Episode: Five, Part.3

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Me and the Devil by Soap&Skin

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Me and the Devil by Soap&Skin

Early this morning
When you knocked upon my door
Early this morning
When you knocked upon my door
And I said hello Satan, ah
I believe it is time to go
Me and the devil walkin' side by side
Me and the devil walking side by side

(Im gonna be annoying and write this here. I've been sorting out a discord server if anyone is interested on joining, anyway bye lol.)

There was a slight silence before I heard Joel's quiet shouts for us to run and the engine of a vehicle. Sam had patted Henry to show it to him. The car sped up. Henry rushed us to go and we did, i took off, as fast as I could, gun in my hand, ignoring the false warmth on them. The harsh noises of gunshots and hitting cars was piercing my ears, stopping the cries In the back of my mind. There was a loud crash and I turned to see the vehicle smashed into a house and Ellie on the floor, I rushed and helped Ellie up, running with her away from the house as an explosion silenced the unknown people, knocking me and Ellie down again. Henry got Ellie up off the floor, running with her. I groaned and got myself up, running after them, behind a car. "You two ok?" He asked us, we both said yes and caught our breaths. The crackle of fire and mutters of voices filled the silence. "Dead end, Henry." A lady called out, "gonna step out, save us some time? No?" She said to a silent reply "That's all right. Doesn't matter."... Henry look to us before speaking up "I'll come out. Just let the kids go!" He offered, "No... sorry. The girl is with the men who killed Bryan. And Sam... well, Sam's with you." She reminds him. "You don't understand!" Henry continued, "But I do. I know why you did what you did. But did you ever stop to think that maybe he was supposed to die?" The lady questioned. "He's just a fucking kid." Henry snapped back.
"Well, kids die, Henry. They die all the time. You think the whole world revolves around him? That he's worth... everything? Well, this is what happens when you fuck with fate." She told him, Henry turned to us, "Get ready to take him and run." He told us, Ellie shook her head, "Yes." Henry said sternly, looking to me. I nodded, "Do it." He said to us, Ellie took Sam's hand and I took hers, she looked to me and I nodded. "It's time. Henry. Enough!" The lady said harshly. Henry took deep breath's before getting up, hands in the air by his head. Sam went to get up but Ellie pulled him back down. Henry walked away from the car, a terrible silence cut off "It end the way it ends." She said to Henry, clicking her gun, there was a creak, no shot, but rumbling. I peeked through the car windows to see the vehicle that blew up teetering into the ground, the snarls of infected rung in my ears, me and Ellie looked to each-other, her eyes full of fear, my eyes full of anger. The snarls got louder, i looked again and saw a horde of infected burst out from the caved in floor, full sprint. Gunfire was added to the screeching, Henry ran to us crouching down closely, infected running past us. One ran atop of the car behind us before being shot, falling to the floor, more surrounded us and Henry pulled Sam along, me and Ellie running after them. I made shots to ones around me as Joel shot the ones near Ellie. I was too focused on the ones around me to see Ellie on the floor, crawling towards a car. The working cars started up and drove forward, running infected over.

There was a loud growl and gurgle, and a large infected emerged from the gap. "Bloater" i muttered to myself, then strong creature smashing people onto the floor. I ran to a different car for cover, shooting stray infected and sprinting to the house Joel was in. Swapping my gun for a knife and my dagger, running inside the house and up the stairs. Pausing. No bashing, no creaks. No infected. I sighed and rushed upstairs. Joel turned his head to me and I crouched beside him, immediately putting away my knifes and grabbing my fox gun, spotting the familiar three and shooting at surrounding infected as Joel did the same. Joel grabbed my arm pulling me up with him and rushing out the house, he sprinted with me, quickly making sure I was behind him and turning back to face forward. We reached the other three, Joel sternly leading them away, hand still stuck to my arm with a death grip. The continuous screeches and roars of infected rushing to take down Kathleen's army. We ran fast, a whimper at my feet caused me to stop immediately, Joel's hand slipping off my arm, i quickly scooped the crying pup into my arms and continued running. His whimpers of pain slowly moulding into a familiar wail, my breath quickening and heart racing.
"Shhh, it's alright, you're ok." I chocked out to him, my mind jumped between the two scenarios. The cries of the Canine mixed with the cries that haunt me.


We had reached a motel. Joel and I sat beside each-other, Henry sat on a stool, listening to the quiet words of Ellie reading with Sam. "You the think they'll be ok?" Henry asked, I leaned my head of Joel's shoulder, Scruff laid on my lap, hurt but not bleeding, at least not externally. "Yeah, I think." Joel answered "it's easier when you're a kid anyway." He swallowed, "you don't have anybody else relying on you. That's the hard part.".
"Well... I guess we're doing a good Job, then." Henry replied. Joel nodded slightly, "What's that comic book say? Endure and survive?", "Endure and survive." Henry repeated with a scoff, "that shit's redundant.".
"Yeah, it's- it's not great." Joel agreed, "No." Henry chuckled. "Look, I don't know exactly how I'm getting to Wyoming. I'm probably walkin'. But... you know, if you want to..." Joel offered, "Yeah. Yeah." Henry agreed "Uhm... yeah, I think it'd be nice for Sam to have a friend. I'll tell him in the morning. New day, new start." He finished.

Finished- 5:48pm 15/03/2023
I need y'alls opinion on the tiny details, I wanted to fit some of the things about his FEDRA training, like involuntarily taking note of every sound, smell and movement he can hear, see or count. But I want your opinion on it!

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