Episode: Six, Part 1.

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(Peep Pedro)

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(Peep Pedro)

Romantic homicide by d4vid

I'm scared

It feels like you don't care.

Enlighten me, my dear

Why am I still here?

The cabin was cozy, small? yes. But cozy. A man had walked through the door, placing his bow and arrow on a side table. "And the gun." Joel spoke up, "Who the hell are you?" The man asked. "Just someone passin' through. Take the gun out, two fingers only, put it outta reach." Joel continued walking towards the man who did as he said. "Why didn't you shoot him?" He asked the lady,
"The gun's all the way over there. He didn't hurt me, by the way." She replied. "Yeah, I got eyes." The man grumbled "You made him soup?"
"Yeah, I did. It's cold out." She reasoned. Joel sighed, "I'm lookin' for my brother." The older man scoffed "I ain't seen him."
"I haven't told you what he looks like." Joel said without missing a beat.
"He look anything like you?"
"A bit."
"Then i ain't seen him."
"He's got a girl with him. And a guy." The lady spoke up.
"Can I come down?" Ellie asked,
"No." Joel and I said at the same time, Ellie ignored us and went to go down the stairs. "Ellie." Joel said sternly.
Ellie had stopped by the older man, i followed slowly behind her, gun pointed to the floor. "What did I just say?" Joel said with an annoyed tone,
"Joel, come on. They're, like, a thousand." She replied.
"Who's this little psycho?" The seated man asked, "Never mind her. I need you to tell us where we are." Joel pushed the map towards the other man, "you got a map. Why you lost?"
"Must've missed all the street signs in the enormous fucking forest." Ellie sassed, I failed to hold back a snicker.
"We're somewhere here. Exactly where?" Joel pointed to a part of the map "And you're answer better be the same as your wife's."
"Did you tell him the truth?" The man asked his wife, "Yeah." She replied, "Are you telling' me the truth?"
"Yeah." She repeated. The man looked at the three of us before pointing to a point on the map, Joel put his gun away "Well you found a great place to hide, I guess." He said, sitting on a chair and resting his head on his fist "Hide? Came here before you were born, sonny." The man replied "Get the hell away from everybody."
"I didn't want to." The lady added
"Eh. Listen, I didn't mean to upset you about your brother, but if you've come this far, then you know what's out there. You seen Cody?" He asked
"Yeah, got close enough. It's crawling with infected." Ellie answered,
"Yeah, Laramie and Wind River Reservation. Anywhere people used to be, you can't go there no more."
"So you haven't heard the name Tommy?" Joel asked.
"What about the fireflies?" Ellie asked, "We get those in the summer." The lady said plainly, "Not the bugs, the people?" She asked. The couple laughed, "You got any advice on the best way west?" Joel asked, "Yeah... go east. But you never go past the river here." The man brushed his finger over a river on the map "Ever.".
"What's past the river?" Ellie and I spoke at the same time. "Death. We never seen who's out there, but we see the bodies they leave behind." The lady answered "some infected, some not. If your brother's west of the river, he's gone." The words made Joel silent, "You're not gonna scare us." Ellie said, "scared him." The lady said gently. The man laughed and I walked over behind Joel, placing my hands gently on his tense shoulders. He visibly relaxed at my touch, I leaned down to look at him and he turned to do the same. "He's ok." I whispered to him. "How do you know." He didn't bother being quiet, "if he's anything as smart and brave as you, then I know he's ok." I continued my quiet voice, he nodded with a sigh. I squeezed his shoulders before removing my hands from him, Joel picked up the map and got up to go.

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