Episode: Two, part 3.

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Bridges burn by Paul Otten

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Bridges burn by Paul Otten

Trained my mind on only one track
Hit the ground running and never looked back
Steered my eyes to the mission ahead and I burnt that bridge

It was silent again and the three of us sat down, Ellie took out her flip knife and i sighed leaning my head against the wall as i sat beside her. "Nice knife." Joel commented, Ellie gave him a look and continued flipping her knife "Where'd you learn to do that?" he asked "the circus" Ellie said sarcastically earning an eye roll from Joel and a sigh, Ellie closed her flip knife and looked to Joel taking a breath in "Where are you from?" She asked "Texas." Joel replied "What about Tess?". "Detroit. It's in Michigan." He answered, "I go to school. I know where Detroit is." she sassed back "So, uhh.. you two like a.." she trailed off "Pass." Joel said "How'd you end up in Boston?" she continued the questionnaire "Pass." Joel repeated "No more questions about me." Ellie dropped her head and picked it up again "How long do infected live?" Ellie asked "Oh, i thought you went to school." Joel sassed this time "It's a really shitty one." she replied "well, some last about a month or two. But there's others been walkin' around for about twenty years." Joel answered, "Ever kill one?", "Yeah, I killed lots of 'em"... "Was it hard? Like knowing they were people once?"... "Sometimes."

"What about that guy last night?" Ellie asked, a few seconds later loud footsteps could be heard. Joel stood up, Ellie going next to him. "You can put the gun down, Joel." Tess said from the closed door. Joel sighed "What now?" he asked, Tess probably shrugged but i couldn't see her.


we walked out into a glass patio dining area, Tess pulled the cover to the side. Ellie and i stepped through looking over the balcony. A whole swarm of Infected laid on the street, slowly moving around. I immediately got my notebook out and wrote the tiny details down to sketch later, you could hear many different noises coming from them. "There's so many." Ellie said shocked. "The last time we were here, they were still deep inside the buildings.. Then i guess enough people came through looking for the QZ, went inside seeking shelter... and thats how they get more and more of the city bit by bit. year after year." Tess said, people would have called it scary or eerie but in my opinion it was fascinating and beautiful how the fungi controlled the body to live like that. The beam of sun came through making the swarm snarl and turn "They're connected" Ellie said "More than you know." Tess started "The fungus also grows underground." As she spoke i quickly jotted down the information "Long fibres like wires, some of them stretching over a mile." Tess continued. A smile formed on my face, after all these years i was still in love with my Job. "Now, you step on a patch of cordyceps in one place, and you can wake a dozen infected l from somewhere else." Tess informed us, I was struggling to keep up with my information "Now they know where you are, now they come." "You're not immune from being ripped apart." I could hear the care in her voice, it made me smile more. "You understand?" Tess asked Ellie "It's important. I'm tryin' to keep you alive." Ellie nodded in response looking back at the swarm "man i wish i could take a closer look." my smile faltered, not being able to throughly inspect new things like this, made me ache inside. "Seriously?" Tess asked not surprised in the slightest "Force of habit, wanting to inspect Fungi down to the tiniest detail is my specialty." i said finishing some extra notes, Ellie got down from the balcony step "So, we're not going that way." she spoke "Unfortunately." i mumbled. darn fucking cordyceps. i got an odd look from Joel in response, "No." Tess said "What do we do, then?", "Short way?" Ellie asked, the familiar silence welcomed itself back before Joel interrupted it "Museum." he replied

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