Episode: Eight, Part 4.

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Advice by Alex G

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Advice by Alex G

Don't get hung on petty things
String the sinner by his wings
In his head a brittle bone
The world is full of fishes

But I trust you
But I trust you
But I trust

-no pov-

"Ellie." David sung, "I know you're not infected. No-one infected fights this hard to stay alive." Ellie rushed to the opposite side, trying to stay out of his sight. "So... how did you do it? What's the secret? Or are you just that fucking special? No-one likes being humiliated, Ellie." He continued as Ellie went through the swinging doors "you don't know how good I am!" He shouted, Ellie grabbing a knife off the side of a kitchen table.
"You don't know what I could've given you! If you had just let me!"
Ellie flinched from under the hiding spot she was in, fire spreading across the pillar. "Well, I have news for you. Neither one of us is dying today. You see, I've changed my mind. I've decided, you do need a father. So I'm gonna keep you. And I'm gonna teach you. Ellie." He lowered his voice, Ellie twisted the knife in her hand, peeking around the corner of the alcove she was hiding in. "Ellie." David sung again, fire cracking around him. The young girl sprinted towards him with a yell, stabbing the knife into the side of him. David took her hair, shoving her face-first onto the floor. The wound in his side bleeding out as he cursed in pain. He heaved, breaths heavy as Ellie shuffled towards the cleaver, David striking his foot into her stomach, making her fall onto her back with a grunt of pain. David pulled her arm, pinning her to the floor as he put himself on-top if her, Ellie screamed in fear, spitting on the man above her. "Ohhh. I thought you already knew. The fighting is the part I like the most." He told her, Ellie's screams morphing into scared wordless pleas "Don't be afraid. There's no fear in love." He quoted as he reached down, Ellie screamed again, reaching for the cleaver with her now-free hand, grappling the handle and swinging it to the man's face. David fell to the floor with a scream of pain, Ellie sprinted to him, raising the (knife) and striking it on his face multiple times, petrified screams pulling the attention of the couple not too far away. Ellie's movements came to a stop as she breathed heavily, letting the cleaver clatter to the floor.

Ellie pushed the fire-escape-door open, panting as she took in the cold air. Joel's footsteps coming up behind her. "NO! Get off of me!" Ellie screamed, "GET OFF." Her shouts turning into cries, "It's me." Joel spoke up, "Get.." Ellie struggled to form her words, "It's me." Joel took her face in his hands, her breaths slowing, "Hay... look. It's me... it's me." He reassured her quietly, "Its ok."
"He... but i..." Ellie mumbled pulling Joel towards her, wrapping her arms around him. "It's ok. It's ok, baby girl. I got you. I got you." He whispered, Ellies arms falling from his embrace, pulling away from the hug. "Ok..." Joel took off his backpack, pulling his coat off to wrap it around her,
"Y/n...?" Ellie mumbled, Joel turned to look at the man standing a few steps away, his heart aching at the sight of Ellie. "Yeah... he's here." Joel told her, pointing to him. Ellie's eyes moved to the younger man. Her feet stumbling her towards the familiar body, leaning into him as her arms wrapped around him. "Y/n..."
"Im here, I'm here Cupcake. Im here." He reassured her, "Y/n." She repeated. "Im here, I'm here, I promise. Cmon Cupcake." Y/n said, passing Ellies pack back to her. "C'mon, lets go." Y/n said, walking towards Joel. The two guiding Ellie away from that horrible place.

Finished: 9:10pm 11/04/2023
My fingers were aching so much while writing this 😭
Sorry it's so short!

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