Episode: Seven, Part 2.

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Labour by Paris Paloma

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Labour by Paris Paloma

the capillaries in my eyes are bursting
if our love died, would that be the worst thing?
for somebody i thought was my savior,
you sure make me do a whole lotta labour
the calloused skin on my hands is cracking
if our love ends, would that be a bad thing?
and the silence haunts our bedchamber
you make me do too much labour

The week before meeting Ellie.

I stood staring at the wall, I'd stopped fighting with the chains a week ago. The disgustingly boring room was a reminder of my stupidity of leaving my parents. For some stupid fungi, this was not worth it. "I could be home, with my family but no! I'm here! In this hell hole of a place. THIS FUCKING HELL HOLE." I kicked the wall, a hole caving in from the impact. I sighed and sat down, "Keep it down in there!" The guard scolded me, "KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT." I snapped back, a familiar tension in my muscles. FEDRA had fucked me up, I get pissed: I want to fight all the infected possible. Marlene opened the door, "I have something for you X." She said gently, a man walked through holding a baby, wrapped in a cloth. "You take care of her. Ok? I'll give you all you need." She told me, the man passed me the child, I eagerly took her, not trusting the man to be in possession of the child. "Her name?" I asked, "She doesn't have one." She said, the two leaving.
"You poor thing, no clothes either." I cooed, taking off my shirt and wrapping it over her, fully covering her body. "It's ok, you're safe with me." She giggled, i smiled slightly. "Aphrodite? No... Artemis? Nah. Persephone? Sure, that'll do." I continued to the child, Taylor's love for Greek mythology had rubbed off on me slightly. Marlene came back not too soon after, placing a bag of essentials down next to me. "Let me get you your flannel." She said, turning to leave again. "So, Kiddo. Let's see what we have... Milk, Heat packs, nappies, toys, a dummy. I guess that's all they could get. It's good enough." I said, grabbing one of the very few full bottles. I held the baby properly and gently gave her the nipple of the bottle. She immediately started drinking, "there you go... hungry huh?" She had gotten about half the bottle empty, "ok let's save the rest." I took the milk from her placing the lid on before putting it in the warmer side of the bag again. She cried slightly, "shhh, calm down." I cooed again, letting her have the dummy. She soon fell asleep after being burped, cuddled into my chest as Marlene came back. "She asleep?"
"Yeah." I said quietly, "Leave it on the bag for now."
"Ok, goodnight. Get some rest." She told me, I nodded. I wasn't going to sleep, especially with Persephone warming up to me. I sighed, resting my head back as she slept, the boring darkness of the room swallowed my mind. Persephone's cries brought me back to reality, i shushed her giving her the small teddy. "What's wrong then hun?" I unwrapped her to see her nappy heavy, I sighed grabbing a new one and changing her, wiping her with the cloth and wrapping her back up again once she was ready. I rocked her as be both fell asleep, We woke up to a lady opening the door with a Man holding a plate of food, "There's mash on that right?" I asked, "Extra." The man confirmed, i thanked him and he placed it in-front of me. "Name?"
"The kid?"
"Eat up."
"On it." I said blankly as she left.
I grabbed the spoon, scooping some mash and feeding the baby, she happily accepted, eating about half the mash. "Well done Pers." I smiled placing the spoon down and taking the fork to eat. Once I had finished I focused back on the little human in my arms. She had the dummy in her mouth, looking at me with a shine in her eyes as the rays of sun fell on her face. "Cutie." I sighed, failing to not get attached, it was harder with children. My stomach had been twisted with worry since they showed her to me, a heavy discomfort holding her in my arms. Something is wrong. I frowned at her, her eyes immediately loosening their shine as her lips curled down into a cry. "Shhh, no, no, I'm sorry." I tried to calm her, she pulled her arms outside the shirt, lifting her tiny fingers to my face. I smiled and she immediately stopped her cries with a giggle. Just like Mark did. She pulled on my hair slightly making me chuckle and she cooed, her babble's filling the air. She had a light ginger hair growing on her head, small freckles on her pale face... the complete opposite of Markus, he had wavy hair and darker skin. I need to stop.

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