Episode: Nine, Part 5.

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Gilded Lily by Cults

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Gilded Lily by Cults

Now it's been long enough to talk about it
I've started not to doubt it, just wrap my head around it
I remember when you told me it's an everyday decision
But with my double vision, how was I supposed to see the way?

-no pov-

Marlene's men walked Joel out of the room, shoving him down the hallway.
They'd made it to a sign of directions, Joel halting his steps. "I didn't hear anyone say stop." One of the men spoke up. "Which way?" Joel asked them, "Down the stairs." The man sighed, shoving Joel through the open door for the stairs. Joel trudged down the steps, the two armed men following behind him. He came to a halt again, "The fuck you doin'? Keep walking." The guy pushed Joel down a few steps, Joel not moving despite the mans words, "I said keep walk-"
Joel elbowed the guy, shooting the second man and the first one's knee. The man cursed in pain. "Where is she?" Joel asked him, "fuck you." The man growled. "I don't have time for this." Joel said, shooting the guy dead. The radios on the men's bodies announced a "shots fired" Joel took the knife and necklace from the man's pocket, looking at the firefly tag in confusion before quickly flipping it over to see it read "Taylor Daniels"
His heart stopped at the familiar name. He took his bag and some ammo from the men before heading back up the stairs, shooting a man through the glass window in-front of him. Walking through the doorway, shooting the same man again to make sure he wouldn't get up again.

He'd made it down the hallway before the sound of rapid gunfire filled his ears he leant of a counter, hiding out of range from the shooter. Re-loading the gun and shooting the man dead, he slowly walked forward, shooting men left and right. A man had surrendered in-front of him, asking for mercy and placing his gun down to the floor. Joel had no mercy to give, shooting him dead. He shot someone, taking Ellie's flip knife out and flicking the blade up. He walked over to the injured Firefly, stabbing the man harshly, removing Ellie's knife from the man and getting up, continuing down the hallway. He'd made it down hallway after hallway, killing every living being in-front of him. Dead men lay, in every part if the hospital, bleeding out on the smooth floor. Joel switched his gun to a pistol, soon finding himself by a sign pointing to the Pediatric surgery rooms. He turned the corner, walking down the hallway, stopping for a moment at the door at the end of the hallway. He continued towards it, the crusting paint of animals and bugs, clouds, mountains and trees on the walls from years and years ago.

He walked through the door, seeing Ellie through the glass of the window between them. He opened the surgery door, barely able to hear the voices, merely at a mumble. Joel was focused on Ellie, the way she sat there, so calmly, moments away from the end of her life. They took the air mask off her, "Unhook her." Joel spoke up.
"How did you get in here?" The surgeon asked,
"I said unhook her." Joel warned.
"I won't let you take her." The surgeon said, picking up a scalpel.
Joel didn't hesitate to shoot the man in the head, the two female doctors screamed in horror. "Unhook her." Joel repeated, "MOVE!"
The ladies quickly unhooked the passed out child. "Cover her arm. Fast." Joel told them, a lady grabbing a bandaid to cover the small cut in her arm. "Turn around." The two did as he said, spinning around to face the wall.

Joel picked Ellie up, holding her to him for a moment before lifting her up and walking out. Joel entered the elevator, pressing the button for the parking lot, the doors closing leaving him in silence. Joel looked to the girl, she lay peacefully asleep, heavy weight in his arms. Joel gulped as the elevator doors opened, walking outside and heading towards an unlocked car. Marlene came out from hiding, "you can't keep her safe forever. No matter how hard you try, no matter how many people you kill, she's gonna grow up, Joel. And then you'll die or she'll leave. Then what? How long 'till she's torn apart by infected or murdered by raiders? Because she lives in a broken world that you could have saved."
"Maybe. But it isn't for you to deicide." Joel told her,
"Or you. So what would she decide, huh? Cause I think she'd wanna do what's right. And you know it."
Joel couldn't think of an answer, his brain too muddled and foggy to even think. "it's not too late. Even now... even after everything you've done...
We can still find a way." Marlene told him, surrendering her weapon to face the floor. Joel looked to Ellie, the drugged girl limp, unable to defend herself. Unable to choose.

The car ride was the worst, the silence, the lack of a companion, Joel soaked it all in. Ellie groaned as she woke up, "what?"
"It's alright. You're with me. Take it slow... the drugs are still wearin' off." He told her, "I was with the Fireflies and then... what drugs?" She asked,
"They were runnin' some tests on you... and some others. Turns out there's a whole lot more like you... people that are immune. Dozens of 'em. And the doctors, they couldn't make any of it work. They've actually..." Joel stopped himself, the image of shooting Marlene playing in his head "They've stopped lookin' for a cure." He lied, eyes glued forward on the road. "Where are my clothes?" Ellie asked, "Raiders attacked the hospital. I barely got ya outta there. We'll find you some new ones on the way." He told her.
"Were people hurt?"
Joel's throat felt tight, "Yes."
"Is Marlene ok?"
Joel's silence was all she needed, "I'm takin' us home."
"Where's Y/n?" She asked, Joel's body tensed at the name. The man reaching for the letter in his pocket, passing it to Ellie. She opened the letter, reading the rushed words. Her eyes watered at the truth, folding the letter back up and passing it back to Joel. He sighed, taking the paper as he saw Ellie turn over to face away from him. "I'm sorry." He choked out.

Joel opened the car door, gently placing Ellie into the vehicle. Marlene's groans and coughs echoed through the parking lot. Joel closed the car door, striding over to Marlene, "God..." she coughed out, "No, wait. Wait, wait, wait. Please." She panted out, "Let me go."
"You'd just come after her" Joel said, raising his gun and shooting the woman.

Ellie sat In the car, new clothes on her as she traced her bite scars. "Well, she got us far enough." Joel said, closing the hood of the car "We gotta walk the rest of the way. Probably about a five hour hike, but we can manage that. Remember?" He asked Ellie, she smiled at the memory "Yeah."
The two had set off, following a track up a hill, "You know, Sarah and I used to hike like this all the time." Joel spoke up, "I wouldn't say it was her favourite thing. She wasn't a fan of the mosquitoes and such. But she was a big climber... or scamperin'. That's probably the right word. That girl... she'd see a big rock, and just... pshoo! She woulda liked you. Not to say the two of you are the same. Definitely different kids." He continued, Ellie listening to his words "How so?" She asked. "Well she was a lot more... i wanna say "girly", and I'm not saying that you're not girly."
"I'm not."
"Yeah, you're not." Joel agreed, "so that. She was taller. She had a killer smile. Again, not sayin' that you don't. But you know why i think she'd like you?"
"Why?" She asked,
"Cause you're funny. I think you would've made her laugh. Anyway, I bet you would've liked her back."
"Yeah, I bet I would've." Ellie said as they walked up to a clear spot, the town of Jackson in clear sight. "There ya go. Not much further now." Joel said, walking off.
"Hay, wait." Ellie's words making Joel stop and turn around, "Fuck." She mumbled, walking towards Joel. "Back in Kansas City, you asked me about the first time I killed someone.
When I got bit in the mall, I... I wasn't on my own. My best friend was there, and she got bit, too. We didn't know what to do, and she says, "we can just wait it out... be all poetic and just loose our minds together." And then she did. And I had to... Her name was Riley... and she was the first to die. And then it was Tess. And then it was Sam." She explained,
"That's not on you." Joel argued.
"I know, but-"
"Look, sometimes things don't work out the way we hope." Joel cut her off,
"You can feel like... like you've come to an end... and you don't know what to do next. But if you just keep goin'... you find something new to fight for. And maybe thats not what-"
"Swear to me." She stopped him,
"Swear to me that everything you said about the Fireflies is true."
"I swear."

Finished: 5:18pm 17/04/2023
Casually plays "Space Was Cool"
Whelp- thats it, I hope you guys enjoyed this book as much i did writing it, and thank you all for the support it means the world to me. I never expected this to get so many views and votes. I quite literally was making this for myself to read as there is not enough MxM Joel stories, but you guys seem to love it and I'm so glad you do.

"Meet me" will be waiting for your love soon.


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