Episode: Two, part 4.

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Dream, Ivory by Dream, Ivory

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Dream, Ivory by Dream, Ivory

Can't say that I knew away from feeling you
But can you see it too?
The way the skies are turning blue
Pastures on my mind
Running, searching just to find
A thing or two that once was true
The part of you that made me new

Joel pushed open a window crawling through with Ellie behind him, I was in front of Tess a slight stinging pain behind my ear. Tess crawled out the window after me grunting in pain "Oh. Fuck it." , Joel kneeled down beside her taking a quick glance back at Ellie and taking out a bandage and passing it to her "Put this around your arm." he said, Ellie thanking him in reply. The pain behind my ear grew stronger and I turned away wincing, Ellie had walked towards a wooden board that connected two rooftops "Over there?" she asked, "Yeah, I know. It looks scary." Joel replied "That was scary. This is wood." Ellie corrected him walking over the mini bridge. I walked towards the thin plank of wood and looked down "You alright?" Joel asked making me turn around finding his eyes on me "Not exactly." I say before turning back to walk over the plank to Ellie "Just wait there, give us a minute" Joel said, Ellie turned towards the view on the other side of the roof, I joined her taking a deep breath in and exhaling "It's beautiful." Ellie admitted under her breath "Yeah." I agreed bringing my hand to rub under my ear, when I brought it back into view blood had smeared over it, wiping my hand on my flannel I dismissed it as a cut and continued taking in the view.
Heavy metal steps on the planks made me stop my deep breaths of fresh air, looking towards Joel walking over the ladder-wood bridge. He stood between me and Ellie "Is it everything you hoped for?" He asked Ellie, "Jury's still out. But, man, you can't deny that view." she answered. Tess's footsteps sounding from behind us "Come on, let's get there before it gets dark." Tess says, she walks past Ellie and climbs down a ladder groaning in pain. Joel nods to Ellie and she goes down the ladder too, Joel stood for a second and looked at his watch.

"After you." I say to Joel who nodded in response and went down the ladder, when he was out of sight I let out a sigh pulling my tank top down to see the scar on my chest. I let go of my collar and went down the ladder.


We walked down a street littered with broken down cars overgrown with plants, Tess speeding ahead in a slight limp while me and Ellie walked beside each-other, Joel stuck behind slightly.

We arrived at the State House, it was extremely grown over with vines. We were hidden behind an old car waiting for anyone to come out of what seemed to be a FEDRA vehicle in-front of the building, "Where the fuck are they?" Tess whispered, Joel shook his head lightly before turning towards Tess. They seemed to read each other's minds, Joel turned around and got up slowly walking towards the vehicle. I pulled my gun out, aiming it near Joel incase anyone jumped out. He opened the front of the Vehicle's door earning a squeak and quite a loud noise, he aimed his gun inside and I aimed mine behind the vehicle. No one was inside it. He turned to look back to us and held his hand out muttering something to himself, Tess lowered her gun but I kept mine up as he went around the back of the vehicle. A loud rattle broke the silence as he opened the back doors. "Joel?" Tess spoke up, walking around towards him me and Ellie following her "What the fuck is going on?" She asked, "I don't know." Joel answered. Ellie looked down "They went inside." She told us making me look towards the steps dripped in blood. Tess grabbed Ellie and quickly walked up the steps "Come on." she spoke "Tess." Joel warned, I quickly followed them. "Come on." She said again "Tess!" Joel shouted and Tess ignored him continuing to speed towards the entrance. I turned my head towards Joel and nodded to the entrance before following Tess again, she opened the door, gun out, mine was too. She pushed Ellie in-front of her through the door and I quickly went behind her, the door shutting behind us before being opened again by Joel. Tess slowed down at the gruesome sight in-front of us.

"Holy shit." Ellie said, staring at the bloody bodies on the floor. Tess walked around in a panic, "Oh, Jesus." Joel muttered, walking towards me and Ellie, grabbing her arm and pulling her away from one of the bodies. "Ok. I mean, there's gotta be a... a fuckin' radio or somethin', right?" Tess rushed, turning to search the place, "Who killed them? FEDRA?" Ellie questioned "No." Joel started, using his foot to turn a body on its back the blood beneath it squelching. "One of them got bit. The healthy fought the sick. Everyone lost." He finished, "Tess? What are you doin'?" he asked the rushing woman, Ellie's hand found mine and tapped it, i took her hand in mine giving it a light squeeze of reassurance. "Where did Marlene say that she was taking you?" Tess asked "Ellie!" she said sternly, "Uh, I don't know, just west." Ellie answered. "Just west. Fuck. Ok. Well, I mean, one if them's gotta have a map on them, right?" She said walking away from Ellie. "Joel, can you help me?" she adked "No!" Joel answered harshly. "Tess... it's over. We are going home." He continued, "That's not my fucking home." Tess snapped, Silence engulfed the room. Tess sighed, getting up and turning towards Joel. "I'm staying." She said softly "I mean... our luck had to run out sooner or later.", "Fuck" Ellie muttered,
She's infected
"She's infected." Ellie said at the same time my mind did. Joel who had turned to look at Ellie slowly turned to look at Tess, who scoffed. "Show me." Joel said in disbelief, "Joel." Tess moved forward causing Joel to step back. After a moment of silence, Tess pulled her clothing back to reveal the bite on her lower neck. "Oops, right?" She said before covering the bite again. "Take your bandage off." She asked Ellie, who did as she was told with a sigh. Tess slowly walked past Joel towards Ellie "Look. Joel?" she spoke up, "This is real." She held ellies arm out. "Joel, she's fucking real." Tess said with a shaky breath, her hand shaking quickly. "I need you to get her to Bill and Frank's." Tess told Joel "No." Joel resisted "They'll take her off your hands and handle it from here." Tess added "No, no, no, I can't. They're not gonna take her." he denied, "They will cause you'll convince them. Yes, you will." She assured "I-I never ask you for anything. not to feel the way I felt." she quickly spoke "No.." Joel mumbled "Not to... Shut the fuck up cause I don't have time." She shushed him "This is your chance. You get her there... you get Y/n there. You keep them alive... and you set everything right. All the shit we did. Please say yes, Joel. Please." She begged as Joel shook his head. A loud shriek echoed through the room, infected. "Oh, fuck!" Ellie exclaimed as the once lifeless body started crawling around, me and Joel both calmly shooting it in the head. "Oh, shit." I say, looking at the man's fingers, threaded with fungi which spread under the floor tiles. Joel ran to the door opening it and shutting it just as fast, speed walking towards us. "How many?" Tess asked "All of them. Maybe a minute." Joel said quickly his breaths matching, Tess started breaking open barrels and pushing them over. "What are you doing?" Ellie asked, her hand gripping mine tighter. "Making sure that they don't follow you." Tess answers before breaking another barrel and toppling it over and scattering grenades on the floor. She walked up to Joel, "Joel..." she whispered "...save who you can save." Joel grabbed Ellies arm that was holding mine dragging us both along "No! We're not leaving her!" Ellie shouted hitting Joels arm while I held her hand tightly trying to keep up with them "GET OFF ME, YOU FUCKER!". "Im not going with you!" she continued


A loud explosion rung through my ears, knocking us all forward. Joel and Ellie quickly getting up as I knelt on the ground catching my breath, silence overtook us, all you could hear were our quick breaths. I slowly got up, standing beside Ellie as Joel turned around and walked away. I wrapped my arm around Ellie's shoulder, pulling her close towards me. Her head tuned into my chest and she sighed lightly, I stroked her hair a bit before she pulled away and turned around to where Joel was. I did the same and patted her back, following Joel.

finished- 12:48am 22/02/2023

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