Episode: Four, part 4

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Wear you down by Paul Otten

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Wear you down by Paul Otten

Oh my dear
You are the spark
Your restless flames
Engulf my heart

A silence filled the room, Joel getting Ellie's gun out before crouching to her and holding it towards her. "Show me your grip." He said, Ellie took ahold of the gun "Finger off the trigger." He added, she held the gun out and looked to Joel. "Now, who taught you that?" He asked, "FEDRA school." She replied. "Figures... your thumb, over your thumb." He said, guiding her hand to hold the gun properly "Left hand... squeezes down on the right. You got it?" He asked earning a nod from Ellie "There ya go." He nodded to her, holding her hands on the gun "Look it." He said before grabbing the gun and pulling it making Ellie hiss out a laugh. "Ok?" He questioned , Ellie nodded to him again. Joel reloaded the gun before handing it to Ellie again who went to put it in her pocket, "Uh-uh. You put it in your pack. You'll shoot your damn ass off." He said before getting up with a grunt, walking over towards me. "Lemme see yours." He says kneeling down to me. I pull out my two guns, handing the FEDRA one to him. He took the gun and put some spare ammo in it, handing it back to me and taking the other gun and putting some more ammo in it, "There, you got your knives too, right?" He asked handing the fox gun back. "Yup, two and a dagger." I reassured him, "Good." He said getting up again , Scruff hopping off my lap so I could get up. He walked towards the door and started removing the boards from it, looking to Ellie then me. "We'll get through this." He reassured, "I know." Ellie said, Joel turned to me and i nodded and he opened the door. Ellie following behind him.


It was dark out and we had got to the building Joel was eyeing, the man was helping Ellie through a small vent looking thing. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit." Ellie panicked a bit, "Straighten up, I got you." Joel reassured. Ellie had pushed bashed the vent off the wall with a clatter, wiggling through the hole. "Ok, I'm in." She announced, "Take a look around first." He told her, the clanking continued "Ellie. Goddamnit." He rolled his eyes. The door opened for us and Ellie stood against it, "Where would you be without me huh?" She smiled, "by now, Wyoming." Joel answered, "Living a normal life at Home." I grumbled. "Oh, yeah, walked into that one." Ellie replied, we were walking through the dark room, random shit lying around and an abandoned van sat with its doors open. "Alright, we'll make our way up, and come morning, I'll take a look at the city and find our way out." Joel informed us.

Joel opened the stairs door, "We're going up 42 flights?" Ellie asked, shocked. "45." Joel corrected. "But no... not all the way." He reassured, "You're too decrepit for that, Cowboy." I joked, he shook his head. "How far?" Ellie asked, "As far as I can make it." He replied making Ellie giggle, Joel took off up the stairs, his usual heavy footsteps and Scruffs nails echoing through the flight. Soon the three were panting, I chuckled at them, focusing on my breaths. "Hay, you know that guy who said he was hurt?" Ellie started "How did you know it was an ambush?"
Joel leaned against the railing, catching his breath. "I've been on both sides. It was a long time ago. We did what we needed to survive." He answered, "You and Tess?" Ellie asked
"And the people we were with... my brother, too." He explained.
"Did you kill innocent people?"
Joel went silent, looking at Ellie and faced forward again "Come on." He ignored her question, walking off.

By the time we got to where Joel had had enough we were all panting, Joel opened a door and walked through. "Holy shit." Ellie panted, "Yeah." Joel agreed "33 floors, that's good." She said. Joel sat down catching his breath again, Scruff licked his face before walking to Ellie, "It's gonna have to be." He breathed out. Ellie walked up to him, holding her hand out, "Come on." She said lightly, i slid down the wall sitting next to Joel. "Give me a minute." He complained, i nodded in agreement. My lungs were working against me, trying to take deeper breaths which did nothing to help. "Ughhh." I grumbled in annoyance from loosing my breathing pattern. "Get up you lazy asses." Ellie sassed, Joel looked up at her before taking her hand and getting up with a groan.
""Lazy ass." Fifty six years old, you little shit." He sassed back. Holding his hand out to me, I took it and stood up with an "oh shit." "You good?" He asked, I shook my head "no" and leaned against the wall, the two looked at me wearily. "What? I literally almost got shot and I've just gone up 33 floors, give me a break." I complained my black fuzz clearing from my vision, "Low iron." I confirmed, "Let's go so I don't pass out." I asked quietly. Joel nodded and turned at to start walking.

Joel used his gun to break the glass of the room he chose, Ellie and I pushed some stuff up to sit on as Joel spread out the broken glass. "Joel?" Ellie questioned with no reply "Joel." She repeated, realising that he couldn't hear her very well "JOEL." She raised her voice, his head turned to her. "What?" He asked, annoyed. "What are you doing?" She finished her question, "I don't want someone sneakin' up on us while we're sleepin'" he answered, "ohhhh, I get it. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Are you sure you're gonna hear it?" She said, concerned.
"Of course, I'll hear it. That's the damn point." He said sternly,
"Ok." Ellie shrugged, "Well goodnight." She sighed, lying down.
Joel kneeled down with a grunt, "yeah, goodnight." He said taking off his coat and lying down. I did the same, lying on my back looking at the ceiling with a sigh as the dog laid on my lap, Silence took over for a moment before Joel broke it, "Hey.", "Yeah?" Ellie answered,
"When we were talking' about hurtin' people... what did you mean it wasn't your first time?" He asked, Ellie turned over "I don't wanna talk about it." She said. "All right." Joel let it go, waiting a second before turning to face us, "You don't have to. I'm just sayin'... it isn't fair. Your age... havin' to deal with all of this..."
"So it gets easier when you get older?"
Joel shook his head lightly, "No. Not really." He admitted "But still...".
"The reason I asked whether you'd hear the glass or not, is cause I've noticed you don't hear too well from your right side. Is it cause you were shot there?" She asked, "Probably more from shootin'. So if you wanna keep your hearin', you stick to that knife." He said turning over.

"Joel?" Ellie asked earning a hum in response, "Did you know diarrhoea is hereditary?". Joel turned his head slightly, "what?".
"Yeah..." Ellie sighed, "It runs in your jeans." She finished her joke, Joel turned to face her. She stifled a laugh and Joel turned back around, "Jesus." He whispered before laughing a bit, Ellie continued giggling. I smiled and couldn't help but scoff a laugh out. "That is so goddamn stupid." Joel complained, "you laughed, mother fucker." Ellie chuckled out.
"I didn't laugh." He denied,
"Yes you did!"
"Jesus, I'm loosin' it." He admitted,
"You're losin' it big time." Ellie agreed. The three of us started laughing again, and it felt right, it felt... safe. My laughter had died down as I listened to theirs, "go to sleep." Joel complained. "YOU go to sleep." Ellie sassed with a giggle. Surprisingly I fell asleep, granted Ellie let me cuddle her because I couldn't before.

"Joel." Ellie said softly. Scruffs deep growls sounded from behind me, I had my gun pointed to the man who held his gun out to Ellie. "JOEL." Ellie repeated louder, he flinched awake, quickly seeing the situation and turning to face the little boy aiming a gun at him, the boy put a finger to his lips to tell Joel to be quiet.

Finished- 9/03/2023, 7:26pm
I actually can't tell if it's "figures" or "figured" my silly brain won't figure it out :')

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