Religion: a mask

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In the shadows of the pious and devout, 

Lurk the sins they dare not speak about, 

Their facade of righteousness, a mask they wear, 

To conceal the darkness that they can't bear.

They pray and they chant, with fervor and zeal, 

But their hearts and their souls, they cannot heal, 

For they use religion as a tool to hide, 

The darkness that they carry deep inside.

They speak of love and forgiveness divine, 

But their actions reveal a darker design, 

For they judge and condemn, with righteous ire, 

Those whose sins are not cloaked in a holy attire.

They claim to seek redemption and grace, 

But their hearts are still full of malice and hate, 

For they use religion as a shield and a sword, 

To justify the sins that they can't afford.

But the darkness they hide, it will not fade, 

It lingers and grows, like a poisonous shade, 

And as they continue to sweep it under the bed, 

It accumulates, until there's no more space to be had.

So let us not be fooled by their pious guise, 

For true righteousness, it cannot be disguised, 

And let us not use religion as a way to hide, 

The darkness that we must confront and abide.

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