Episode: Seven, Part 3.

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True Faith by Lotte Kestner

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True Faith by Lotte Kestner

I used to think that the day would never come
I'd see the light in the shade of the morning sun
My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
To the childhood I lost replaced by fear
I used to think that the day would never come
That my life would depend on the morning sun
That the day would never come


The thunder was deep, the patter of rain on the window annoying me slightly. I was too interested in my comic to care that much, my eye still stung, red and slightly swollen. I ended up quickly flicking through the pages as i got tired of the comic. The opposite side of the room was empty, a bed lay there unused, it all felt wrong. "Lights out, ladies!" The Dorm Guard shouted before banging on my door. "Turn 'em off!" She yelled. I rolled my eyes with a huff, getting under my covers and turning off my light. I laid down, fidgeting to get comfy. Soon enough i was asleep.

I woke up to a hand clasped over my mouth, i grunted and pushed the person, they didn't budge so i kicked them to the floor. I rushed to grab my knife and turn on the light, flicking my switch knife open before looking at who the person was. "Ow." Riley said, fucking "Riley!?" She shushed me "Where have you been? What the fuck is wrong with you, sneaking up on me like that?" I said, annoyed.
"Its was a joke. Ok? I thought it would work better. In my mind, you loved it." She told me, getting up. "So... how's it going?" She asked, I turned to glare at her. "Ok, its bad." She looked to the floor. "I thought you were dead. You've been gone for three weeks. I should fuckin' stab you." I said raising my knife before flipping it back into itself. "No, I appreciate your mercy." She said gently, "Are you ok?" I asked, "I'm fine. I just ran away for a bit, that's all." She tried to reassure me. "If you're going through shit, you're supposed to, I dunno, talk to your best friend about it."
"I came back." She smiled a bit, i sighed looking away from her. "wait. Who gave you the black eye?" She asked, "Tell me where you were." I asked. "Gimme a name, and I'll fuck 'em up." Riley said sternly
"It was Bethany and I already fucked her up. Where were you?" I asked again, Riley turned around, placing her bag on the desk. She sighed and turned back to me, "I joined the Fireflies." She answered, "Oh, fuck you." I said with a laugh "Im not in the mood for this, Riley. Im really not in the mood."
She lifted up her shirt to show a gun, "You're a Firefly!?" I said with shock.
"Jesus! I told you I'd fuckin' do it."
"Talking about "liberating the QZ" is not the same as... f-fuck. Where did you even-" My speech get quicker before being cut off,
"Slow down. I will tell you everything. First, you have to promise me something. Sort of crazy, and you're gonna say no, but then you have to say yes." She said gently.
"Come with me for a few hours, and have the best night if your life." She asked, "No." I whispered.
"Ok, now say yes."
"Im not going anywhere with you it's-" I looked to the digital clock, "Great. It's Two am. And in a few hours, I have drills where we learn to kill fireflies."

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