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The friendzone, oh the friendzone,

 A place where many young hearts groan. 

You think you've found your perfect match, 

But then you hear the dreaded catch.

"I like you, but only as a friend," 

Those words can make your heart descend.

 You thought you had a chance for romance, 

But now you're stuck in a platonic dance.

You try to flirt, you try to charm, 

But all your efforts cause alarm. 

Your crush just sees you as a bud, 

And that thought is a real dud.

You start to wonder what went wrong,

 And why you can't sing love's sweet song? 

But then you realize with a start, 

That you can still be friends, just not a heart.

So embrace the friendzone with a grin, 

And keep your hopes up, love will win. 

Just because you're not meant to be, 

Doesn't mean you can't be happy and carefree.

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