Hypermasculinity and Hyperfemininity

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Oh, I see you with your muscles bulging,

And your voice that sounds like gravel tumbling.
You strut around with such a macho air,
Trying hard to prove you don't care.

But I see through your facade so tough,
To the fear that lies beneath it all.
You're scared to let your true self show,
Afraid of being seen as weak, you know.

And then there's you, with your pretty clothes,
And your voice that's high and full of rose.
You twirl around with such a girly flair,
Trying hard to prove you don't care.

But I see through your mask so bright,
To the pain that haunts you through the night.
You're scared to be anything less than sweet,
Afraid of being seen as too incomplete.

Oh, the lengths we go to hide our truth,
To keep up the facade of our youth.
But what we fail to see in all this fuss,
Is that it's okay to be both tough and plush.

So let's shed the layers we've built around us,
And embrace the beauty that lies within us.
For it's only when we're true to ourselves,
That we can truly be free from these shells.

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