Modern Noah

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Once there lived a man named Noah, 

Whose heart was heavy with foresight, 

He warned of a coming disaster, 

A storm of economics, with all its might.

He pleaded with his people, 

"Come with me, let's flee this land, 

We'll use our savings to journey far, 

To a place with a strong, stable stand."

But they all laughed and scoffed, 

Thinking he was out of his mind, 

They continued to live their lives, 

Leaving Noah and his family behind.

"Why don't you just leave?" they asked, 

Mocking his every move, 

But Noah knew the truth of the matter, 

And so he gathered his loved ones to prove.

They set out on a journey, 

Using their meager savings as their guide, 

And as they sailed to a new place, 

They left the naysayers far behind.

The storm soon arrived as predicted, 

And the land was thrown into disarray, 

Crisis, authoritarian governments, and slavery, 

Brought ruin to the land without delay.

And as the people cried out in anguish, 

Wondering why they didn't heed Noah's call, 

He and his family found a new home,

 A place where they could thrive and stand tall.

For Noah knew the value of foresight, 

And the power of taking action, 

And though it may have been difficult, 

He found a way to make his own satisfaction.

So let us learn from Noah's story, 

And listen when a warning is spoken, 

For it may just save us from disaster, 

And lead us to a new life unbroken.

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