Episode: Four, Part 1.

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Mary by Alex G

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Mary by Alex G

Mary is the girl that I wanna kiss
She's got big red eyes and big red lips
She's got big sharp teeth and big fat hips
Mary is the girl that I wanna fuck
She's got leather heart and leather gloves
She's the only girl that I wanna love

Joel and I were outside by a car as Ellie went inside the gas station. Joel was trying to get the car some fuel. Ellie walked up to us as Joel was making a siphon, "We have to do this every hour?" Ellie asked "Gas breaks down over time. This stuff's almost water." Joel answered "back in the day we'd drive 10, 12 hours on one tank. You could go anywhere."
"So where did you go?" Ellie asked
I was trying to sharpen Dad's knife, he usually forgot to sharpen it. Scruff sat patiently beside me. "Pretty much nowhere." Joel answered Ellie again before blowing into the tube he had used to remove the unwanted shit. "Nice! How does that work?" Ellie asked, "It's a siphon. It's when liquid... travels against gravity because pressure..." he stumbled on his words, "you don't know." Ellie told him "I know it works." He informed her. "Ellie, lesson time, I think you need it too Joel." Ellie giggled and nodded for me to continue, Joel turned to look at me. "If I remember correctly from my very old science lessons. It works when the pressure on the other side of the siphon becomes stronger and forces the rest of the water up and over the bend in it, therefore it makes the water get the fuck outta there!" I smiled, "Thought you didn't know bout cars?" Joel asked
"You're right, I don't know jackshit about cars. I know my science though!" I reminded him, Ellie was holding back a laugh at the mini lesson I gave them, especially the fact that I'd included Joel into it. She went to walk away before Joel stopped her, "No wandering." He told her making Ellie turn around and walk back towards the car, "Ok." Ellie said "This is your fault, then." She told him. She took out a book and started reading it out loud, "it doesn't matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationary." I smiled at the joke while Ellie was laughing at it. "No pun intended, Volume Too, by Will Livingston" Ellie told us "Volume "Too". Look, you get it? "Too" like,
"Jesus." Joel mumbled getting up, "what did the mermaid Wear to her math class?" Ellie started again, leaning forward slightly "An algae bra! Like... algae bra." She laughed at the joke again, making me chuckle a bit at her humour. "I stayed up all night..." Ellie continued, "No" Joel protested, "Wondering where the sun went, and then it dawned on me." She smiled.
"Feel free to wait in the truck." Joel said.
"Ugh, ok. But just know, you can't escape Will Livingston. He'll be back. There's nothing you can do to stop him." Ellie told Joel and put the block back in her bag.

We'd gotten the car ready and set off again, Ellie sat in the back with Scruff this time and me in the front next to Joel. "Must've been some kind of truck." Ellie said looking at the cars lined perfectly on the side of the road, "Yeah they'd stick big ass ploughs on them, clear the roads for their tanks and such." Joel told her, "i wanna see a tank!" Ellie beamed.
"You will." Joel said plainly "Tanks, choppers, all that stuff. Built to fight the wrong enemy. Just scattered around now."

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