Episode: Five, Part 2.

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Evergreen by Richy Mitch & The Coal Miners

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Evergreen by Richy Mitch & The Coal Miners

Locked in a stalemate
With a man who bars no holds
Rock and a hard place
He's battering control
What am I waiting for?
Feet planted beneath
My compass, my transport

"I heard about places like this." Joel said "people went underground after outbreak day, built settlements.".
"What happened to them?" Ellie asked, "maybe they didn't follow the rules and they all got infected." Joel sassed earning a mmh from Ellie. The two younger ones sat down, Ellie rolled a toy car off the table. Sam had picked up a comic book, Ellie smiled and crouched beside him. "No way! I love these." She beamed, writing down what issues she had. I smiled at their interaction as they signed "endure and survive" to each-other.
"Keep it down. We're not out yet." Joel said, "Aw, cmon. Can't we just rest here for a while?" Ellie complained "there's like actually shit to do here.",
"Wouldn't be so bad to wait the light out. Safer in shadows when we pop back out on the other side." Henry said, "He's right, Cowboy." I said.
Joel tilted his head, eyebrow raised.


Me and Henry sat at the table, Y/n on the floor with Scruff as Ellie and Sam played with the football. Ellie had kicked the ball between Sam's legs earning a goal with a cheer, "El!" Y/n called her, Ellie turned around. "Lemme join, I'll do goalie." He offered, "you sure you know how, old man?" Ellie jested. "I'll have you know I did this religiously as a child, and I'm not old. I'm 38." He corrected her, Ellie and Sam agreed on letting Y/n be goalie.

"Bring it on kids." Y/n said putting her thumbs up for Sam, the two kids took turns trying to get a goal, Y/n had blocked every single one. One round Ellie tried to kick the ball higher, Y/n easily catching it in the air. Ellie huffed "This is impossible." She complained, Y/n laughed, my chest tightened at the sound. "What can I say I'm pretty gooood." He jested. Ellie tapped Sam beckoning him to the table to discuss something. Y/n sighed, walking to the table and grabbing his water and taking a swig before putting it back down. "Ready for round seven?" He smirked, the two nodded and they all got into position. Y/n put his thumbs up and they started passing the ball to each-other, I watched Y/n's eyes watch the ball, calculating his move. The ball making him move over slightly, Sam kicked the ball to the opposite side. Y/n jumped to the floor, the thump of his right shoulder on the ground, a cheer followed him as he held the ball. My eyes widened, I had to hold myself to my seat. Ellie rushed to him and asked if he was ok, Y/n nodded and sat up passing the ball to Sam who put it away. Y/n rubbed his shoulder as he got up, walking over to Sam's writing board and writing something down to show them. The two nodded and followed Y/n back to the table "hay cowboy, care to pass me my bag?" He asked, i nodded and passed him the bag. He took out a tub with cookies. Passing one to Ellie and one to Sam before sitting on a chair beside me, "where'd you get them?" I asked, "made them when I got in my house." He passed one to Henry, who sent a smile and a small wink to him. My jaw clenched and i turned my head away, Y/n tapped my shoulder making me turn to him again. "Here." He said holding one out to me. I shook my head and he rolled his eyes, "cmon, I put extra chocolate in this one. Just for you. Take it." He huffed, my eyes widened slightly, my chest felt tighter this time. He made a certain one for me? I took the cookie from him with a "thanks.", he smiled and nodded "you're welcome, handsome." He teased, my face flushed and I turned to look back at the two younger ones. Henry's words lingered in my mind, "There was a man, a great man. You know, he was never afraid... never selfish... and he was always forgiving. Have you ever met someone like that? Kinda man you'd follow anywhere." My eyes moved to Y/n who was sat with Scruff, petting the animal as he watched the younger two.
In that moment I mentally nodded to Henry's question, I got up after the memory finished, so had my cookie. "We've waited long enough." I said, walking away.


We had walked into a dark parking lot, "do you know where we are?" Joel asked, "Yep. The other side." Henry said.


We walked through the dark town, cars pushed out the way for a path. I was walking beside Joel, trusting Henry to keep an eye on Ellie as the other three walked behind us. "I know. No one is here. No one's gonna be here because... my plan worked." He sassed, "so much goddamn talkin'" Joel complained, "don't get your hopes up." I said harshly. Henry chuckled "I'm just saying... I delivered. Make this right, down the street, embankment behind the last house... and we're out.",
"So we cross the river and then what? Where you gonna go?" Ellie asked him, "Don't know yet." Henry answered. "Well, we're going to Wyoming." She told him, Joel tuned to look at her, "what? It's a huge state. It can fit two more people." She explained, "Yeah... maybe we just call this one a success and say our find farewells." Henry told her. "No, he'll change his mind. Trust me. This is how it goes." She said "He's like: "no, Ellie. Never, ever, ever happening." And I'm like "I'm gonna ask you a million more times." And he's like-" her terrible impression got cut off by a gunshot. "Woah!" Ellie said startled, "Move. MOVE!" Joel hurried us behind a car. "The fuck is that comin' from?!" Henry asked, "Shut up." Joel silenced him, peeking his head up. Another shot came and hit the car, shattering the glass. Henry did the same, the bullet missing him. "Fuck. Let's move. Let's go." He grabbed Sam's hand pulling him up, "What are you doin'?!" Joel shouted to him,
"Gettin the fuck outta here!" Another shot missed them, Sam dragging the older man back to the car we were hiding behind. "What do we do?" Henry asked, Joel popped his head back up again. The a shot missed him making me grab his arm, "will you stop that!" I complained. "All right." He mumbled turning to his back and putting his gun away. "Stay here." He told me and Ellie, "what?" We both asked. "If you don't move, he's not gonna hit you. I'm gonna go around, try to get in the house through the back. And take him out." He told her, "but if you go out there he'll kill you." She argued to him, "it's dark and he as shifty aim. Nobody will kill me." He argued back, "then he's gonna kill us." She continued the small argument over me. "Do you trust me?" Joel asked, Ellie gave him a nod, he turned his head to me. "Yes." I said, "Agent, I want you to peek your head up after I get inside, if there's no shots, shoot him. I'll stay out of range. I promise." He informed me, I nodded "I've done this before, cowboy. Go on." I said to him, he nodded and crouched past us to the back of the car, another shot missed. He ran behind the other cars, every shot the person made had missed him. I had caught a glimpse of him going into the darkness, I waited patiently, counting his steps in my head as if I could hear them. Steady, slow but not too slow, heavy up the stairs, I looked up, a bullet missed me. Not yet, one, two, one, one, two. Peek. Gunshot. One, two. Peek. No shot. I waited a moment, Henry passed me some binoculars. I nodded in thanks and looked towards the window. The man was turned towards a dark figure; Joel. Gunshot. I aimed my gun, steady... one, two, fire. My shot rang through the air, I quickly picked up the binoculars to see the window empty. Training at FEDRA has it's perks.

Finished- 4:57pm 15/03/2023
Sorry this isn't as long!

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