Episode: Two, Part 1.

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Working for the knife by Mitski♪I cry at the start of every movie I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too But I'm working for the knife ♪

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Working for the knife by Mitski

I cry at the start of every movie
I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too
But I'm working for the knife

Ellie was lying on the floor, the two smugglers cautiously watching her. I was writing, per usual. The gentle creak from the open roof filled the room, Ellie slowly woke up looking to the source of the noise. She sat up with an annoyed look on her face, silently looking around.

A louder creak coming from behind her, she quickly turned around. She went to get up, Joel interrupted her by  slowly raising his gun. I pulled mine out with my free hand and pointed it at Tess, still focused on writing. Ellie sat back down, Joel kept his gun aimed at her causing me to pay attention. "Do i look like i'm infected?" Ellie asked "Show us your arm." Joel plainly responded, Ellie obliged and pulled her sleeve up showing them the scar "Yeah, it's not getting any worse, is it?" She said. Tess and Joel looked at each other, "If we're out in the open city, why aren't we getting swarmed?" Ellie questioned "Don't worry about that." Joel said dismissing her question. "Well, i'm gonna." Ellie stated.
"What was Marlene doing with an infected kid?" Tess asked, "Im not infected" "She's not infected" me and Ellie said at the same time. A short silence filled the air, "She found me after i was bitten." Ellie broke the silence "And she didn't shoot you?" Joel stated the obvious "Clearly not" Ellie sassed back "She locked my up and had her guys test me every day to see if i was getting sick." she answered "Test you how?" Tess asked, i lowered my gun and continued writing. "I have to pee." Ellie said ignoring the question, "Test you. how?" Tess pushed, Ellie stared at her blankly "They'd make me count to ten and hold my my hand out and then keep it steady. But you know what i think really impressed them was that fact that i didn't turn into a fucking. monster." She answered "Now can i please?" she said getting up, Joel rose up too causing me to quickly aim my gun up at him. "Fine, back there you can find a spot." Tess said, nodding to the doorway making Joel and i lower our guns. "And here." she tossed a magazine to Ellie "Tear out a few pages." Ellie glared at them before turning around "There's not gonna be anything bad in here?" she asked "Just you." Joel replied "oh, funny." Ellie said sarcastically going through the doorway.

Tess sighed, and Joel say back down.
"Fuckin' what the hell." I exclaimed with an annoyed tone "What?" Joel asked confused, "Just, Bloaters anatomy being as confusing as this outbreak." I answered. "You're writing about.. Bloaters?" He questioned again, "Yes. You know what a bloater is right?" i asked him looking up from my book in disbelief, "Uhhh no?" He answered. "You do not know the real world." i mumbled looking back down to my writing. "What about you? Why were you with Marlene?" Tess asked, "Should i start from the start? or from when Marlene found me?" i asked "Either" she replied. "The start it is." i said quietly. "this'll be long" i warned them "Thats fine" Tess reassured.

"The day after the outbreak, FEDRA took me in. I was a Fungi researcher, they wanted me to help with research on the Cordyceps. A month after researching they said they were gonna train me to fight. My friend was in that part of FEDRA so i agreed, i wanted to make sure she was ok. Over three years time we had been making an escape plan and altering it every now and then. We both pursued the plan... One finished it. I killed so many men that day, out of pure rage. I was what they wanted, a killing machine. But their problem was that i escaped and they had zero control over me. I set off on my own, found a nice couple that had some land and they let me stay there. I stayed with them for eleven years, even had a dog. they promised they'd never tell anyone about me. Even the people on the radio. I told them i was gonna set off on my own to continue my research, they supported me. Said that i'll always be welcome there and that i would inherit the land when they passed. They'd adopted me as a son, i saw them as parents. Was out researching for about five years, went back to them every now and then. About two months ago i was taken in by Marlene she promised safety. ended up chained to a wall locked in a room, didn't even have my goddamn notebook. a month later Ellie came in, got chained up like me and they tested her. then i became her protector and you guys barged in the same day." i finished with a sad smile, i missed my family. "That friend, were you two?" Tess asked poking at thin glass. i hated this topic. I stared at her blankly "I don't swing that way." i said plainly, She awkwardly nodded "She was like a sister to me. i knew her all my life." i added a smile coming onto my face. "One more question" Joel said, "Shoot" i moved my focus to him "Who was the couple?" he asked. My smile left in a snap, i miss them. "Uh, that can wait a bit." i answered.

silence filled the room as i went back to my book discarding the writing and turning back a few pages to finish the runner i was drawing. Joel fiddled with his gun drawing my attention away from my book, he lifted his hand and it started shaking. Oh! i need to write that shit down. I remembered, quietly going to the back of my notebook and adding the notes from the soldier incident. I could hear Joel grip his gun again "Broken?" Tess asked "Maybe a hairline" Joel responded "It'll heal fast" the familiar silence came back, Tess watching Joel intently before turning away and dropping her head down her hands clasped together. "She made it through the fucking night." Tess tried to reason with Joel "It doesn't matter. It's gonna happen sooner or later." Joel responded. "Its really not." I stated "She'd be long gone by now." I added, Tess looked to me for a second before turning away. "We're still close to the wall. we sneak her back into the QZ. we find a different way to get the battery." Joel said making me roll my eyes about to spit a smart response "This is our best shot." Tess beat me to it making Joel sigh "We take her back to the QZ, someone's gonna notice her arm, they're gonna scan her. then they'll kill her." Tess said, i could tell by her words she slightly cared for Ellie even if i was just a smidge. "Well, better them than us." Joel snapped. "Stop talking about this kid like she's got some kinda life in-front of her." Joel said, "She does Joel. And Tess is right. Plus you ditch her, you ditch me. you die." I said, Ellie walked out of the other room and tossed the magazine back to Tess. She'd probably overheard them, "You two hungry?" Tess asked "You can share some of ours." she offered, "Thanks, Marlene sent me with my own." Ellie replied making Tess look to me "Not hungry" i said focusing back on the runner drawn Tess shrugged in response, The three of them took out their food. my stomach betrayed me by growling "Eat something Y/n/n" Ellie said "Not hungry" i said, she knew what i was saying and rolled her eyes "You've said that almost every day. Not hungry my ass" she said opening the cloth to take a bite of the sandwich Joel and Tess watching her intensely "Is that chicken?" Tess asked "Yeah." Ellie answered "Marlene said they get it from smugglers.... Guess not you guys." She added "Haven't had chicken in a few years" i said reminding myself of Bill's cooking "Have a bite" Ellie said "Im good." I denied her, "No i insist" Ellie said, she wouldn't leave me alone till i took a bite. "Fine." i said she held the sandwich to me and i took a small bite "Eh, not as good as Bill's sandwiches" i accidentally said after finishing my bite. "Bill?" Joel asked my body stiffened, I ignored him and went back to my drawing.

Tess stood up and walked over to Ellie i immediately took out my dagger holding it up as a warning, "Hay." Joel said "Why?" Tess started interrupted by another "hay" from Joel, Tess held her hand out to stop him "Why are you so important to Marlene? And don't lie to me of we'll take you back." Tess questioned "You take me back you don't get your battery." Ellie stated making Tess scoff "You heard that?" Ellie shrugged a shoulder "Then you must have heard that he wants to shoot you." Tess warned, "He won't even get the chance." i said to Tess getting ignored by her and Joel "Fucking idiots" i scoffed. "Im gonna talk to you like you're an adult. Ok? Joel and I aren't good people. we're doin this for us... because apparently you're worth something. But we don't know what you're worth if we don't know what we have. so answer my question." She explained, Ellie glared back at her and rolled her eyes covering them with her hand before resting it on the side of her head "She told me not to tell anybody, and now im telling the first people that I-" she said to herself, gently knocking her fist on her forehead "There's a Firefly base camp somewhere out west.. with doctors. they're working on a cure." She answered "Mhm. i've heard this before." Joel spoke "And whatever happened to me is.." Ellie started ".. Is the key to finding the vaccine" Ellie and Joel said at the same time "Thats what this is? We've heard this a million times. Vaccines, miracle cures. None of it works. Ever." Joel stated "Fuck you. i didn't ask for this." Ellie said standing up "You and me both!" Joel continued "This isn't gonna end well, Tess. we need to go back."
"Why don't you three shut up?" That brung their attention to me. "I've studied this mother fucking Cordyceps for YEARS. nothing like her has EVER come up. EVER. she's a good fucking shot to try. she's had that god damn bite for WEEKS! you know how long it takes to turn. Up to two days. So tell me how on the fucking earth are we both not infected already?" I snapped loudly pissed off at the two smugglers ignorance. everyone shut up Ellie looked to me and slowly blinked as a silent 'thanks'
"Let's just finish it. It doesn't matter if she IS or ISN'T what the Fireflies say. if they believe that she is. especially
Y/n, then.. we get what we want." Tess said, Joel shook his head "If she so much as twitches.." Ellie started pretending to turn, choking and moving her hands "Don't." Me and Tess said at the same time. Ellie cleared her throat "Yeah, ok." she said quietly "Ok?" Tess asked Joel "Ok." Joel agreed, Tess nodded her head to me and Ellie and we packed our bags up. Ellie eyed the gun "Can i have a gun?" she asked, "Absolutely NOT" "No" "Yeah no." We answered at the same time "Fine. i'll just throw my fucking sandwich at them." Ellie mumbled.

finished- 4:35pm 16/02/2023

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