Episode: Eight, Part 2.

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Mad Hatter - Melanie Martinez

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Mad Hatter - Melanie Martinez

I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad
The craziest friend that you've ever had
You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone
Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong
Over the bend, entirely bonkers
You like me best when I'm off my rocker
Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed
So what if I'm crazy? The best people are
All the best people are crazy
All the best people are


The sun outside shined through the window as I sat watching the dust fly in the light. Joel and Y/n lay asleep behind me, I turned to check Joel's temperature before carefully checking his wound. I wiped down the syringe like Y/n did the day before, filling it with medicine and putting it into Joel's wound. I watched Joel's steady breaths for a moment before getting up to check on the horses, I filled a bucket of snow for them, letting them eat some before walking a bit further away from the house. A flock of birds, caw-ing, caught my attention. I sneaked off to see what was happening, a group of men sneaking around the town. My heart dropped, their mumbled words filled my ears before I sneaked off again, rushing back to Joel and Y/n. I stormed down the stairs, harshly pushing Joel, Y/n waking up slightly with a hum. "Joel! Joel. Y/n. Wake up. Guys, wake the fuck up. Joel." I panicked, "Ellie? Whats wrong?" Y/n mumbled, "They're coming." He shot upwards as I walked away, grabbing a knife for Joel to hold. "Ok... ok. Look at me. There are men coming, Ok? Im gonna lead them away from you guys, but if anybody makes it down here, you fucking kill them. You got it?" I snapped my fingers, "Joel. Joel do not fall asleep." Y/n put his hand on my arm, "I'll protect him, go. Be careful, please." I looked to him and nodded, getting up again and running off. Once I got up the stairs I blocked the door and opened the garage, getting on Joel's horse and trotting off. I cantered to the men, halting a bit further away from them "HAY MOTHER FUCKERS!" I shouted, shooting one of the guy's knees. The horse spooked and I let it gallop off. "ALIVE!" I heard David shout as the men ran after me. A gunshot rang through the air as the horse screeched in pain, falling over and flinging me off into the snow. "I got her!" A familiar voice shouted, My vision blurred as my consciousness slowly faded in and out. "Do it." One of the men standing over me said, I heard the clicking of a gun, a different gunshot going off before I passed out.


I quickly got up, rushing to my bag, grabbing my knifes out of it and my gun, putting on my weapon belt and shoving the three knifes in their places before strapping my thigh band on, putting my dagger into it.
I turned to face Joel, crouching beside him as I slung my bag over my shoulder. "Joel." I spoke up, tapping his cheek, no answer. I sighed and slapped his cheek lightly, his eyes opened, looking at me slowly. "Im gonna go make sure no one's around, this knife? You kill anyone who gets past me. I'll be back, ok?" I told him he grumbled and hummed before closing his eyes, I hit his cheek again. "Joel. Do you understand?" His eyes found mine once more before he nodded, I relaxed and got up. "You better." I said to him before leaving through the small gap Ellie left for me, I blocked the door off completely before going to the garage and getting Rodney out and closing the garage behind me. "Spread out!" I heard a voice shout, my heart pounding. I rushed to get up on Rodney, asking him to trot on as soon as possible. When I had got to the road, I slowed the horse down, seeing a man walking the opposite way. I raised my gun and shot him in the head, Rodney flinched at the noise that had caught a few other guys attention. "Continue looking for the older one! We'll focus on the other guy!" I heard some guy shout, I trotted Rodney down the street.

I rounded a corner to see someone walking up to a house, my second bullet going through his neck. Another man creeped from outside the same building, trying to shoot me, his bullet hitting the tree beside my head. I pulled out one of my new knifes, throwing it towards the man, the blade landing in his stomach and a bullet striking his face. I heard a few men on the road I had come from, quickly turning Rodney around and cantering him towards them, two men raised their guns. My bullet hit one, making him fall to the floor. The second guy's shot went into my thigh, I cried in pain and angrily threw my knife into his skull. They hurt Joel, now me? Fucking imbeciles. My ears rung, "I know it's you X and you're gonna pay!" That voice... that voice- I know that voice... sick bastard. "YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!" I shouted to him, jumping off Rodney and tying him up on a tree.
"YOU'LL DIE FIRST." The man shouted back, "Not if you're teaching methods work..." I mumbled. My back pressed against the wall of a house, I peeked my head around it, he stood in the middle of the road, gun at the ready. I swiftly threw my dagger at him, the blade landing in his hip. He fell over in pain, my feet rushed over to him, his bullet struck the floor beside my foot. My hands connected with his throat, "You bastard! You will rot in the depths of hell." I growled in his face, "You... are FEDRA's monster." He spat, the wet substance landed on my cheek. "No. Im not FEDRA's monster. Im FEDRA's downfall. The devil's child, you're precious murderer." I spat at his face, pulling the knife from his hip. He groaned in pain, the blade sinking into his neck slightly. "And you... you're a demon, a true monster." I pulled the blade across his throat before plunging it into his Addams apple. He coughed up blood as he choked, some of it splattering onto my face.


My fist lazily connected with the unknown man's face, my arm reeling back to punch him again. "Leave him alone." The other man spoke up, "You're next." I muttered, pulling my knife out, "Please... I don't know any girl." The man taped to the chair said, I shoved the knife into his knee. "Oh! Fuck!" The man cried in pain, "Jesus!"
"Marco..." the man in-front of me pleaded, my body felt heavy as I grabbed his hair forcing him to look at me. "No, no, no, no. He cant help you. You focus right here. Or I'll pop your fuckin' kneecap off." I said lowly, "She's alive." He told me. "Where?" I asked, twisting the knife when I got no answer. "Ah! Fuck. Fuck! Ah. The town!"
"WHAT TOWN!?" I screamed at him,
"Silver lake." He answered, I let go of him and pulled my map out. "It's not a real town name. It's a resort."
"A resort?" I questioned, pulling the knife out his leg when I was met with no answer. The man yelled, I stood up, leaning on the couch, forcing the knife into the man's mouth. He grunted in pain, "You're gonna point to where we are... and where you're "resort" is. And it better be the exact same spot your buddy points to."
"Ok..." the guy whispered. I leaned back and held out the map for him, pulling it away once he had marked it. The knife dropping from his mouth, "Thats where we are. I swear. Go ask him. He'll tell you. I'm not lying." He said, I quickly grabbed the knife and shoved it into his chest. The other man shouted in horror. My body leant on the dying-man and the sofa, the weight of myself becoming difficult to manage. I got up again once I regained my balance, "Why the fuck did you do that?! He told you what you wanted!" The man on the ground shouted, my hand finding the metal pole on the other couch. I lifted it up, walking towards the squirming man. "You motherfucker. Fuck you. I ain't tellin' you shit."
"Its ok." I nodded, "I believe him."
"No..." he pleaded as I lifted the pole, bringing it down to strike his head.

Finished: 06:36pm 11/04/2023
Not as many words but thats ok,.
Joel torturing ppl makes up for it 🫢
Im slowly loosing storage from edits... but they're all just too good not to keep.

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