Episode: Eight, Part 1.

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Great Gig In The Sky (2011 remastered) by Pink Floyd

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Great Gig In The Sky (2011 remastered) by Pink Floyd

And I am not frightened of dying
Any time will do, I don't mind
Why should I be frightened of dying?
There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime


I lifted Joel's shirt up to check his wound, it was covered in bloody fingerprints and it looked swollen, probably infected. My eyes moved to the sleeping man's face, and to his partner who lied asleep against his shoulder. I pulled the shirt down and Joel's blanket up to cover him, "You thirsty?" I asked him, taking some water onto my fingers and dabbing them on his lips, Joel coughed. I quickly opened the wrapped up rations, tearing it in half and eating some before shaking Y/n awake, "Eat it." I told him, he sleepily took the food and ate it. My breaths were heavy, I put a piece of the ration on Joel's blanket, watching him quietly grumble and grunt in his sleep. Joel's equipment on the other side of the room caught my attention, I leant down to Joel "I'm gonna be right back, ok?" I told him, getting up and waking the younger man up "hmm?" Y/n mumbled, sitting up to look at me. "Come help me hunt."
"But Joel-"
"He'll be fine, c'mon."
"Alright, lets go." He nodded, pressing a kiss to Joel's forehead and cheek before getting up.

We left the house, Y/n with a bow and arrow, and me with Joel's gun. We were both ready to for any dangers, relaxing when there were none. We set off after confirming there was no one around, deep into the depths of the woods.
It was incredibly snowy with a chill that had numbed our faces, we walked slowly, silently, trying to find anything to eat. I stopped when I spotted a rabbit, slowly aiming the gun. I sprinted towards it, tripping and falling on my face. I groaned as Y/n snickered behind me, walking to me and sticking his hand out. I took his hand at got up, sighing at the fact I scared the rabbit off. "Yknow, you shouldn't exactly sprint at a living animal that's petrified of everything and has an intense flight reaction." He told me, I rolled my eyes and huffed. "Yeah, yeah."
"No. Really, you'll starve to death."
"Yeah, well maybe we will!" I raised my voice, annoyed. "Ok, calm down. I have something to tell you." He sighed, "Go ahead." His words had peaked my interest.
"Ok, so, last night, I had this dream. Well, nightmare? I don't know. But that's besides the point, I had a dream and I was in the building we were kept in. Before you arrived, and something off happened. Marlene gave me a baby, made me take care of it and protect it. Then she took it, a few days later and when she gave it back to me... the baby was infected. She had one of her guys shoot the baby to see what I'd do."
"What did you do?" I asked.
"I took his gun and shot him. But thats not the only crazy part cause, I saw Taylor. Her body, just lying there. And then you arrived a week later. So sassy and pissed off, you asked me about myself and some stuff and then after a few hours you fell asleep. And I shouted at Marlene asking of she was going to kill you, and then she told me you were immune."
"Jeez. Fuckin' crazy shit. You got a messed up head." I scoffed,
"I do indeed. But I have this gut feeling, that something isn't right."
"Maybe the lack of food."
"No. No, I know this feeling. Something bad is gonna happen. And I don't know what..."
"Don't stress it. Y'know i had a dream too."
"What was it?" He asked me, I sighed.
"So, I'm on this big plane full of people. And everyone is screaming and yelling 'cause the plane's going down. So I walk to the cockpit, open the door, but there's no pilot. I try to use the controls but... I obviously have no clue how to fly a plane. And right before we crash, I wake up. I've never been on a plane. Isn't that weird?"
"Guess we both got issues kiddo." He sighed, I nodded and we faded back into silence. The sound of what seemed to be a clicker grabbing our attention. My eyes settled on a deer, I crouched down, lying into position and aiming the gun at it. When i pulled the trigger, it hit the deer and the animal ran away in pain. "No fucking way." I muttered, "c'mon kid, good shot, let's follow." Y/n ushered me, jogging after the deer.

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