Episode: Three, Part.2

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Don't look back in anger by Oasis

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Don't look back in anger by Oasis

Slip inside the eye of your mind
Don't you know you might find
A better place to play
You said that you'd never been
But all the things that you've seen
Slowly fade away

19th December 2007

I'd walked down a path, finding myself at a highly guarded town. An alarm went off, making me jump and two men rushed to the gate.
"Who are you?" The man with longer hair asked, "Im Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n." I said with my hands up my head facing the floor. "What do you want?" He questioned me again "A safe place to hide for a day or two." I answered, "Well we ain't a hotel. Go find somewhere else." He said turning around. "Please." I mumbled "Please help me Sir." I asked, "You don't know what they'll do to me Sir." I begged, the other man looking down at me with a frown "Bill, just let him stay for a few days." He asked The man named Bill. "No. We're not a homeless charity." Bill snapped, "Bill. Please, he's young and obviously someone's trying to hurt him. Lets just let him stay for a bit." The unknown man tried to reason. "Whatever, i need to scan you first." Bill said taking the FEDRA scanner out making me stiffen up. Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT. He scanned my neck "You're infected." He growled grabbed his gun and aiming it at me. "PLEASE NO! ITS TWO MONTHS OLD- PLEASE DON'T KILL ME PLEASE!" Tears formed i my eyes as I thought about Taylor. She died for me. She'd saved my life, I can't die now. "Give me one good reason." Bill said "Please... can we come to an agreement?" I asked "What is it?" The other man asked "Please, let me stay. Kill me if i turn. Just please let me stay. Im not asking for anything. Not even food or a house, just a safe place." I begged them, I couldn't go back to FEDRA. I couldn't. "Bill..." The man asked his partner softly. Bill gave in, "Fine. But i don't want anything to do with him." He said walking back inside the town and to his house.

"Thank you. Thank you so much" I said to the man in-front of me as tears ran down my face, "Come on sweetheart, let's get you to a shower." He said and i nodded "Im Frank by the way, I'm sorry about Bill... he has trust issues." He apologised. "Its ok, i do too at times." I told him, sniffling and wiping my tears.

Frank walked me to a house beside his and Bill's, opening the door and leading me upstairs. "Bathroom is in there, kitchen is downstairs. I'll grab you some food from ours ok, you settle yourself in alright?" He asked "Alright, thank you again. I seriously appreciate it." I say with a smile and with that he leaves, after i get a shower i see some folded clothes on the bed with a note

I didn't know what you liked to wear so i hope this will do, it's a tank top and some cargo pants. Don't worry there's underwear in there too hehe and a flannel. I left lunch for you downstairs in the kitchen, enjoy!
-Frank    •‿•

I smiled at the note, Frank was nice.

7th March 2008

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