Abussive Boss

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There once was a boss, so mean and vile
He made his employees want to run a mile
He'd scream and yell, and throw a fit He never seemed to care a bit

He'd make them work from dawn till dusk
And never once would he discuss
The long hours or the lack of pay
He'd just berate them all day

But one day his workers had enough They banded together, and got tough They wrote a note and left it on his chair
It read, "We're done, we can't take it anymore"

The boss was shocked, he couldn't believe
That his employees were about to leave
He begged and pleaded, but it was too late
They all walked out, they didn't hesitate

Now the boss is all alone
He can't run his business on his own He learned a lesson, that much is clear
Be kind to your workers, or they'll disappear!

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