Episode: Nine, Part 4.

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Your best American girl by Mitski

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Your best American girl by Mitski

If I could, I'd be your little spoon
And kiss your fingers forevermore
But, big spoon, you have so much to do
And I have nothing ahead of me

You're the sun, you've never seen the night
But you hear its song from the morning birds
Well, I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star
But awake at night I'll be singing to the birds

Don't wait for me, I can't come


I woke up, the spray paint of a Firefly logo on a plastic water can beside me.
"Welcome to the Fireflies." Marlene's voice shook me awake. "Easy. You got hit pretty hard. Patrol didn't know who you were."
"Where's Ellie?" I asked her,
"She wasn't hurt. Not even a scratch. She's mostly worried about you."
"Y/n?" I sat up,
"He's fine." Marlene answered.
"Where are they?" I continued questioning her, sitting up.
"We lost half our crew crossing the country. I had five men whose only job was to protect me. And I still almost got killed. How'd you do it?"
"It was all them. They fought like hell to get here."
"Ellie would've been dead on day one. You are the one person I never wanted to be in debt to. But I owe you. We all owe you."
"Just take me to 'em."
"I can't. Ellie's being prepped for surgery. Y/n's busy."
"What surgery?"
"Our doctor... he thinks that the Cordyceps in Ellie has grown with her since birth."
"Why is she in surgery?"
"It produces a kind of chemical messenger. It makes normal Cordyceps think that she's Cordyceps. It's why she's immune. He's gonna remove it from her. Multiply the cells in a lab, produce those chemical messengers... and then we can give it to everyone. He thinks it could be a cure, Joel." She explained to me. "A cure."
I sat there, shocked, for a moment.
"Cordyceps grows inside the brain."
"It does." Marlene confirmed, turning to leave.
"Find someone else." I told her,
"There is no-one else." She said,
She doesn't know y/n's immune? No, she can't use him either. Oh God no. She can't.
"We didn't tell her. We didn't cause her any fear. There wont be any pain."
"No, you take me to her. You take me to her right now!" I raised my voice, the man next to me kneeing me. I doubled over in pain, falling to the floor. "Please... you don't understand." I told her.
"I do. I was there when she was born, Joel. I promised her mother that I would save her child. I promised. So I do understand. I'm the only one who understands. I'm sorry. I have no other choice."
"And I do?"
She nodded, "Theres a letter for you Joel. Once he's finished reading it, walk him out to the highway, leave him there with his pack. Give him these." She explained to her men, passing Ellies knife and a chain to one of the men. "He tries anything... shoot him." Marlene explained, throwing the folded note in-front of me before leaving. I opened the paper, reading the words in shock.

Hay, Cowboy.
Im ready to tell you. Well, I can finally tell you now. Marlene is sending me with some of her Firefly men to head back to Boston, just by those few words you should know why.
They're taking me back to FEDRA.
Im sorry.
I promise you we will find each-other again, no matter what. Im not giving up on us Joel. Wether it takes one month or three years, I'm not loosing hope in us. I will find you and I will never leave your side again.
Tell Ellie that I'm sorry, I don't have enough time to write her a letter. Tell her I love her and that I'll be with the two of you soon.
I love you, Joel. Thank you for showing me real love, my soul.

Finished: 11/04/2023
So uh, that was depressing!
Angry Joel coming up soon 🥲

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