Serial Killer Chase App

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Two boys, brave and bright,
With technology, they set to fight, Against the darkness, against the night,
To protect the innocent, with all their might.

With their app, "Serial Killer Chase", They tracked the killers, without a trace,
Alerting the community, to the danger in place,
A valiant effort, to save the human race.

One day, a killer they did find,
On the internet, his evil mind, Targeting young girls, one of a kind, Their lives in danger, fate unkind.

With their app, they took a stand,
To stop the killer, with a helping hand,
They rallied the community, across the land,
To catch the killer, make him disband.

The chase was on, with adrenaline high,
The killer fled, as the young ones did pry,
The app was their weapon, to catch him nigh,
And bring justice, to those who did die.

In the end, the killer was caught,
By the police, and the young ones who fought,
Their bravery, and their app, they brought,
Justice to the victims, who were distraught.

A tale of courage, a tale of might,
Of two young boys, who took the fight,
Against the darkness, against the night,
To protect the innocent, with all their might

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