Episode: Five, Part 1.

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Rises the moon by Liana Flores ♪Days seem sometimes as if they'll never endSun digs its heels to taunt youBut after sunlit days, one thing stays the sameRises the moon♪

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Rises the moon by Liana Flores

Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end
Sun digs its heels to taunt you
But after sunlit days, one thing stays the same
Rises the moon

"Eyes on me. Eyes on me." The unknown man said, Joel turned his focus towards him. "You don't have to worry about what to say." He told us, i scowled and twitched my finger involuntarily, the movement made Scruff silence himself with a whimper, "We don't wanna hurt you. We wanna help you.".
"Ok." Joel said plainly,
"Ok, um... i don't know what the next step is with something like this." He admitted "But if I lower my gun... We didn't hurt you... so you don't hurt us. Right?" I nodded slowly, "That's right." Joel continued his monotone voice, "That's a weird fucking tone man!" The younger man seemed slightly panicked. "That's just how he sounds. He has an asshole voice. Joel, tell him he's ok." Ellie rushed, "Everything is great." Joel continued, "Dude." Ellie huffed
"Fucking hell Joel." I sighed. "Fuck. Ok... listen... I'm gonna trust you." The man said, looking to the younger child and signing to him, the kid signed back. "But if either of you guys try anything..." he pointed the gun closer to Ellie "yeah? Yeah?"
"Yeah." Ellie said quietly, the younger man signalled his companion to move away from Joel, who had moved his arm to pat my thigh, silently asking me to lower my gun, which I did. "Can I sit up?" Joel asked, "Yeah." The man mumbled "Slow. Get up slow." He added. Joel slowly sat up with his hands up, "who are you?" He asked.
"My names Henry. That's my brother Sam... I'm the most wanted man in Kansas City. Although, right now... my guess is you two are a close second." Henry told us.

The small light lit up the room dimly, I was sat between Ellie and Joel. Henry and Sam in-front of us with scruff on the younger one's lap as we all ate. "Where'd you get these?" Henry asked, "From Bill... he's dead." Ellie answered harshly making me pinch her arm, "ow." She said looking up to my glare and pressing her lips into a thin line, "sorry." She apologised as silence took over...
Joel passed Sam the rest of the "food" the little boy tapped his brother and signed to him, "He says thank you." Henry translated "I'm guessing you don't have much, so... this means a lot." It was clear he appreciated it,
"How old is he?" Ellie asked, Henry signed it to Sam who signed back. "He's eight." Henry translated again, "cool. I'm Ellie." She said.
Henry signed it to Sam who signed back. "Y/n." I told them, Ellie had reached over me to flick Joel and hint at him to introduce himself. "Im Joel. Look, you ate, we didn't kill each other, let's call this a win-win and move on." He said,
"Well, I'm betting... that y'all came up here to get a view of the city and plan a way out." Henry correctly guessed "And when the sun's up... I'll show you one."
Ellie looked to me and Joel who stared at Henry.


"Welcome to Killa City." Henry said, i sat on a chair by the two men as we looked through the huge window. "No FEDRA." Joel noted
"Not as of ten days ago, no." Henry confirmed.
"We always heard KC FEDRA was-"
"Monsters? Savages?" Henry cut Joel off, "yeah, you heard right. Raped and tortured and murdered people for twenty years. And you know what happens when you do that to people?
The moment they get a chance, they do it right back to you.".
"But you're not FEDRA." Joel stated the obvious, "no... worse. I'm a collaborator" Henry admitted. Joel shook his head "I don't work with rats." He said turning to face Henry, "Yeah, you fucking do. Today you do... cause I live here and you don't. That's how I followed you here. I know this city, and that's how I'm gonna help you get out." Henry stopped Joel. "Rats." I mumbled, Joel looked to me with a sort of regret in his eyes, "No. You ain't a rat." He reassured turning to Henry again "Why help us?" Joel asked. Henry turned his head to look at me, "I saw what y'all did." He faced Joel again "The way you killed those men. Now I know where to go but i don't know how to make it through alive. Not if it's just me and Sam." He told us,
"You seem capable enough. You're armed." Joel reasoned.
"You're wrong and wrong. Never killed anyone." Henry said "Pointing an unloaded gun at you was the closest I've ever being to violent. So that's the deal." He sighed "i show the way... you clear the way. And you." He turned to me again, "You look familiar, FEDRA?" He asked me. "Ex FEDRA, on the run." I confirmed, he nodded "X. If that helps." I admitted. His eyes widened, "They're looking for you practically everywhere." He told me, I already knew so I shrugged. "They have been for seventeen years. Never works out well for them."

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