Lazzy Ones Seek Destruction

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In the shadows they lurk, the lazy ones, 

Who refuse to build, and only seek to shun 

The toil and sweat required to create 

A life of worth, a destiny great.

They sit and watch as others strive 

To build a home, a family, a thriving enterprise 

But they refuse to join, to work and strive 

And instead, they plot, they scheme, they criticize.

Their envy festers, like a poisonous weed 

And they seek to bring down all who succeed 

In building a life of value and purpose 

They'd rather see destruction, than see others flourish.

They envy the strong, the brave, the bold 

Who build a life, a future, a stronghold 

And in their envy, they seek to destroy 

All that is good, all that brings joy.

But we as a society, must not yield 

To the lazy, the envious, the unyielding field 

We must recognize their destructive intent 

And fight them with all our might, till the end.

For we must build a world of hope and light 

Where all can thrive, where all can take flight 

And those who seek destruction and pain 

Will be relegated to the shadows, once again.

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