The Danger of Envy

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Envy, a monster that dwells in our souls,

 A feeling that consumes us whole, 

More dangerous than any other flaw,

 It leads to murder, a fatal blow.

The society tries to hide its face,

 Calls it jealousy, a term of grace, 

But envy is a cancer that spreads, 

Leads to destruction, chaos, and dread.

The envious ones, they cannot bear, 

To see others prosper, to see them fare, 

They want to take what's not theirs to take, 

And kill the source of their envy's ache.

The society turns a blind eye, 

To this malady that makes us shy, 

Judging the envious would mean, 

Judging themselves, a sin too obscene.

We all have felt envy at some point, 

But the problem is when it becomes a joint, 

Of hatred and malice, leading to a desire, 

To destroy others' lives and set their own on fire.

Envy is the root of many a crime, 

A poison that corrupts us over time, 

We must acknowledge its presence within, 

And not let it turn us into a sin.

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