Online meetings sucks!

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Oh, another online meeting, how fun! Said no one ever, as the day begun. But here we are, all gathered in screen,

Ready to sit through this meeting routine.

The boss is talking, I nod and smile, But my mind is wandering, mile by mile.
I can't take it anymore, it's all so dull,
I need to escape, but how to cull?

Then, a brilliant idea crosses my mind,
A way to leave all the meetings behind.
I'll just pretend my connection is slow,

nd voila! I'll have a free pass to go.

So, I start to fidget with my router, Making it look like a digital looter.
I put on a face of total distress,
And claim my internet is in distress.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you, you're breaking up,
My screen is frozen, my sound's gone kaput!"
I say with a poker face, trying to act, And slowly start to disconnect, fact by fact.

One by one, my colleagues drop away, And I'm left alone, to enjoy my day. No more endless meetings, no more corporate speak,
Just me, my laptop, and some time to sneak.

So if you're tired of online meetings too,
Just pretend your connection is askew.
It's a foolproof plan, that I can attest, And it's guaranteed to give you some rest.

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