you know... want to be with me?" He questioned, i could feel him hold his breath. "I would love to Joel." I hugged him tightly, he released a breath and melted in my arms. "I wish it could be like this forever, calm, just us and Ellie. No infected, no guns." He mumbled, i sighed and nodded "I do too. I wish it was easier to have this.". Joel and I had accidentally fell asleep, awoken by a laughing Henry shaking us awake, "thought y'all were gonna come in." He jested, i groaned "yeah, yeah. Got warm and tired." I mumbled tiredly, Henry nodded and walked back inside the door closing caused Joel to wake up. "Hmm?" He pouted with squinty eyes, I wanted to take a picture, he looked adorable. "We fell asleep, Cowboy, let's go inside and continue this." I smiled to him, he nodded tiredly and we walked back inside, lying on the floor together, happy and warm but most importantly, safe.


I woke up early, the sun outside warming my face. Fingers silently stroking Joel cheek as he slept, he looked peaceful. I'd been laying like this for probably an hour now, just admiring him. The sudden screaming vanishing my smile and scaring the two men awake, the healing dog barking his head off. We both turned to see Ellie and Sam plummeting through the bedroom door. Ellie landing harshly, screaming in fear. My heart stopped and I pulled out my gun, Joel going for the one on the floor. We both went to help Ellie, a sudden gunshot stopping us both. I froze, Joel angrily turning to Henry. Ellie screamed out for Joel, I instinctively pulled up my gun. Henry shooting at the gun, I lowered mine before the bullet could hit. Henry's next bullet flew through his brother who landed with a thump, Scruff silenced his growls, Ellie quickly got up. Blood pouring out of the little boy, my eyes widened. "Ellie..." Joel spoke quietly "are you ok?", he stepped forward to Ellie. Henry's gun pointed to him. my eyes, unfortunately, were focused on Sam; poor bloody and infected Sam...
My hands were warm again, the fake warmth haunted me. My ears were ringing, my breaths were uneven. "Henry, gimmie the gun." Joel said calmly, Henry took shaky breaths "what did i do? What did i do? What- what... what did i do? Sam?"
"Henry, gimmie the gun." Joel repeated "gimmie the gun. Gimmie the gun, Henry. Gimmie the gun."
Henry pulled the gun to his head, "Henry, no!" Joel shouted as the last bullet struck Henry's head. Ellie let out a cry, I wasn't frozen anymore. I rushed to Ellie and pulled her into a tight hug, she immediately wrapped her arms around me, quietly crying into my shoulder. "Shhh, it's ok, it's ok cupcake. It's ok, I'm here." I reassured her, the old nickname unknowingly falling out of my mouth.


Joel had dug Sam's grave, ready to put the lifeless boy in the deep hole. "Joel, wait." I said, he turned to me, "What?" His reply was cold. "Give him here." I asked, Joel nodded and handed Sam to me. I laid the boy gently in the grave before taking off my flannel and covering his face and torso, tucking him in and holding his hand to say a prayer as i did with Henry. I stood up again and nodded to Joel, he began covering the young boy up. Joel flattened the dirt with the shovel, i stood a little further away with Scruff by my side, watching Ellie walk towards us. She put down Joel's coat and bag, crouching down at Sam's grave before placing his writing board down and getting up again. "Which way's west?" She asked, Joel tilted his head to where she asked, she called the dog to follow her and walked off silently. I looked down at the board with a sigh, Sam had written "IM SORRY" on it, he knew what was going to come. Joel and I stood there for a minute, "Let's go." Ellie said harshly, grabbing our attention. Joel put the shovel down and picked his stuff up before walking away, I followed next to him bringing his hand in mine. He sighed and squeezed my hand, the four of us walked away.

Finished- 8:33pm 19/03/2023
Sad ... gay and traumatised.

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